Professional Driver Explains Tactical Driving
Released on 04/27/2019
[tense music]
Any of this PIT maneuver stuff
and J-turns and high speed backing.
If you're using any of those skills,
you've done something probably really silly or just gotten
into a hornets nest of trouble all of a sudden.
My name's Wyatt Knox and I'm the special projects director
here at the Team O'Neil Rally School.
I've been instructing, professionally,
high speed driving, high risk driving for over a decade now.
So I started rallying when I was 18
or 19 years old and I'd do a few a year.
2012 I did the entire National US Championship
and I won two-wheel drive.
The definition of rally racing,
getting from point A to point B quickly
with the vehicle still running underneath you
is basically the definition of tactical driving.
Tactical mobility, in a nutshell,
is basically having excellent car control
so that if something happens, you know you're capable of
handling your vehicle and its occupants safely,
and also being able to respond to other potential happenings
depending on what sort of a mission
you might be involved in.
For the most part of the folks that we put through
these types of courses here at the rally school
are with the United States and friendly governments
venturing into special operations folks
who spend a lot of time in some
pretty rough places around the world.
Disclaimer, a lot of the stuff that we're doing here
on our private 600 acre facility
hidden away in the mountains in New Hampshire,
is training folks for high risk environments overseas.
It's definitely not for the roads of America
and that sort of thing.
Tactical mobility, the way that we train it here,
getting really, really good car control
in all different kinds of vehicles,
and then introducing some of the offensive
and defensive skills that you might need.
So this car is a Ford Crown Victoria.
It makes a really excellent training platform for us
because it's representative of so many heavy American
rear-wheel drive automatic vehicles
that are commonly used by security professionals.
A rear-wheel drive car like this when you accelerate,
the rear tires spin and the back end
of the car swings all over the place.
So it's really good for training
and getting into a bunch of skids
and sliding around and learning how to handle that.
We do weld on these big heavy duty steel bumpers
so that we can run into each other
without doing so much damage but they've got
good suspension and really thick wheels
and tires and stuff from the factory.
We have snow tires on this one.
You can see it's met some of the other cars.
And then we just do the big steel bumpers in the back.
All right, so we're gonna set up a course out here,
take this car out and run through some representative
scenarioses that you might find out in the real world.
All right, coming back at ya.
So a J-turn is essentially just a reverse 180.
You're gonna use a J-turn if you're driving
along down the road and up ahead, for whatever reason,
you see something you don't like.
You'd much rather be going the other direction quickly.
J-turns, it's kind of a Hollywood move.
You see it a ton in action movies and TV shows,
and that kinda thing.
It's not something that a lot of people
are really gonna use operationally overseas,
especially if you're in an armored SUV.
Are you gonna do a J-turn?
No, it's gonna flip over.
If you're in a congested urban area,
are you gonna do a J-turn?
No, you're gonna run into something.
But if you've got enough area and you've deemed,
hey we need to be going backwards at high speed right now.
The more tools you have in the toolbox,
the better off you're gonna be.
Come to a full and complete stop, get it into reverse,
back up, we usually give it the count of three.
So one, two, three, let off the throttle and turn.
Add a little bit of break and you can get the car
to snap around nice and quick.
While it's rotating, engage drive,
straighten the wheel and get outta there.
The PIT maneuver is basically a pursuit technique
when you need the vehicle that is in front of you
to either get out of your way or come to a stop.
It's necessary to do that by doing as little harm
to your own vehicle as possible.
[Policeman] Here comes looks like they might
try a PIT here getting up on the right hand side.
He'll get up there.
Here it is, here's the PIT maneuver, coming to a stop.
In order for the police to use it,
it's considered use of deadly force here in America,
so unless whatever that person has done
warrants that, you're not gonna see that,
but you will see it very commonly overseas.
You can do a PIT maneuver on either side of the vehicle.
The reason that most folks in the United States,
the police departments used to train
match your left front to their right rear,
is because it's easier for the driver
and you're spinning them away from oncoming traffic
for police department use.
Say this is your target vehicle
for a PIT maneuver, kind of the sweet spot
that you're going for is right in this area right here.
If you're too far to the back, chances are you'll just
damage the car without actually spinning it out enough,
and if you get up into the wheel and that sort of thing,
you're gonna do a lot of damage to your own vehicle
and it might not work out so well.
You're following a vehicle, lagging behind,
when you decide it's time, drive up quickly,
match your left front with their right rear,
make contact, turn in and accelerate.
And if you do it just right and drive through them,
that car's gonna spin out.
And even for an expert, it's not gonna be recoverable
and they'll be spun around and stopped.
A much more useful skill than being super good at J-turns
is actually just being able to back up at high speed.
If you're in an urban environment, you need to back around,
back through traffic and parked vehicles,
you're not gonna be doing J-turns.
When you're backing up, a lot of the engineering
that's gone into making your car perform
the way that it does, is working against you.
Whenever you're in reverse, your car is rear steering.
If your car is rear-wheel drive, now it's front wheel drive.
Even the way that the breaks work and everything else.
Cars are not designed to drive quickly backwards
and most drivers are just not great at it.
The easiest sneaky trick is to get your left arm
over the seatbelt, brace your left foot
over where the dead pedal might be
and turn yourself around in the seat as much as possible.
My hand is at what would be 12 o'clock
if the wheel were straight.
I'm not very good at high speed backing.
I will need one more attempt.
It's terrible on the ice.
You've gotta be good with your mirrors.
So hopefully you've got them adjusted
and you got a little bit of wherewithal.
And it's not that tricky, it's nice,
you got both hands on the wheel.
Watching your left side and your right side
and backing through traffic or around some obstacles.
And the best thing you can do is get
backed into a side street or an alleyway,
or something like that, get it into drive so you can
really get some speed up and get out of there.
If you're ever the passenger in a vehicle
and for whatever reason, the driver becomes incapacitated
to the point where they're no longer able
to operate that vehicle anymore.
Somebody's diabetic or if they're prone to seizures,
or anything like that, that's where hopefully
you've practiced the driver down drill.
You're in the passenger seat, something happens
and you realize that the driver's no longer able
to operate the vehicle appropriately.
First step is get your belt off
and reach across to grab the handle on the door,
not the handle that opens it but like the safety handle,
and that'll just help hold them in position
while you scoot over, basically sweep their legs
out of the way and you're gonna be operating the pedals
with your left foot only and the steering wheel
with your right hand only.
The way that we train it, is yeah,
you've actually gotta get through some exercises like that
so that you're pretty capable and you can make it around
a few turns and get the vehicle to a stop.
I feel much better now.
Oh yeah, no I don't care.
I needed that. No problem, yep.
Some of the folks that are headed overseas
to pretty hostile environments will train the same drill
but with three men in the car, four men in the car.
The driver down drill at that point turns into
passenger takes control, rear seat gets the driver out,
do what you can for them, passenger moves completely
into the driver's seat, car continues driving.
Most drivers out there on the street are probably just OK
driving round with perfectly normal unaltered vehicles,
but it's good to be able to do some of these things
and to go through this training and have those skills,
and know how to prepare vehicles so that if,
for some reason you do need to just drive at the limit
or get through some different situations,
you've got those skills.
Personally, when I'm looking for a vehicle,
I either select an older vehicle that doesn't have ABS
and traction control and that sort of thing,
or at least an older vehicle,
it's usually easy to disable.
In this 2002 or three Subaru, I can pull a fuse or two
and in about 30 seconds, we're analog, no electronics,
ready to go have a good time, slide around corners.
Basically, driving with ABS and traction control
is like swimming with a life jacket on.
It's really easy to swim and you can swim around just fine,
but ABS and traction control limit your car's performance
a dramatic amount on a slippery road.
You can't really stop that well,
you can't get up hill sometimes, it can be frustrating.
But, ABS and traction control, and also stability control,
they're all wonderful systems
and they've definitely saved lives.
So the first time you approach an unfamiliar vehicle,
there is kind of a little checklist that you can do
even if you just have a second to look at one side
or do a quick walk around.
Number one's always gonna be tires.
What kind of condition are they in,
do they have air in them or do they have tread?
So winter tires, much softer rubber,
like a pencil eraser almost.
You can hit it with your thumb and kinda squish it around
and that's what you're looking for in very cold temperatures
to stay stuck to the road.
Just gaging the tire pressure, usually you can give it
just the thumb test of just pushing in
on the middle of the side wall,
and you should get a quarter inch of deflection or so.
Too hard's not really a problem.
If it's too soft it'll overheat and you'll have a blowout.
If a car like this might be strange to you,
get yourself in, get your seat and your steering wheel
properly adjusted and adjust your mirrors.
It's really the silly stuff that ends up biting people.
The mirrors haven't been adjusted
or you don't know where the wipers are
and you hit a big mud puddle, and then you're turning
the headlights on and whacking the stereo
in trying to figure it all out.
And it really only takes 30 seconds to a minute
of sitting in a car to make yourself
kinda happy with it and you're good to go.
So we've got here is a Subaru WRX.
It's an all-wheel drive turbo charged car.
We don't have any ABS or traction control
active on this, it's fully analog.
We're gonna take this car, put it through its paces
in a few exercises out here at the rally school.
Just rolling the windows up,
it's gonna get a little slushy.
[car engine revs]
Most of the skills that we're teaching here
at the rally school are rally based skills.
The Scandinavians came up with left foot breaking
for the most part, using left foot breaking
in front-wheel drive cars to get around corners faster,
doing the pendulum turns.
It's called the Scandinavian flick by most people.
Intentionally chucking the car
sideways to get around corners.
They were really the early masters
of this kind of car control and it's developed since then
as cars have gotten a little better
and tires and suspensions have gotten a little better,
there's more kinds of racing
that have used left foot breaking.
Now, basically everybody's doing it.
There's a lot of different reasons for left foot breaking.
The first one is always just gonna be reaction time.
Being able to get to the break very quickly
lets you drive a lot faster, a lot more safely.
One of the other main reasons for left foot breaking
is to be able to control the weight of the car.
Part of what you're doing is putting weight on the front
to help the car turn, and if the back end slides around
because of that, you need to
put weight on the back for stability.
And that's what you're doing with your right foot
on the throttle and your left foot on the break,
is just transferring weight smoothly
to the front and smoothly to the rear.
There's a common misconception in the world right now
that a skidding car is out of control.
Because if you skid you'll crash.
And the truth is, there's a huge amount of gray area there
where you're skidding around and you're sliding a car
but you're well under control.
And that's really where you're getting the most performance
out of any vehicle.
If you watch a dirt bike, they're always spinning tires
and locking tires up and sliding round corners.
It's the same with cars, it's just people have forgotten
how to do it and most people were never taught how to do it,
and now most cars come with systems
that don't even allow you to do it.
One really important skill to have if you're traveling
to these high risk environments, is to be able to move
other objects and or vehicles out of your way as necessary.
Going hot.
If you need to breach a barricade with a vehicle
or get through some kind of road block,
the most important thing is knowing
where the strong points on your car are.
And those are gonna be your two frame rails on the front,
and sometimes they're closer together, further apart,
or higher up or lower down, and you're gonna wanna
line those up directly with whatever it is
you're trying to move out of the way.
With a vehicle blocking the road,
you're gonna line up one of your frame rails
with the rear wheel of the vehicle
that you're trying to move.
If you happen to see that it's a pickup truck
that's freighted down in the back, sure, go for the front.
Whichever end looks lighter, usually it's the back,
that's where you're gonna wanna square up with
and push out of the way.
And if you can manage to hit that
rear wheel with your frame rail,
you're jut gonna break that contact patch with the ground
of those rear wheels and push that car out of your way
very easily, without doing
really any damage to your own car.
Be aware, in a normal car, your airbags are gonna go off,
the fuel pump might shut off, and you're now gonna be
stranded right in the worst possible situation
just having done something really stupid.
Most vehicles that are kind of fleet supplied
to the folks that we work with that are going overseas,
that stuff's all deactivated.
Really, the baseline of all the training
that we do here is car control.
And that comes from just spending hours
sliding cars around and learning where
the road's limits and your own limits
and different vehicle's limits all exist.
And it just gives you a tremendous amount of capabilities
to get in and outperform 90 something percent
of normal drivers that might be out there on the road.
[dramatic music]
[Man] Making decisions based on what you're presented with
is one way to exercise your mind
and learn how to pay attention to the small things.
I was a special agent with the FBI.
My job was to catch spies.
[Man] Retired Navy SEAL, 21 years combat experience,
and now a crisis management professional.
I've been instructing professionally high speed driving
with the United States and friendly governments.
If you take the time to evalsuate
walking or driving that same route every day,
you've just reduced the number of things
you have to pay attention to when something bad occurs.
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