You Can Actually Duel With These Awesome Custom Lightsabers
Released on 12/09/2015
(lightsaber buzzing)
(lightsaber humming)
(lightsaber buzzing)
(lightsaber humming)
(lightsabers crackling)
(lightsaber humming)
(lightsabers crackling)
(clacking) Guys, can you keep it down?
I have Zuck on the phones.
(door closing)
[Narrator] Here at Wired, we can't get
enough of Star Wars.
And nothing is more iconic in the Star Wars universe
than the lightsaber.
Lots of manufacturers have made lightsabers, but generally,
these these have been low-quality toys for kids
or high-quality prop replicas that just lived on shelves.
People are hungry for more from their lightsabers.
A DIY community of sabersmiths like Vader's Vault,
Ultra Sabers, and Saber Forge are finally
beginning to meet these needs.
So what makes each lightsaber special?
Here's the new saber that you've been seeing everywhere.
It's Hasbro's Kylo Ren model, the new three-bladed,
dark side, red splitter from The Force Awakens.
Realistic sounds?
Fancy new cross-guard?
Inexplicable cable running down the side?
For a few hundred, you can unsheathe the slim, combat-ready
lightsaber called the Ardent Elite built by Vader's Vault.
The grip is much slimmer on Vader's Vault's sabers
because these things are actually made for fighting.
Not feeling that Luke blue?
Try a Photon Blade or a Yoda green.
This is the Ultra Saber's Graflex, it's a replica
of the saber Obi-Wan gave gave to Luke in A New Hope.
Like the Vader's Vault models,
it features switchable sounds and replaceable blades.
It also has a flash-on-clash effect,
which you've got to have if you're trying to work
something out with dear old dad.
For the truly bespoke Jedi, turn to Acme Sabers,
which only makes a few custom models a year,
but these things are truly custom.
This one has an activation box with a kill switch,
power button, and sound button which can toggle through
sound and clash settings.
Want that rugged, built from junk
you scammed off a Jawa look?
Get a Starfall saber.
These are constructed from found pieces of metal.
The company makes different tiers of sabers
from the super fancy with changing blade colors,
changeable sounds, and clashing features to dueling models.
Star Wars season is in full effect,
which means you've still got time to find
the lightsaber that's built for you.
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