Instagram Wants to Make It Easier for You to Find What You Want
Released on 05/15/2015
We also took a look at user search
which was pretty awful for a long time;
You couldn't find the people that you were looking for,
and we've seen you know,
tens of percentage points increases
in performance of that search features
since we started actually tackling it.
It's actually good collaboration with Facebook.
They know search,
they've been doing search for a long time.
We had half a person's time on the weekends
working on search.
They have a team of dozens working on search,
so to be able to hook into
that platform has been great.
But this is the very beginning,
there's a lot more we need to do to make
that news discoverable,
to make what's going on in the world accessible to people
without them having to go hunting for it,
or find out about it through a friend.
Right now, most Instagram discovery
happens very organically through,
hey, have you heard of this amazing
like the Nepal Photo Project.
Like now you know about it,
but only because Now I know about it.
I've transmitted it
and through I see now a very sort of viral experience
to have you one-on-one transmission that way.
Well, it's the only social service where
the only real way I have of adding people
is when a human being, usually my partner,
sometimes, I don't know, the tech CEO in the greenroom,
says, follow this. And yet, it doesn't go away.
And yet, people are using it more.
Instagram Wants to Make It Easier for You to Find What You Want
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