Absurd Creatures | Bats Are Totally Awesome. Trust Me, I'm a Vampire
Released on 10/30/2015
(funky music)
[Matt Simon] How cool are bats?
They're the only mammals that can fly,
they see with sound,
and they're a great excuse for the crew, to dress me up
like an idiot.
I hope you guys are having fun.
[Offscreen Voice] Looking good, Matt!
[Offscreen Voice] Work it, Matt!
[Matt Simon] Anyway, bats.
When you're looking at a batwing,
you're actually looking at a highly modified hand.
Surface area is a membrane supported by long thin fingers.
By taking to the air,
and exploiting niches other mammals can't,
bats have become hugely successful,
tallying over 1,000 species across the globe.
In fact, they make a big quarter of all mammal species.
Bats of course use echolocations to pinpoint
and catch insects mid-flight.
That requires some seriously frenetic maneuverability
like a fighter pilot on amphetamines,
but it was only recently that scientists discovered
how exactly bats are pulling this off.
It turns out that a bat's wings are covered
in microscopic sensory hairs
that detect changes in air currents.
So in addition to using echolocations
to make sense of their world,
bats actually feel their way through the air.
But not all bats are after insects.
The biggest among them eat fruit.
These are the accurately named fruit bats,
the biggest of which sport a wingspan of almost six feet.
Because fruit never evolved wings to fly around
and evade predators,
fruit bats have no need for echolocations.
They just use their sense of sight and smell.
The weirdest among the fruit bats
has to be the hammer-headed bat.
Only the males have the bizarrely shaped noggin,
which amplifies vocalizations to attract females.
And then
And then, there are the vampire bats.
Typically, these are going after things
like pigs and cattle,
but have been known to bite sleeping human beings.
But unlike vampires like me,
they don't actually suck the blood.
They just give their victim a nibble,
and lap at the wound.
Which makes me wonder why I had to wear this stupid thing
at all.
[Offscreen Voice] We had the idea
before you wrote the script, Matt.
Starring: Matt Simon
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