HBO: Ignore the Game of Thrones Books
Released on 04/22/2015
Some people are worried that new season of Game of Thrones
will add too much stuff that's not in the books.
I'm worried that the new season won't slice away
enough stuff that is in the books.
I explain way brutal trims are needed
on this week's episode of Angry Nerd.
First you, whoops.
First your comments.
Son of Hephaestus writes, What do you think about
the Ghost Buster cinematic universe that's been announced?
Ugh, the phrase Ghost Buster cinematic universe
fills me with dread.
Not even a certified genius like Egon Spengler, PhD,
could spin out enough compelling content to make me wanna
lose myself in a richly-detailed Ghostbusterverse.
RIP Ramis.
Speaking of fictional universes, Game of Thrones is back.
The fifth season of the HBO series is supposedly
gonna venture further and further afield from the sprawling
series of fantasy novels that it's based on.
I think that could be a good thing,
especially if the show takes an axe to the extraneous
material that's bogged down the last couple of books.
See, a good fantasy book series creates an entire
imaginary universe that can be hard to get your bearings in.
It's no surprise that most fantasy novels
have an actual map that you can consult to orient yourself.
The earlier seasons of HBO's Game of Thrones
did a good job of bringing G.R.R. Martin's world to life
and like in the novels, it even has a map
to help you orient yourself.
You see it during the open credits.
It focuses on the specific locationss
that you'll see in that particular episode.
♫ Look, Stannis Baratheon's in the north
♫ In the north, in the north, in the north
♫ Daenerys Targaryen's in Meereen, freeing slaves
Tolkien established all of this.
His Middle Earth was a virtual world so complex
that it needed maps, glossaries, genealogy charts,
the stuff in the appendices of Lord of the Rings
was so compelling that it was used
to pad out The Hobbit into three movies.
Now, the problem with Game of Thrones author
G.R.R. Martin, I mean other than the fact that he writes
slower than a mother (bleep) stonecutter is that
he doesn't know what material belongs in the appendices
and what should be part of the books proper.
Some of that material slowed the books unforgivably.
The fourth and fifth installments in the series
were meant to be a single book, but they would have been
almost 2000 pages so they were split in two.
A complete list of all the candidates vying to rule
the also-ran kingdom of the Iron Islands,
that should have gone into an appendix.
Long disquisition on heraldic symbols
of every noble family in the realm,
that should have gone into an appendix.
Complete list of all 77 courses served
to attendees at the Purple Wedding,
that should have gone into an appendix
and then that appendix should have been removed
and added to the official tie-in book,
A Feast of Ice and Fire.
Far more of that material should have been offloaded
into the cookbook and the other companion volumes.
The Land of Ice and Fire maps collection
and the World of Ice and Fire:
An Untold History supplemental materials.
Yes I own them all, don't judge me!
George R. R. Martin has clearly got
his book editors under his complete control,
like Ramsay Snow and Theon Greyjoy.
It's up to the HBO show runners to take
a pair of scissors to this excess material.
Who do you think is going to die
on this season of Game of Thrones?
Hey, book readers, no spoilers.
I'm talking about characters who are still alive
in the books but are killed off in the shows.
Make your picks in the comments,
subscribe to the Wired channel, and watch my other videos.
(gentle music)
Arm's getting tired.
Waiting on you to say, Cut.
[Director] Cut.
I can't stop!
Get over here.
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