The Future of Legal Marijuana Explained with Marijuana
Released on 04/19/2015
(digital bleeps)
[Narrator] Marijuana legalization is moving quickly.
23 states have either legalized recreational weed entirely,
decriminalized possession to some degree,
or have legalized medical marijuana.
So what is the future of legal weed?
Privateer holdings (mumbles) to 82 million dollars
to invest in weed start-ups.
Some predict that legal marijuana
could grow into a 40 billion dollar a year industry,
and that it could generate up to seven billion
a year in taxes.
Legalization could even cut Mexican drug cartel profits
by up to 30%.
Mexican weed wholesale price is as much as a quarter
as expensive as it was before the wave of legalization.
In part because US weed is often more potent
than it's Mexican counterparts.
With 10 to 20% THC compared to 3 to 8% south of the border.
The future of marijuana also includes lots of co-products,
like marijuana lemonade, a vaporizer designed
by an Apple developer, marijuana infused sex lube,
and of course plenty of innovative edibles.
And there are apps, MassRoots and Weedmaps allow pot smokers
to connect with dispensaries and each other.
Pot biotics is developing an algorithmic app
to recommend medical marijuana strains to patients.
And Grassp, Canary, and Eaze are all weed delivery apps.
Now that's capitalism.
Marijuana's medical potential has definitely helped
the legalization movement.
It is used to treat or alleviate symptoms of glaucoma,
seizures, anxiety, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis,
muscle spasms Crohn's disease, arthritis, Parkinson's,
PTSD, and pain from cancer and cancer treatments.
And only 6% of marijuana studies investigate
its health benefits.
So there may be many more undiscovered medical applications.
Won't all this good legal weed make more people smoke pot?
Possibly, Colorado jumped from having
the seventh highest percentage of regular users
of marijuana to the second highest during legalization.
That said nearly 50% of Americans
have already tried marijuana.
And maybe that's not such a bad thing.
Considering that marijuana is far safer
than any other recreational drug,
and 114 times less deadly than alcohol.
So get ready for a new era of legal weed.
And remember you don't have to inhale.
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(upbeat music)
US States With Some Form of Legal Marijuana
Privateer Holdings Investment
Potential Size of Marijuana Industry:
Potential Size of Tax Revenue From Marijuana
Impact on Mexican Drug Cartels
THC Amounts in US vs Mexican Marijuana
Medical Applications of Marijuana:
Percentage of Marijuana Studies Investigating Medical Uses
Increase in Reported Use in Colorado After Legalization
Percentage of Americans Who Have Tried Marijuana
Safety of Marijuana Compared to Alcohol
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