A Look at the Cocktail Kingdom Ice Ball Maker
Released on 02/05/2014
(light piano music)
(fast-paced percussion music)
[Narrator] Sure, you could serve a drink
on the usual rocks.
What are you, some kind of barbarian?
Ice cubes melt too fast.
At least that's what some bartenders say.
Something about surface-to-area ratio.
But a sphere?
Now we're talking.
Put ice cubes in into the
Cocktail Kingdom Professional Ice Ball Maker,
and the energy generated between
the weight of the heavy anodized aluminum mold
and the ice crafts it into a perfect sphere.
Just be careful, melt water is going to spill everywhere.
Price is steep.
It's about 150 bucks,
but that's what, one good bottle of single malt?
It makes for an awesome looking drink.
Just be prepared for the ice
to bonk you in your nose when you taste it.
(musical swooshing)
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