How Oculus Cracked the Impossible Design of VR
Released on 03/28/2016
It's hard to believe it's been almost four years
since we first heard the phrase Oculus Rift.
Yet in the intervening months,
the team at Oculus has done a lot, and I mean a lot,
of difficult thinking about the way this thing should look,
and the way this thing should feel.
So let's take a trip down memory lane.
This one, which is my favorite,
because it's such a monstrosity,
isn't even so much a design prototype,
as it is a proof of concept.
The team at Oculus wanted to know
exactly what it would take to shoehorn in
all the things that wanted in the consumer build,
into what was then, the form factor,
one of their early developer kits.
So, here is when they also started
to think about different ways that they could actually
fix this thing once it was on your head.
What they started to play with here,
was if you had this thing on the back of your head,
you had an elastic strap,
what if you had a, almost a bike helmet style
tightening mechanism back here.
It definitely secured it.
But again, lot of moving parts, wasn't necessarily friendly.
This is called the Crescent Bay prototype.
And it was the last thing that developers got to use
to build their games on before the retail unit came out.
You can see that they figured out what to do,
more or less with the audio.
It was kind of an articulated headphones piece
that could swivel to fit the ears of whoever was wearing it,
close down on 'em, or swing back up.
Now this one has seen better days.
But what you're really finally getting
is a sense of those last design touches
that became available in the retail build.
They started playing with putting a fabric overlay
around the eyebox.
That's just one of those approachability things.
So by this one the team at Oculus was trying
to figure out how to account for the fact
that everyone's eyes are slightly different widths apart.
It's called interpupillary distance
and Oculus wanted to make sure
that the Rift would accommodate people
who were within the fifth and 95th percentile.
Which brings us to now.
More than three and a half years
after that very first ski goggle strap prototype
showed up at the E3 game show,
it's the very real, in the flesh, Oculus Rift.
Of course, you can see the answer to all the questions
that the design team grappled with over time.
There's the kind of curved feel to the outside.
There's the fabric that wraps the eye box
to make it a little more approachable.
There's that integrated audio solution
that swivels back and forth
to account for different peoples' ears.
It all goes to your computer through this one, slim, tether.
Now, eventually we want this to fall away.
We want to walk into the metaverse unimpeded.
But until then, I'll see you in virtual reality.
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