The Director of ‘Jurassic World’ on Tackling the Beloved Franchise
Released on 06/12/2015
Evacuate the island.
I saw Jurassic Park and I was 16 years old.
Taught me a lesson what great movies can do.
It doesn't have to be for children,
it can be something that everyone in the audience
children for those two hours.
I wanted to tell a great story
and I wanted something that was going
to be able to entertain children.
To me, it wasn't so much about the movie
it was more about our culture in general
and this desire for constant upgrades
and entertain us more, and a bit of a blase attitude
about the scientific technological and also
natural wonders around us because we have
seen everything now, we have the internet,
a little bit about the corporatization
of science and the danger of bringing that need for money
and profit into a scientific process.
And then it's also, I think on a larger scale,
and hopefully this is more for the children
who watch it, it is about our relationship
with the other living things on this planet
and the planet itself.
Line in the movie that Irrfan Khan says
dinosaurs remind us how very small we are and how new.
And that's one of the reasons I'm fascinated by them
is in the same way of when you look up at the stars
and you feel dwarfed and you feel very small
and you recognize how completely microscopic
your personal issues are and even this planet
is in general, I think dinosaurs do the same thing.
In the context of our earth, you recognize
we are only the dominant alpha species on this planet
because we are here right now
and if we were here 65 million years ago
we probably wouldn't even be here.
We would disappear very quickly.
I think the characters are presented
in a little bit more of a classical point to point
storytelling, in the way that it's all designed.
It's very simple and efficient and clean
and I'm very proud of that.
What it does do that I really love,
if I could name one thing is it allows the dinosaurs
to become characters.
And I really embrace the face that the T-Rex
in the last movie
ultimately by the end, she starts out as a villain
and then she saves everybody and she becomes a hero.
And I thought we could take that another step forward.
And so there are several dinosaurs in this movie
that by the time you get to the end,
you kind of know them.
You don't just know their mythology
but you know a little bit about their personalities,
so when they fight it's a little more loaded.
There's stakes there that are a little more emotional
and when it all goes down, it's not just a bunch
of computers punching each other.
It feels like living things that you care about
and you want to know who wins.
And that especially for kids, that kind of stand up
and cheer moment, which is difficult to manufacture,
you have to earn it.
And I think we have it in this movie
and I've seen audiences react to it
and that moment where you just get this,
people having the time of their lives
that makes me very happy.
(children screaming)
Starring: Colin Trevorrow
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