Would Jurassic World’s New Dinosaur Win in an Epic Showdown?
Released on 06/13/2015
(electronic music)
I'm Jack Horner.
I first got involved with the Jurassic Park movies
when Steven Spielberg called me up one day
and asked me if I'd like to work on a movie.
(electronic music)
If you're going to have a battle between
an Indominus Rex versus a T-Rex,
Indominus has a much better chance of grabbing
hold of T-Rex and wrestling him around a little bit,
but if T-Rex were able to get a hold of his neck like that
(dramatic music)
Tyrannosaurus Rex has a bite force of about 12,000 pounds.
(electronic music)
And if you look at Indominus's mouth, its teeth
are really not very big, I mean,
they're sorta gnarly-looking, even.
(electronic music)
Even though it's got powerful arms and
probably a pretty good bite force,
it doesn't have the bone-crushing
teeth that we see in T-Rex.
(electronic music)
It would be a good fight, but in the end
if T-Rex got a good grip on it,
and got its mouth around his neck,
I think Indominus would be in trouble.
It's sort of 50/50 here,
but Indominus is a lot bigger.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Indominus wins this fight.
(electronic music)
Indominus Rex against a raptor pack
is a whole different thing.
(velociraptor screeches)
I don't think there's any contest here.
I think the Velociraptor is going to easily win.
Velociraptor is going to come not as a
single individual but as four or five individuals.
Velociraptor can jump on the back
(dramatic orchestral music)
and use his slashing claws to rip him open.
(electronic music)
Indominus is gonna do is just sorta
whirl around and try to get him off of him
and I don't think Indominus stands a chance.
I think he's dead.
Velociraptor wins.
Can I have this one?
[Producers] Yes.
Oh boy, can I take him to the movies?
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom.
This guy here is gonna go waaah.
And so, as he comes in, he's just gonna open his mouth
and just let him right in
and that'd be the end of it.
Starring: Jack Horner
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