Astronaut Chris Hadfield Debunks Common Space Myths
Released on 04/23/2018
Five, four, three, two, one.
Hi, I'm Commander Chris Hadfield, astronaut,
spaceship commander, spacewalker, part-time musician.
I'm here today to, hopefully,
debunk some common space myths.
Here's this common perception,
that you will immediately fry to a crisp
by the unfiltered, unadulterated solar radiation
if you get sucked out of the airlock.
In truth, it's way worse than that.
In the shade in space, it's like minus 250 degrees,
but the part of you that's in the sun,
it's plus 250 degrees, at least,
so it's gonna start boiling and burning.
It's like lying on a red-hot stove
with a piece of dry ice on your back.
End, your lungs are gonna be sucked flat instantaneously.
But even worse than that, is your blood is gonna boil.
Like opening a can of pop
where suddenly all the little bubbles come out
because there's no air pressure around you.
So simultaneously, you are going to freeze, boil, burn,
get the bends and no longer be able to breathe.
Not a good way to go.
I've done two space walks and I was very thankful
to have a spacesuit around my body
so that none of those things happened to me.
(lively music)
Sometimes you hear that you have to work out constantly
or you will pass out and possibly die in space.
Not true.
Livin' on a spaceship is the most lazy existence
you can imagine, you're weightless,
you do not have to lift a finger.
You don't have to hold your head up.
Your heart doesn't have to lift your blood against gravity.
You can be the laziest person in the universe in space.
But eventually, you need to come back to Earth
and if you don't exercise for your whole six months
in space, you'll sort of turn into a jellyfish.
So we do exercise two hours a day on a spaceship.
We have a resistant machine, we have a unicycle
and we have a treadmill where elastics hold us down.
Just to keep our bodies strong enough
and our bones dense enough so when we get home
we don't just fall over like a puddle.
But, you don't need to work out all the time.
(lively music)
You've probably heard that space has a smell,
maybe like burnt steak or some type of barbeque.
That's true.
When you come in from a space walk,
you're surrounded by the emptiness of space.
It's sort of like the opposite of air,
there's nothing there at all.
When you quickly repressurize the hatch
and you open up the hatch and you smell
what is that lingering smell from a place
that used to be exposed to space,
the smell in there is a little bit like
that trace of a smell of gunpowder or burnt steak.
Or, to me it's sort of like brimstone,
like a witch has just been there.
It's a cool, lingering trace of a smell.
I think what it really is, is the emptiness of space,
the vacuum of space is actually pulling trace chemicals
out of the metal of the walls of the ship.
Little bits of stuff you never smell
because normally there's air pressure holding them
into the metal.
They're slowly off-gassing those tiny little trace gases
and trace particles that otherwise,
they'd never get into your nose and those are released.
Sort of that metallic, gunpowder-iron smell,
that's where the smell is comin' from.
Maybe it's not even comin' from space,
it's just sort of coming from space's affect on our ship.
Yeah, in truth, it smells a little bit like a burnt steak.
(lively music)
So there's a lot of word that if you go incredibly fast,
like the speed of light,
if you could travel at the speed of light
that you won't age and despite thousands of years going by,
you'll stay the same but everybody that you know will die.
That's not really true.
Einstein called it relativity, 'cause what he meant was,
your aging will be different relative
to people's aging on Earth.
You'll still age, time will still pass for you,
but people on Earth will age at a different rate.
So that if you came back after going incredibly fast,
you would have gotten older by the amount of time
that it took for you to travel,
but people on Earth would have aged much, much faster,
they would have had a longer period of time.
Because if you get going fast enough,
your speed is sort of proportional to the time passing,
so you'll still age, you'll just age at a different rate
than people back on Earth.
Einstein did this cool thought experiment.
Imagine if you were looking at a clock,
the light from the clock is coming and hitting your eyeballs
and telling you it's 12 o'clock.
Well, imagine if you could move away from that clock
at the speed of light.
It would only say 12 o'clock
because that light and you would be moving away
from the clock at the same speed.
So for you, it would look like it always 12 o'clock forever,
you'd still be getting older
but that clock would always look like it was the same time.
The people on Earth were continuing to live,
they're not aware of you goin' the speed of light.
So, you can see that the time for you,
because of your speed, is relatively different
than the time for the people on Earth.
It's a really unusual thing to try and grasp in your head.
(lively music)
What happens when something blows up in space?
If something explodes in space will it make a sound
and could a human hear it?
It's a pretty easy question to answer.
The sun is just an explosion.
The sun is the biggest explosion any of us can imagine.
It's a huge, continuous, thermonuclear explosion.
It's every atom bomb we've ever built,
way more than that, continuously exploding.
It would be the loudest thing imaginable.
It's constantly happening but we don't hear a whisper of it
and that's because there's nothing to carry the sound
from the sun to us.
Even though it's incredibly violent,
there's nowhere for the pressure of all of that sound,
all of that noise, to be carried across the emptiness
of space to shake my ear drum in here
and let me hear the sound of the sun.
It's a good thing, it'd be deafening.
So, if something explodes in space it makes a sound
but there's no way for that sound
to be carried across space so that I can hear it.
(lively music)
There is this idea out there that maybe the only way
that we can really create gravity is to spin the spaceship
so that everybody is stuck to the sides
like one of those rides at the fair
where you're pinned against the wall.
And for now, that's actually true.
We don't know how to control gravity.
We have no way to control gravity.
We can sort of pretend there's gravity by spinning a ship
and everybody stick to the sides,
like a ball at the end of a string.
Maybe someday we'll figure out how to control gravity,
but for now, we have to spin the whole ship,
only in the middle will they be weightless.
(lively music)
I've seen that people think
that NASA is working on warp speed
so that we can travel at the speed of light
to interstellar planets.
Warp speed is an invention of science fiction.
If we knew how to work on warp speed we would.
We don't know how to go anywhere near the speed of light,
it takes an unlimited amount of energy.
The faster you go the more energy it takes, E = MC squared.
It goes up with the square of the speed in fact.
So, how can you generate that much electricity
and what does it do to your mass?
We don't know?
We think, maybe, it's possible that you could go faster
than the speed of light,
but we sure don't understand how right now.
So, we're not really working on it
so it's not really true, we're hoping for it.
(lively music)
In so many movies you see that the only way
that they survive interstellar travel,
from one star to another,
is to freeze yourself into cryo-sleep.
We don't know how to do that.
Right now when you freeze water,
which is what we're mostly made of,
our blood and everything, it goes into crystals,
it turns into ice crystals.
And if you allow the beautiful, delicate nature
of your human body to expand into ice crystals
it'll destroy the structure of you, it'll kill you.
You know, frostbite destroys it
so that you get gangrene in your hand.
You'd end up with an entirely destroyed body.
So right now, we do not know how
to successfully freeze a human body
so that it is not gonna be permanently destroyed.
Maybe we'll figure it out someday,
but all of those movies that rely on freezing the crew,
we don't know how to do that, it's not real.
(lively music)
You see on the internet all the time
someone has built a balloon
and they've launch some little figurine
with a camera attached to it
where they take a picture way up high in the atmosphere,
you can see the curvature of the Earth.
It's pretty cool.
But there's some people thinking you could fly yourself
all the way up to the stratosphere
with some sort of high-altitude balloon.
You can, actually, but it's really complicated.
Felix Baumgartner, when he did his leap out of a balloon
and actually go through the speed of sound falling
down towards the Earth and landing with a parachute,
he was way up into the stratosphere.
The stratosphere starts at about six or seven miles up,
it's not all that high but then it goes on for a long way.
There's not enough air to breathe,
you kind of need to have air liner with the pressure inside
to keep your body healthy if you're that high.
But if you take the right equipment with you,
yes, we can use a balloon to lift us high enough
to get all the way up into the stratosphere.
So, if you have the right equipment, it's true.
(lively music)
You've probably read somewhere on the internet
that if you go to the space station
your body will get taller, sort of expand
and it'll be painful and you're gonna be taller forever,
an irreversible experience.
It's not really true.
As I'm standing here talking right now,
gravity is pushing me down towards the floor.
Every single bone in my body
and the little bit of gristle that's inbetween the bones,
like each of the vertebra of my back,
every one has a little disc inbetween each of the bones.
And even my hip bones and my knee bones,
there's a little bit of a gap.
Well, if there's no gravity pushing me down
then those gaps can all get a tiny bit bigger.
If you stay in weightlessness for a few weeks,
in fact your body just sort of stretches
because the gap between each
of the bones gets a little bigger.
And in my case, I got about that much taller.
But you aren't really taller, you're just sort of,
temporarily, longer, but it's not permanent.
As soon as you get home and gravity starts doin'
it's work on you and grinding you down,
everything squishes back down to its launch.
So you may be, for a little while,
a little bit taller in space
and it may hurt your back a little
'cause everything's sort of gettin' pulled tight.
Some people have back pain in space as a result,
but it's not really growing, it's just sort of stretching
to your natural maximum.
Then you're gonna get squished back again
as soon as you get home.
If you do get maybe that much longer
after you've been in space for a few weeks,
think what your pants would be like?
They're gonna be high above your ankle.
And if you put on a spacesuit,
who custom fit the spacesuit to the size of your body,
well, we know it's gonna happen
so we actually plan in advance.
We fit our spacesuits knowing that the astronauts are gonna
be a little bit taller when they're in space,
or at least their bodies are gonna
be a little bit stretched.
And even the seat that protects us
when we come back to Earth, the crash seat,
so that when we hit the ground it protects us properly,
we allow for the fact that our backbones are gonna
be slightly longer when we're up there.
But your clothes, you don't really know how they fit
because you're floating around weightless,
your shirt is always floating around your body.
So you never really have a sense up there
how well your clothes fit just because there's no gravity
to pull them down and look
and see how well they're fitting on your body.
It's more like they're just floating next to you.
(lively music)
I read somewhere that
on board the International Space Station bacteria multiplies
10 times faster in space.
So, if you get sick your body's gonna be like torn apart
by this ravenous strain of mutant salmonella.
It is a different place than Earth, the space station.
We run around with little swabs all the time
to measure what microbes and what viruses,
and what little tiny bits of life might
be growing on the spaceship.
We also go around with little cleaners and wet wipes
and wipe down the whole space station all the time,
like in a hospital,
to try and keep the whole thing clean and hygienic.
And we are finding that some of those primitive forms
of life do mutate slightly differently
in the high-radiation, weightless environment
of the spaceship but no one has died yet
because of the mutant salmonella.
I'm Chris Hadfield, hopefully this has helped
to answer some of those common space myths.
(lively music)
Starring: Chris Hadfield
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