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Aquanaut Breaks Down Ocean Exploration Scenes From Movies & TV

Aquanaut Fabien Cousteau breaks down clips from movies and tv about ocean exploration, and explains just how accurate they really are. Are submarines really yellow like The Beatles's "Yellow Submarine"? What makes the Titanic shipwreck so legendary? Can sharks be as intelligent as the ones seen in "Deep Blue Sea"? How much was "The Life Aquatic" based on Jacques Cousteau?

Released on 02/23/2022


[upbeat music]

[water splashing]

My name is Fabien Cousteau.

[Narrator] Fabian, is an aquanaut, an ocean explorer.

Today I'm going to break down some clips

from movies and TV about ocean exploration,

so let's dive in.

Exploring the ocean,

The Life Aquatic With Steve's Zissou.

[upbeat music]

It's a little close to home.

There are many different types and shapes

of submersibles or submarines.

From military use,

they could be quite large and quite comprehensive

to scientific submersibles

that contain just one person.

Breathing underwater,

Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the black Pearl.

[jolly music]

[Announcer] This is either madness or brilliant.

I love this movie, but that's actually plausible.

If the boat is heavy enough to hold the air

for a short of amount of time,

there's enough oxygen in that breathing loop

to be able to do that.

Air pockets form in things that are concave.

So like a cup being forced underwater,

but that's the key is, is the boat heavy enough

to not float up to the surface with an air bubble?

Additionally, scuba diving and ocean exploration

under the blue veneer was first started

with this similar kind of concept.

So this is feasible.

So it would seem.

Ocean currents, Finding Nemo.

[upbeat music]

What brings you on this fine day to The EAC?

Yeah, so ocean currents are absolutely real.

Deep ocean currents are basically conveyor belts

connecting the various oceans of the world.

Many animals that are transients

actually use ocean currents for transportation.

So it is absolutely possible to find these kinds of turtles

and others in these kinds of currents,

because they've been using them

for hundreds of millions of years

to transport them from point A point B.

Rogers! Roger!

Ships, The Beatles: Yellow Submarine.

♪ We all live in a yellow submarine ♪

♪ Yellow submarine yellow submarine ♪

Usually we listen to sounds of nature

because we have to be very attentive to

the radio from the surface

to other sounds around us in the water.

Well, my grandfather built some of the first

underwater submersibles for scientific research.

And in order to distinguish a submersible for military use

versus a submersible for scientific research,

the research submarines were painted yellow.

High visibility, so you can see them easily

and distinguish themselves from other purposes.

And so the color yellow is very typified

in underwater research submersibles.

Now that said, that's not the only color,

there's white there's orange, there's many other colors

but yellow is by far the most common color.

[Announcer] I kinda like the way it is.

Losing oxygen, Into The Blue.

So many things are wrong with this scene.

First of all, you shouldn't be low or out of air.

If you are, you should be with your buddy

who share air with you.

This is an analog pressure gauge, very common

and it's buried in the zero mark

which means that he just ran out of air completely.

And that's an extremely dangerous scenario,

and one that you are trained to avoid.

Yo, check this out.

Where's Amanda?

He of course understandably went straight to the surface,

not blowing bubbles, which you should be blowing bubbles

as you're going to the surface,

otherwise you can risk an embolism.

Give me that tank quick. Come on!

Come on! Come on!

[water splashing]

Grabbed a tank, with no regulator on to go back down.

In emergency circumstances,

you can swap those tanks out underwater

if you know what you're doing.

But this guy looks like he doesn't know what he's doing.

Fantasy underwater habitat,

Star Wars One: The Phantom Menace.

[choir vocalizing]

Almost everything in this scene is total fantasy

other than the free diving aspect of course.

But what's interesting is the miniaturized apparatus

that they put in their mouths,

is actually molded after something that

has been experimented with.

[choir vocalizing]

In most fantasy renderings of underwater habitats

you see a dome and then see people

in some sort of dry environment underwater city.

That's kind of a hybrid idea between

what we as human beings need, which is a source of air,

a source of breathing gas

and some of these sea creatures who can seemingly

transition from a water environment to an air environment

without any problem in breathing.

That said, we are building an underwater city of sorts,

an underwater research station,

more akin to the international space station of the sea

called Proteus.

Proteus will be fully equipped to take on

at least 12 to 18 people,

to house a submarine in a submarine hangar.

And to be able to deploy aquanauts,

for indefinite periods of time in the ocean

and to live underwater for not hours or days,

but weeks, months and possibly longer.

Deep diving gear, The Abyss.

Give me a reading after liquid oxygen gauge.

There's some creative license taken

in this particular scene.

Deep divers typically do use suits somewhat like this.

Although this certainly looks like a space suit.

The suit itself apparently is equipped

with liquid breathing.

Give me a reading after liquid oxygen gauge.

Which up to this day is not feasible.

The idea of liquid breathing is exactly that,

it's breathing liquid that's rich in oxygen

so that it sustains life.

What we typically use on expeditions are full face masks

which fit the entirety of your face up front.

And that gives us the advantage

of being able to have multiple

different kinds of attachments on there,

including in this case an open circuit pod,

we can switch this out, to a closed circuit pod,

which allows us to use rebreathers.

And additionally, it gives us the ability

to have communications.

So we'd have a microphones in here

and we'd be able to communicate

amongst each other underwater and to the surface.

The Meg.

[intense music]

[girl screams]

I'd love to have that habitat.

That looks pretty cool with the tube and everything else.

There are several things wrong with that clip.

First of all scale,

there's no shark of that size in existence today.

It just simply doesn't exist.

Oh boy

How do you like that? Bleed.

The injury that it sustained getting sliced open like that

may not have killed it right away,

but it certainly would've injured a shark enough

so that it would've broken off an attack.

[dramatic orchestral music]

And lastly, I've never seen

so many different species of shark in one particular screen

or one particular glance.

Real interesting, but total fantasy.

At the end of the day,

there're only about 90 to 95 shark incidences worldwide

of which a dozen are fatal, which is tragic.

But compare that to the 120 million sharks

we slaughter every year, who should be afraid of who?

Ocean myths, Atlantis, and Aquaman.

I wanna live there.

[gentle music]

Atlantis has been a common myth since the Greek legends.

And it may be based in some aspects of history

where earthquakes may have swallowed up

a nearshore village and sunk it to the bottom of the sea.

[Announcer] The ocean swallowed us, and Atlantis sank.

People have been fascinated with the ocean world

since there've been people on this planet

because it's below the blue veneer.

It's below that surface area.

It's that mystery place

that is full of animals and sea creatures and aliens.

And so, it stands to reason

that we would hope and think and dream

that there's an underwater city down there somewhere.

Oh, I know the story.

Underwater exploration, The Titanic.

[Announcer] Okay, veer two, we're going over the mast.

Stay with us.

The Titanic has been the subject of pseudo legend

for a century.

One iceberg sank it right to the bottom of the ocean.

And so between the publicity

and the notoriety of the Titanic, it's become quite legend.

This particular clip in Titanic,

actually portrays a fairly accurate visual

of what you would see on a clear day underwater

especially at depth,

when you happen onto a shipwreck.

With that kind of light and those kinds of capabilities,

that is quite possibly what you'd be confronted with.

[Announcer] Still Gets me every time

You're really trying to set me up aren't you?

[Announcer] Fuck!

Well, Hollywood has outdone itself yet again.

First and foremost, don't touch anything you don't know

in the water, ocean lake, whatever.

Just don't touch it.

Additionally, laying eggs in long strands like that,

I've never seen, especially from a Piranha.

Certainly aims to be quite an entertaining film.

[Narrator] This is incredible

Stranded, Open Water.

Daniel where's the boat?

I guess it's one of those.

They pretty much did everything that they needed to do

when they popped up.

Normally when a person goes for recreational diving

they have all the basics, including BCD, mask fin snorkel

and a tank.

In the scenario like in open water,

two things that could save your life

and are easy to carry are a whistle,

to signal attention to the closest boat

and a safety sausage, which when you inflate,

comes up three to six feet

depending on the size of the sausage,

so that it signals where you might be.

Very simple mechanisms, easy to carry

and can potentially save your life one day.

Capturing fish, Finding Nemo.

No! Dad!

No! No!

It should be absolutely illegal

to take anything from the sea

without any specific permissions.

I would highly recommend

that you leave the coral reef the way it is

and just take pictures.

Because otherwise you could be subject

to some very strict rules by the authorities.

You think you could do these things, but you just can't.

Finding treasure, Into The Blue.

[upbeat music]

They look like a bunch of Yahoo divers.

There are a lot of things that if you're a professional

treasure hunter or archeologist, you simply don't do.

First of all, you always wear rash guard or a wetsuit

even in tropical waters.

Typically you don't hang onto each other

with one DPV or dive propulsion vehicle.

[upbeat music]

There are a lot of procedures that you'd wanna follow,

to do things professionally.

This is definitely not professional.

I can't believe this guy, the nerve.

20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Take care of our tentacles.

They'll seize anything within reach

and hang on to the death.

There are a lot of rumors why the giant squid

has become this mythological animal.

I would imagine you find

little tantalizing bits of evidence washed up on shore

and the imagination fills in the blanks.

And so you create a sea monster,

giant cephalopods, including squid exist.

And we haven't really done a good job

at finding them or filming them.

There have been sailor stories

of large animals like giant squid

sometimes wrapping their tentacles around their boats.

I would imagine that there may be a time down the road,

where a deep sea submersible,

not a large submarine like Nemos,

but a small submersible may have an encounter

with a squid or some other kind of cephalopod.

It's possible that it may get curious

and wrap its tentacles.

I would imagine, it wouldn't be able to bring it

down to the bottom, but hey, they're pretty big animals.

The classic shark attack, Jaws.

Fire you son of a.

[loud bang]

Shooting a scuba tank in a shark's mouth,

probably not gonna yield those results.

Typically shooting a scuba tank

allows for the air to pass through the bullet hole

and will make it act like a rocket

more than an explosion.

Aye aye sir. Aye.

Free diving, The Big Blue.

There's many different kinds of free diving

from variable weight to constant weight,

to assisted to unassisted.

In this particular case,

the protagonist goes down to the bottom on a sled.

So variable weight and goes to the depths in the dark

to experience the ocean.

I've gotta go and see.

Those who do free diving,

they would consider this a more pure form of diving.

[gentle music]

I don't usually see free divers dive at night,

but the rest of it is fairly accurate.

Defense against sharks,

Lara Croft Tomb Raider: Cradle of Life.

[shark shrieks]

First of all, it's a giant shark coming at her

and she's punching with her weight

towards an animal that weighs 10 times what she was, more.

Not realistic. Secondly, sharks don't yawn underwater.

It was a common practice and common thought

that punching a shark in the nose was a good deterrent

in case you were face to face

with an animal that was aggressive.

We've since found out that

you actually have a good chance of angering the animal.

Smart sharks, Deep Blue Sea.

They recognize that gun.

It's impossible. Sharks do not swim backwards, they can't.

Ah. What to say about that clip.

They're right that sharks don't swim backwards,

unless for short distances

they can back out of a corner or something like that.

It's not realistic.

Shark cage, 47 Meters Down.


One of the first things that you do

in that kind of scenario

is you have a backup connection to the boat.

It's almost impossible for something to fail

but if it does, you're always attached to the boat

and you don't go sinking to the bottom.

Oh my God look at those teeth.

I can't believe how close here.

There are several things that are very real reactions.

For example, if this is your first time

shark cage diving, it's very impressive.

It's a little,

can be a little intimidating or scary.

[Announcer] Are you girls okay?

No. I think the cage just dropped a little bit.

They do have Aga mask

or Aga type masks on for communications.

Usually you're on hookah and not on tanks

when you're in the shark cage.

But if God forbid something like this would happen,

they do have an air supply with them.

More ships, The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou.

[Announcer] Here's where we do

all our different science projects and experiments.

This is the kitchen which contains probably

some of the most technologically advanced equipment

on the ship.

That clip comes very close to home.

The Calypso was my home growing up

and the crew were family.

The Belafonte is quite similar in that nature.

[Announcer] Top side, we've got the bridge,

the mini sub, an old chopper, and all kinds of radar

and sonar and underwater movie gadgets.

Your typical research vessel

would be set up for everything that you need

for long-term expeditions.

Because in many cases, once you sailed off from port

you would be gone three, four, five, six months,

sometimes multiple years at a time.

So you would need to bring with you

everything that you could.

A library, for all the research needed,

a galley of course that was fully equipped,

preferably with wine.

And of course some laboratories to do experiments on site.

For us, it was also having a dive locker and other vehicles,

so that we could get to places

that the ship just couldn't.

Equipment damage, The Abyss.

[metal clanking]

Oh shit!

That's what about what everyone would say

in that scenario.

Having equipment that's tethering you to the surface

coming down from the surface is potentially devastating.

Holds on the exterior. Let's move!

Let's go! Go!

Go! Go!

Taking away the fantastical aspects for a moment,

teams such as the one in The Abyss,

are mimicking some of the functionality of teams

in exploration for deep ocean in the realms of,

oil exploration, cable laying

et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Diving gear, Men of Honor.

One, two, three.

Ah, yes. Lead feet.

Although I've never been in the US Navy

this seems like a fairly extreme test for the US Navy diver.

The equipment that he was donning

is hundreds of pounds

and it is extremely difficult to move in.

So you have to be very well trained

and great physical shape.

They used to use those for training in the old days.

And it was commonplace before scuba to use hard hat diving

to explore bottoms of the ocean.

At ease.

Underwater explosions, Lost.

[dramatic music]

Underwater explosions have the potential

of being quite devastating.

Now what I'm really curious of about though

is why the young gentleman sealed himself inside,

when he could just have easily gone by the bulkhead

and sealed himself on the safe side of that explosion.

I don't know.

Mother nature, Day After Tomorrow.

[winds and waves crashing]

Everyone's worst nightmare.

No one's gonna sleep after this.

No one in cities near shore.

[people screaming]

So tsunamis huh?

Tsunamis and large waves can be triggered by many things,

including tectonic plates shifting.

Luckily this is very rare, but it does happen.

It's happened in the South Pacific several times

and unfortunately lives get lost.

In this particular fictitious scenario,

that's hundreds of thousands

if not millions of lives that could be lost.

I guess if we lived on a different planet

that didn't have an ocean,

we could avoid these kinds of issues.

But the reason why we exist,

the reason why everything that we know,

we love, we cherish exists is thanks to the ocean.

[Narrator] Conclusion.

One of my goals in life,

is to have people fall in love with the ocean

the way I did as a child.

As much as I love Hollywood and fiction,

the reality of ocean is much more mesmerizing.

It's Pandora's box of mysteries waiting to be uncovered.

It's a very unique magical place

that deserves your attention.

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