Unlocking Alzheimer’s: Transforming Diagnosis Through Biomarkers | WIRED Brand Lab
Released on 01/24/2023
[gentle music]
Alzheimer's runs in our family.
My grandfather and great-grandfather both passed away
from complications with Alzheimer's.
And now my mom, Paula Tanner, has Alzheimer's.
[gentle music]
Paula, why don't you sit over here
and I'm gonna make you some breakfast.
It stops, there's good days, there's bad days,
there's better days, there's worse days.
You just gotta go with the hand you're dealt, okay.
[Paula] Thank you, that's perfect.
My stepfather, Tom, is my mom's primary caregiver.
He gets her up in the morning,
he gets her coffee, he makes her breakfast.
I think the first symptom was her repeating herself
and not remembering things more frequently.
We initially took her to her primary care physician
and he did a couple of cognitive tests and decided
that she doesn't have Alzheimer's, she's just aging.
His test was very subjective.
Despite what her primary care physician said,
we wanted to seek out someone
that would give us a more definitive answer.
My sister found Dr. Sabbagh.
The fight against Alzheimer's is a very important thing
for families, and the biggest challenge that
Alzheimer's patients face is getting the correct diagnosis.
Historically, patient would come in, do a quick exam,
say, Okay, you don't have thyroid problems,
B12 problems, you must have Alzheimer's, by default.
Well, turns out that that approach, what we call a diagnosis
of exclusion, is only accurate three out of four times.
So what's happening now is
that we are seeing the advent of new technologies
and diagnostic tests available, PET scans, spinal tap,
and in the very near future blood tests.
We believe that biomarkers are the key.
A biomarker is a measure of biological activity
in the body, blood pressure, cholesterol, your weight,
those are all biomarkers.
One of the exciting markers in development
in this space is something called P-tau 181.
This is a marker that allows you to sort healthy individuals
from those with Alzheimer's.
It is measured in something called a picogram
which is a trillionth of a gram
and so we need more sensitive instrumentation.
The idea that you could measure in your blood
what's happening in your brain,
20 years ago we'd have said it's impossible.
So you take a blood test and if it's abnormal
you gotta go looking for more disease
and I think that's where the field is going
At this point in time, Labcorp is an absolute leader.
We have focused our attention
to launching biomarkers in neurology,
and our pursuit with Alzheimer's is a daily endeavor
to help identify new markers in this space
and to give physicians a tool to treat their patients
and Pharma a tool to develop better drugs.
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Genetics plays a big role in Alzheimer's disease.
A first-degree relative, mother, sister, brother,
father doubles or triples your lifetime risk
of developing Alzheimer's Disease.
So you have the stress of caregiving
of the loved one with Alzheimer's
and the anxiety of knowing that you could be next.
[Jamie] As we get a little bit older
you maybe forget to write something down at work
and then someone reminds you, your first initial thought is,
Oh, my God, I have Alzheimer's.
I believe Alzheimer's Disease
is at a transformative moment.
We are now being able to identify people at risk
even when they don't have symptoms of memory loss.
And when they have the biomarkers present
that means we're trying to intervene
before the onset of symptoms
and that's been very, very exciting.
We believe very strongly that an early diagnosis
can change a patient's trajectory.
Labcorp is on a mission to improve the lives
of Alzheimer's patients and their caregivers.
We really try to live with that hope
and that faith that the issues that we faced
with our grandfather and our mother
are not gonna be the same issues that we face.
And I think that it's important to believe
that there's a different path in the future.
[gentle music]
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