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TXT Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions

Beomgyu, Taehyun, Yeonjun, Soobin and Huening Kai of TOMORROW X TOGETHER visit WIRED to answer their most searched for questions on Google. What does TXT mean? What is the best TXT song? Who is the best dancer in the group? What collective name do TOMORROW X TOGETHER fans go by? What is Yeonjun's ideal type? What is Soobin’s personality like? Is Taehyun a magician? What does Beomgyu smell like? Does Huening Kai have perfect pitch? TXT answer these questions and many, many more on the WIRED Autocomplete Interview.

Gen Z Icons TOMORROW X TOGETHER returned with the 7th Mini Album, The Star Chapter: SANCTUARY. Available on all streaming platforms now!

Director: Justin Wolfson
Editor: J.Y. Chun
Talent: Beomgyu; Choi Soo-bin; Huening Kai; Taehyun; Yeonjun
Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi
Associate Producer: Paul Gulyas; Brandon White
Production Manager: Peter Brunette
Production Coordinator: Rhyan Lark
Talent Booker: Jenna Caldwell; Katie Pearce
Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin
Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant
Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen
Assistant Editor: Billy Ward

Released on 11/04/2024


Hi, we're Tomorrow X Together

and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview.

[upbeat music]

[Taehyun imitating chute]

Whoa! Whoa!

Whoa. It appears.

Whoa! [upbeat music]

Here we go.

What does Tomorrow X Together mean?


[group speaking Korean]

What is Tomorrow X Together best song?

Best song! Best song.

Our best song.

It's hard. 0X1=LOVESONG.

Oh, no, no, no. Over the Moon.

Yes. [all exclaiming]

Over the Moon. Of course.

I would choose Sugar Rush Ride.

Sugar Rush Ride.

It's one of my favorite song. My favorite song.

Many MOA like. Many MOA likes.

What is Tomorrow X Together LOVESONG about?

Oh. Awesome.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

Amazing. Thank you.

[Yeonjun] What is Tomorrow X Together fandom name?


Our lovely MOA. Moments of Alwaysness.

[Soobin and Beomgyu speaking Korean]


Throw it back. [Beomgyu exclaiming]

[Hueningkai cheering]

Yes, let's go, Huening.

[Hueningkai] Who is Tomorrow X Together leader?

Leader. Soobin!

Leader. Soobin.


Thank you. Thank you.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

Thank you, thank you. Next.

Who is, oh!

Who is Tomorrow X Together best dancer?

Best dancer! Best dancer.

It's Yeonjun. Best dancer.

Oh no, I will choose me.

[Taehyun laughing] [Yeonjun speaking Korean]

I noticed that. I knew it.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

[group speaking Korean]

[Hueningkai laughing] [group chuckling]


Yeonjun. Yeonjun's the best.

Yeonjun, of course Yeonjun.

And next. Who in Tomorrow X Together can speak English?

Everyone! Everyone.

All the members. All the members.

Now we're talking.

Yeah, right. Everyone can speak English.

Who in Tomorrow X Together likes mint chocolate?

Oh, not me. Me!

Not me. Love it.

Three, two, one, me.

Yeonjun and Kai.

Oh, yeah. It's my favorite.

It's my favorite.

[laughs] Respect. Thank you.

Nothing but respect.

Okay. Go ahead.

One, two, three. [exclaims]

Yeah, let's go.

Tomorrow X Together age order.

Age order.

Me, Soobin, Beomgyu, and they are-

Taehyun and Hueningkai.

Taehyun and Hueningkai is the same age.

What is TXT youth?



[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

[Soobin speaking Korean] Blue Spring.

[Beomgyu] Does TXT sweat?

[Hueningkai laughing] A lot! A lot.

[all chattering]

[Beomgyu and Taehyun speaking Korean]

[Soobin speaking Korean]

Ah, Is TXT coming out with a new album?

[all cheering]

New album.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

Throw it. [Soobin imitating chute]

[all cheering]

Who is your TXT soulmate?

MOA. [all laughing]

Just pick one person.

Okay. One, two, three.

Pick one person. [Soobin speaking Korean]

I will choose..

[Soobin speaking Korean]

Yeah, it's not a soulmate. Just same soul.

[Yeonjun laughing]

I will choose Yeonjun. Why?

Because we are an ace dance member.

What? Ace dance member?

Best dance member. Yeah, best dance member.

I don't think that way. [both laughing]

Just kidding, just kidding.


[Taehyun] What is Tomorrow X Together VR concerts?

Hyper focus. Hyper focus.

Hyper focus.

[Taehyun speaking Korean]

[Beomgyu speaking Korean]

Yes, many MOAs really enjoyed it.

Why are TXT song titles so long?

Oh. Oh.

Because also our group name is long.

Right. Right.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]


Do Tomorrow X Together get along?

Of course. Of course.

We are best friends.

[Beomgyu laughing] [all laughing]

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

What is Yeonjun's ideal type?

[all exclaiming]

It's important!

My ideal type, wow.

[Taehyun speaking Korean]

Mm.. [speaking Korean]

What? [all laughing]

[Yeonjun speaking Korean]



Perfect answer. Perfect answer.

Why is Yeonjun called fourth gen it boy?

I know it. Why?

He like to eat.

Eat boy! [Soobin clapping]

Eat boy, oh.

Aha. Aha.

Why do you think?

Because I'm cool.

[all laughing] I'm hot.

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

That's me. Soobin.

Soobin. Soobin.

How to marry Soobin.

[all exclaiming]

How, how?

How? Tell us.

[Soobin speaking Korean]

He needs also our permission.

What is Soobin's personality?

[Soobin and Hueningkai laughing]

What is it? [Soobin speaking Korean]

[Hueningkai speaking Korean]

Next one is.. Taehyun.

Taehyun. Taehyun.



Is Taehyun a magician?

Ah, not magician. [speaks Korean]

He is wizard. [Taehyun laughing]

Yeah, I can vanish this magician. [imitates chute]

Whoa! Whoa!

And appears! Whoa!

Thank you. Me, too.

[all chuckling]

Okay, next.

What is Taehyun's favorite food?

Favorite food.

[Beomgyu speaking Korean] No.

[Hueningkai and Taehyun laughing]

These days, bibimbap.

Bibimbap. [all exclaiming]

Bibim. [Soobin speaking Korean]

[Taehyun speaking Korean]

Ah, bibimbap. Okay.

Wow. Okay, last one.

Beomgyu and Hyuka.

What does Beomgyu smell like?

[Soobin speaking Korean]


Thank you.

What is Beomgyu's love language?

Love language.

[lips smooching] Ah.

Kiss. Oh my God.

[Taehyun laughing] [lips smooching]

[Beomgyu squealing]

What is it? What is it?

[Beomgyu and Soobin speaking Korean]

Thank you. [Soobin laughing]

Does Hueningkai have perfect pitch?

[Soobin speaking Korean] Of course, I have it.

I think, not perfectly, but almost.

Oh yeah, almost.

Similar pitch?

Yeah, similar pitch.

Almost pitch. Almost pitch.

Why is Hueningkai a penguin?


Ping, ping. Ping, ping, ping.

[Taehyun laughing] Ping, ping, ping.

He's penguin!


[Soobin speaking Korean]

Ping! [shouts]

That's why.

[Yeonjun speaking Korean] I'm sorry.

[laughs] Thank you so much for today.

We had so much fun in answering all the questions.

And we're returning with our seventh mini album,

The Star Chapter: Sanctuary, and hope you guys like it.

Thank you! Bye!

[upbeat music]

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