Why It's Almost Impossible to Hold Your Breath for 24 Minutes
Released on 08/24/2017
Three, two, one
and hold.
(gentle music)
If you're like most people, you can probably
hold your breath for 30 seconds, maybe a minute,
before you start to feel the urge to breathe,
but the truth is most healthy people can actually
hold their breath quite a bit longer than that,
some people can hold it a lot longer,
the current world record is 11 minutes 33 seconds
and as if that weren't ridiculous enough,
some competitions allow athletes to breathe pure oxygen,
before their breath holds.
In 2016, Spanish free diver, Aleix Segura
used this technique to go 24 minutes and three seconds
without breathing, how is that possible?
To find out, I spoke with professional free divers
and researchers, who study their physiology,
I also took a crash course
in proper breath holding technique.
When I started, I could hold my breath for about a minute,
but by the end I was holding it way longer,
than I ever would have expected,
but before we get to that,
let's talk about some of the science behind breath holding
and why the professionals
are so much better at it than the rest of us.
The reason why some people
are better at holding their breath for a long time
would be partly genetics and partly because of training.
That's Peter Lindholm,
he's a physician researcher
at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.
He's been studying the physiology
of elite breath hold divers for more than two decades.
He says that a lot of them are just physically gifted,
take lung size for example,
the average human has a total lung capacity
of between four and six liters,
but many of the world's top free divers
have lung capacities of 10 liters or more.
This isn't necessarily something that they've trained,
they were just born with big lungs.
On top of this, many professional free divers
use the muscles of their mouth and throat
to overfill their lungs with air,
this is called lung packing
and the x-ray footage you see here
shows an elite free diver using the technique
to expand his lungs several liters
beyond their normal capacity.
Lindholm also says a lot of elite breath holders
have relatively slow metabolisms
and relatively large blood volumes, which makes sense,
your blood and your lungs hold oxygen
and your body consumes it,
the slower you churn through your oxygen supply,
the longer you can go on a breathful of air,
before succumbing to unconsciousness,
but when it comes to breath holding,
lung size is only part of the equation,
even more important is a physiological response
called the mammalian diving reflex.
When you hold your breath,
it actually causes your heart rate to slow down,
this reduces your body's oxygen consumption,
[Peter] And what that does is it reduces
the blood flow to your legs and your arms,
so blood is pumped preferentially to the brain,
which means that the oxygen that's in the blood
and oxygen stores in the lungs
is used by the brain and not consumed by your muscles.
And cold water actually amplifies the response.
Exposing your face to cold water
activates your trigeminal nerves,
what are your trigeminal nerves?
Take your fingers and you pinch your cheek and you feel it?
You have your trigeminal nerves to thank,
they're responsible for sensation in your face,
but they also connect to the part of your nervous system,
that regulates your heart.
It's not totally clear how or why this response evolved
and it's found in a lot of animals,
but for some reason, when your trigeminal nerves get chilly,
they tell your autonomic nervous system
to tell your heart to slow things down
and as it turns out, slowing down is probably
the single most important thing you can do,
when you're working with a limited supply of oxygen.
I don't try to focus too hard,
this is also a sport where you can't really just push it,
like you can you know, get in, do a run
and really pump yourself and go do it,
this is something completely the opposite,
you have to be really, really relaxed.
Serbian free diver, Lena Balta
is a 16-time national record holder.
She showed us some of the techniques she uses
to calm herself before a dive,
the most important is a series of slow,
controlled inhalations called a breathe out.
These help her relax and purge her lungs of carbon dioxide.
(gentle music)
When she's ready to go, she takes a series of sharp inhales,
using the muscles of her diaphragm to fill her lungs,
before topping them off with some lung packing.
(gentle music)
These techniques take time and practice to perfect,
which is important, because when done incorrectly,
they can be pretty harmful or even deadly,
purging too hard before a dive can cause you to black out,
which is not something you wanna do in the water
and it's exactly why divers not only compete,
but practice in the company of spotters
and lung packing, it can actually tear
the tissues in your lungs,
but Lindholm says that with just a few hours
of supervision and instruction,
most people can actually learn
to hold their breath well over two minutes.
So I gave it a shot.
Just of the CO two but also any physical--
[Robbie] Brian Stanley is a free diving instructor
at Bamboo Reef Dive Shop in San Francisco.
He had me start by holding my breath on land
with my face in a bowl of cold water.
I lasted about a minute,
but thanks to the mammalian dive response,
my heart rate dropped from 74 to 51.
After your heart spiked up to 74. (laughs)
[Robbie] Next, Brian had me move outside
to the pool deck to hold my breath, while lying down.
The idea here was to help my body relax,
this time I held my breath for just over two minutes.
Next, Brian taught me some basic breathe up techniques,
to use my diaphragm to fill my lungs
and to focus on relaxing.
And what this will do is it will help
to relax your muscles, reduce any stress
or tension that you have in the body
and then get that heart rate lower,
which is key for starting your free dive.
[Robbie] As I held my breath, he calmly instructed me
to relax every part of my body, beginning with my toes,
progressing up to my head
and then going back down to my feet.
If you've ever taken a yoga class,
it felt surprisingly similar to that.
Before I knew it,
I had held my breath for just over three minutes.
Finally, Brian had me put on a wetsuit and get in the pool,
where we did some more breathing exercises
and finally had me lie face down
and hold my breath for as long as possible.
Now, there's a few things going on here,
for starters, being in the pool did a lot
to relieve tension throughout my body,
I found it much easier to relax, while bobbing in the water,
than I did when I was on the pool deck
and the wetsuit made me super buoyant,
which helped me relax even further.
Nobody knows for sure, but the mustache probably helped too.
After two minutes in the water,
Brian started having me signal with my finger
every few seconds to let him know I was okay.
We'll say this again, please never attempt this
without professional supervision
and before I knew it, I'd lasted three minutes
and then three minutes and 30 seconds,
then three minutes and 45 seconds.
There you go, nice and slow, bring your feet in.
(gentle music)
(breathing noisily)
(breathing heavily)
Catch your breath.
(laughs) That was so cool.
How long was that Four 16.
Four 16!
That's insane! Four minutes 16 seconds.
That's awesome.
Four 16.
[Brian] Oh yeah, nice.
Oh, that's so cool. Hey, nice job, man.
Thanks man. (slapping hands)
That was great, thank you so much.
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