'Avatar: The Last Airbender' Cast Answer Avatar's Most Googled Questions
Season one of AVATAR: THE LAST AIRBENDER released on February 22 and is now available to stream on Netflix.
Released on 03/01/2024
Hi, we're the cast of Avatar, the Last Airbender,
and today we'll be answering the most Googled questions
about our show. [funky music]
Okay. Let's go.
Does Avatar, the Last Airbender take place on earth?
I wanna say yes, but it's like a different universe.
You definitely inspired by like real places on earth.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Earth inspired.
Next. [everyone laughing]
Is Aang the most powerful Avatar?
Absolutely. Not.
I think, I think the first avatar.
Yeah. Ever.
No 'cause he doesn't have any knowledge
of the past avatars, so his Avatar state
would just be useless. My vote's Kioseshi.
Unlike me, who knows the most.
It's debatable. I feel like I've seen people debate
about this forever. Yeah, it's a lot.
Yeah. But I watched a YouTube video
and the avatarist said that I'm the best.
[Elizabeth] Oh. Well.
Here we go. [everyone laughing]
[Kiawentiio] Why is Aang bald in Avatar? Oh.
Oh, it's a Tibetan monk thing.
But also remember in Korra,
whenever they were like talking about
how you can feel the waves of the-
Of the like motions- Air.
The air, yeah.
How old is Aang? It's debatable.
Come on guys. You should know.
What? Is it?
Oh yeah, you're right. No.
Is he 12 or is he 112? 112?
I'm 112. Okay.
I've been on planet whatever it is for 112 years.
There you go. Okay. You go.
How did Zuko get his scar? Daddy problems?
Yep. [Gordon laughing]
His father burned his eyeball off. It's so sweet.
It was an act of love. Totally.
[everyone laughing]
How do you pronounce Sokka from Avatar?
[everyone laughing]
We'll just leave it there. We'll just leave it there.
So many. We get Soka a lot.
Yeah. That's really it.
And honestly the only people that get a pass
are the British folks 'cause that's how they're like-
Soka- Actually say.
[Ian] Soka. Yeah.
Perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
They're like Soka. So I'll let it pass.
Where is Katar from? She is from the Southern Water Tribe.
Oh, okay. Who is a Azula in Avatar? I'll take this one.
She is Zuko's sister and the rightful heir to the throne.
Whoa, whoa. Controversial. Controversial.
Do you guys mind zooming in on this one?
[Elizabeth] Why?
How is the Avatar The Last Airbender made?
By shooting it. Solid. Yeah.
Zoom in here. Zoom in here. Zoom in here now.
We spent a year in Vancouver, Canada,
shooting on a volume and sometimes on actual locationss
somewhere in the middle of the forest,
and other times in front of green screen.
This was a very long process for us all,
getting into character, reviewing,
you know, the animated series.
Then moving to watch like a lot of dissection videos
of our characters just because there's so much information
out there already. And then obviously putting our own take
on the characters as well.
[Ian] Bang. That was fire.
You take the next one. Yeah.
Is Sokka an Avatar? Yes.
I mean. I think-
In his heart for sure. In his, yeah.
He bends lots of things like comedy and other stuff.
Careful. Careful?
Is Zuko good in Avatar. No.
[Elizabeth] Whoa. Good?
What is the relationship between Katara and Aang
in the Avatar: The Last Airbender?
In our show, it's still just the first season as well.
It's just like family relationships.
I mean between like the three of us as well.
They're there for each other in every bad situation,
every good situation. And that's what family is.
In a fight between Iroh and Zuko, who would win?
I'm saying Zuko gets walked down by Iroh.
[everyone laughing]
I'm gonna be honest. Get to walk.
You see like the chains, he's the dragon of the west.
He's part of some secret society later on.
Like even though Zuko progresses
as a fire bender throughout the series,
he's just still not strong enough unfortunately.
I mean, he's the dragon of the west, bro. What can you do?
Yeah. Here you go bestie.
Include me guys. [everyone laughing]
Who was Avatar before Aang?
Avatar Roku. That's right. Y'all's cycle.
Y'all's grand it. Oh yeah.
Can anyone learn bending?
You have to be a bender. Like it's based on genetics.
I'm pretty sure. Yeah, I can't.
I asked him just for like one really like silly one,
like in like season three. Like I can like leaf bend,
but they turned it down for some reason.
I dunno why. [everyone laughing]
Anybody can learn the martial arts?
Like for bending, like anybody can learn like wushu,
like northern Shaolin Kung fu.
Yeah. Tai chi.
Tai chi. But-
But I mean are you gonna end up
like moving actual elements? Okay.
[Kiawentiio laughing]
Next one. What mythology is Avatar: The Last Airbender
based on? So each nation is based on its own cultures.
Eastern Asian, Western Asian, all those different yeah.
Depends on where. Yeah.
Yeah. The water tribe is based on like Inuit people
and indigenous peoples.
What is the most powerful nation in the Avatar?
Well, I mean-
I'll let my sister answer this one.
Oh. Psh, psh! God yeah.
You guys cheated. You use this special comet thing.
Okay. That's not cheating.
It's using the resources though.
You're like not thinking who won.
We could have sucked the air out all of your guys' lungs.
We didn't because we're nice people.
What about with the moon? Hmm? You wanna talk about that?
They're not cheating.
Who is Sokka in Avatar? [Kiawentiio laughing]
Where is Zuko's mother? Where is my mom?
Where did she go? [everyone laughing]
Where did she go? [everyone laughing]
Like, go where your mom at? [everyone laughing]
She lost bro.
She's in a small earth kingdom in the middle of nowhere.
Hey, there's a so much lore to get into.
[everyone laughing]
No, there is not. She is long gone.
She got banished and then she got her brainwashed.
I actually read the comic
of where Zuko's mom is and it's so interesting.
She goes, runs into the mother of faces,
which is CO's mother. Right, right.
And then changes her face
and then starts a whole new life with her first love
that she was actually taken from when she was a teenager
to marry Ozai and have kids with him
because her grandfather was Roku
and then they were like, the bloodline's gonna be crazy.
Forgot all of this. That's where his mom is.
I'm like thinking about it.
Why is Katara so powerful?
I mean actually hard work and commitment.
Yeah, girl bossing. Why is Azula's fire blue?
It is blue because it burns hotter than regular fire.
[Kiawentiio] Yeah.
And that's why she's also able to lightening bend as well
is because she's able to connect
with these different levels of fire bending.
Did Aang break the Avatar cycle? Break in?
I guess what is, what do you guys mean by break?
No, 'cause Korra has access to it.
Yeah, but like you disappeared bro. Like people died.
Well I think it's more about like
when he was in the Avatar state, and Azula's like-
Yeah- Like laser state-
When I was in say if you die in the avatar state,
you break the cycle.
Oh. Hit 'em with a beam.
[Gordon] No.
Yeah, but that's more like a Korra thing too.
Yeah, there's certainly another Avatar after Aang,
if you continue watching the animated series.
Legend of Korra, check it out.
Does Zuko like Katara in Avatar?
[everyone laughing]
[Gordon] Okay. Is that a no?
I mean. I don't know.
But it's not a yes.
I mean. [everyone laughing]
Are Avatar and Avatar The last Airbender related,
like blue people? No.
What is the meaning of the name Katara
in Avatar: The last Airbender?
Oh. Dang.
[Ian] I don't know.
I need to google this question myself.
[Ian] Yeah. It means girl boss.
[everyone laughing]
Can Aang metal bend? Not. He wishes he could.
Then I could be the one making fancy jewelry.
Korra is the first metal bending Avatar
and that's the Avatar after Aang.
Are Katara and Azula related in Avatar: The last Airbender?
Yeah. No.
Yeah. We actually are twins.
[Kiawentiio laughing]
If you can't tell.
Yeah, we separated at birth. It's a long story.
It is a real a parent trap situation.
Yeah. [Kiawentiio laughing]
We switched places at some point. It's crazy.
I'm gonna take this one. Who has the saddest backstory
in Avatar? It's kind of him.
Okay. I mean, yeah.
Well there was a genocide.
My friends, my family just everything is gone.
Yeah, right, right. Yeah.
I mean your mom's dead but like my whole nation is gone.
Yeah. Literally.
Why is nobody talking about Aang's parents in ATLA?
My parents would never know who I am
and I would never know who my parents are.
I thought they were adopted.
Well, yeah. Well I mean it's based of nomads,
so it's like-
I know because if it's bending is genetic then-
Yeah, exactly. Yeah.
But all the, what's it people in the Air Nation
can airbend because Keoshi did something crazy.
I can't remember. Or maybe it wasn't Keoshi. No, it was-
That's the interesting thing about live action
is like the mixture of like original material,
our material, like comics, fans' like theories
and stuff like that. It all gets-
Yeah, we could totally make up a sick story about this.
Yeah. Yeah.
Who was the Avatar before Aang?
Roku. Roku.
Roku. Great.
Why can't Katara learn fire bending
in Avatar: the last Airbender?
Well, she's not from the fire nation.
Yeah. I have no ability to firebend,
so you know, that would get in the way.
Whoa! Whoa!
When was the first air Avatar incarnated?
Oh, this is an interesting question
'cause it doesn't mean when was the first Avatar
or when was the first Avatar incarnated?
300 BC.
So it would be the second avatar?
Yeah. This is a deep cut.
Yeah, I think this one's got us all stumped looking.
Let us know.
Who has the hottest fire in Avatar?
We kinda just explained it.
Okay. Our dad was like cooking crazy.
Okay, but is it bloom? That's fair.
Oh my god. It almost took it.
That's happened three times.
I'm just out here like. [everyone laughing]
Sorry. Here's the last one.
Which Avatar is immortal?
I don't. Or the Avatar spirit.
Oh yeah, I guess the Avatar spirit.
I don't think there's like an Avatar-
[Ian] Right. That's immortal.
Though, Keoshi was alive till she was like 200 something.
120. Wait.
Oh damn. Oh man.
You gotta keep it in though. And that's a wrap.
You should have threw it.
And that's a wrap to most Googled searches
for Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Thank you guys and hope you have an amazing day.
[everyone chuckling]
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