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One Piece Cast Answer 50 of the Most Googled Questions About the Anime & Manga

The cast of Netflix’s new live-action adaptation of One Piece answer 50 of the most Googled questions from fans of the long-running manga and anime (spoiler warning for anyone just beginning their journey!) Watch as Iñaki Godoy (Monkey D. Luffy), Emily Rudd (Nami), Mackenyu (Roronoa Zoro), Taz Skylar (Sanji), and Jacob Romero (Usopp) answer questions like; What is the One Piece? Who are Monkey D. Luffy’s parents? Why are they called the Straw Hat Pirates? Who is stronger, Sanji or Zoro? How many One Piece episodes are there?

Released on 08/17/2023


We're the cast of One Piece,

and today we have to answer 50 of the most asked questions

about the show.

Why aren't we waiting for?

[Taz cackles]

I had to do it, Emily.

[electronic beat plays]

What is the One Piece?

It's supposed to be the greatest treasure in the world

[bell dings] and he left it all-

Koby. one piece.

But we don't know.

And maybe it's nothing!

[Taz laughs]

My theory is that the One Piece must be a taco.

It only makes sense, right?


does it only make sense?

It's the greatest treasure in the world!

Why are they called the Straw Hat Pirates?

Luffy is our captain, [bell dings]

he wears a straw hat

and we are the Straw Hat Pirates.

What is the Straw Hat Pirates' ship?


At first, it is-

At first, it's the Going Merry which-

And then...


The Thousand Sunny. [bell dings]

The Thousand Sunny.

Mm-hmm. Thousand Sunny!

What do all the Straw Hat Pirates do on the ship?


Okay, so I think on a normal day in the Going Merry,

Luffy, he steals food from the kitchen.

Oh, wait! Cute!

This is totally not what I...

I thought we were just gonna say like our jobs!

He's going formal.

Like what your job is.

But I love you-


I love you diving into like what's his daily life?

What's his daily life?

Wakes up at 9:30!

[all speaking over each other]

I'm the captain of the ship!

[all laughing]

Nami is the navigator on the ship.

I look for the best spots on the ship to sleep,

[Jacob laughing]

to take a nap.

Right-hand man.

The first mate, right?

Usopp takes care of the ship.

[bell dings] And I'm the cook!

How does Monkey D. Luffy's ability work?

I'm a rubber man!

I just throw punches

[bell dings]

and it hits!

What is a Devil Fruit?

My character Luffy,

he ate a fruit which is a Devil Fruit

and it gave him powers.

There's a lot of different types of Devil Fruits.

The one that Luffy ate is a Gum-Gum fruit

which made him a rubber man.

But, the thing about Devil Fruits is that

it makes that the sea turns its back against you

[bell dings]

so you cannot swim and you sink immediately.


So that's why they're Devil Fruits, I guess.

It's like making a deal with the devil;

you get powers but you cannot swim!

How does Roronoa Zoro fight with three swords?

One in his mouth! [Taz laughs]

[bell dings] Strong jaw!

What does Nami's tattoo represent?

First one is Arlong.

Second one is the pinwheel

and also the tangerine,

[bell dings]

so it's a representation of her family and her home.

Who is Gol D. Roger?

He started everything.

He's the one who declared that

the One Piece is out there- [bell dings]

[Emily] Mm-hmm.

[Emily] ...and set everybody out- Mm-hmm.

...on a mission to find him.

Yeah, some people might-

Sat at this table?

...really like him.

Wealth, fame, power.

[Emily laughs]

[Jacob] Yes!

What's the significance of the letter 'D'?

The will of D!

The will of D!

Luffy- Monkey D. Luffy.'ve got his dad,

you've got Garp,

it's all these people who have-

Rocks D.

...a very strong, [buzzer sounds]

arguably unbreakable will and power.

It's a mystery.

Maybe it's stands for dreamers.

Or donuts.

What are the names of all the oceans in One Piece?

East Blue, West Blue, North Blue, South Blue.

[bell dings]

What is the Grand Line?

I think our resident map reader would be the most-


[Jacob] Yay!

...exacted person to answer this question.

What is the line? What was the line?

The Grand Line is a treacherous stretch of ocean

filled with bigger pirates,

bigger monsters,

ripe with riches,

and like ready for the picking or something like that?

[buzzer sounds]

You got it right.

Oh, you were so like precise and-

It was so close! It was so close!

Who are the Seven Warlords of the Sea?

Pirates that the Marines sanctioned to help do the things

that Marines can't do?

Pirate mercenaries?


So I know a few!





Mm-hmm. Shh!

That's right.

Crocodile. Crocodile.


Gecko Moria.

Gecko Moria, Boa Hancock.


Bartholo Kuma.

Maybe you guys can answer [buzzer sounds]

what's the Seven Warlords because I cannot remember.

Doflamingo! Huh?

Doflamingo. [bell dings]



Who is Yassop?

Who is Yassop?!

Who is Yassop? Who is Yassop?

Who is Yassop, man?!

I wish someone would tell me about my daddy.

[all laughing]

Yassop is Usopp's father.

He's a marksman, he's a sniper.

[bell dings]

It's definitely part of why Usopp wants to go out

and be a brave warrior.

How does the ship travel underwater?

So they do something called coating on the Thousand Sunny

so that it can go underwater.

[bell dings]

It's like a bubble.

Yeah. Yeah.

The little bubbling. Bloop!


Can the Going Merry fly?


[Mackenyu] Yes. Yes.

[Iñaki] Yeah!

Yeah, with a little adjustments.

It's a magical ship, it can do anything.

That's my baby.

She fly.

Who is stronger than Gol D. Roger?

I know this one, actually, maybe.

Oh, do you?

Rocks. Rocks! [buzzer sounds]

Rocks D. Xebec!

I think it's subjective. [bell dings]

Is Usopp a god?

Wow. What?

I don't even know how to answer that question.

[all laughing]

He's not...

I don't know.

[Emily] He's not. [bell dings]

He's not a god!

He's not. He's not, but-

[Jacob] But you know. But!


But he does some- To some!

Yeah, he does some God-

To some.

He does some godlike things, you know?

Who is the creator of One Piece?

[all feigning groaning]

Tough one!


I don't know!

[Iñaki] Oh my gosh!

[Jacob chuckles] Oh no!

[Iñaki] Oh man, it was like...

Don't even do it.

No, yeah, yeah. [Jacob laughing]

Let's not joke around with such a serious thing.

[all speaking over each other]

Yeah, it's a serious thing.

Sorry Oda Sensei.

Sorry Oda Sensei.

We love you Oda Sensei. We love you Oda Sensei.

Eiichiro Oda, the legend himself.

[bell dings]

He created one piece in 1997 when he was like 17 years old?!

I know.

He's so young!

He's like one of the best like storytellers of our time.

Why did Buggy get so big?

And he did get big!

It's for show though.

He's just using the Chop-Chop fruit to make...

and a really big like cloak. [bell dings]

He looks like a tick.

It's more about he has insecurity issues.

[Emily] Yeah.

Buggy, if you're listening, bro-

We love you, man.

We love you as you are.

'Why is One Piece so popular?

It's like saying, why is the Bible so popular?

[bell dings] Oh my!

[Emily and Taz shouting excitedly]

[Taz pounding table]

Get this question out of here, yo!

[Jacob laughs]


And he throws the card down as he says it!

Who is Yamato?

She's from Wano.

She's from Wano-

And she's Kaido's She is Kaido's...

well- ...daughter?


this has been something I've been like reading on Twitter

because there's such a massive discourse.

Is Yamato a girl?

Is Yamato a boy?

Because in the manga they use male pronouns,

but then there's a certain point where they say,

oh it's Kaido's daughter.

Yato is a very powerful Haki user.

[bell dings]

Ice powers also.


Is Jimbe a member of the Straw Hat Pirates?

Jimbe, technically yes. [bell dings]

He didn't officially join.

He's not on the ship with them,

but I do believe that they've said that

he's an honorary member.

Who are the main admirals in One Piece?




there's four right?

[buzzer sounds]

They usually have three main admirals,

but of course as the story goes on those change.

People get- Mm-hmm.

...their asses handed to them.

Who are the Four Emperors?



Buggy's one, right?




Mm-hmm. [Iñaki gasps]

And I forget... A certain somebody...

who could the the fourth one be?

[Iñaki chuckling] [Taz laughing]

I wonder who could it be! [bell dings]

I guess we'll find out together.

[Taz laughing] Was it Usopp?

[all laughing]

What is a Fishman?

It's a fish guy! A man.

A fish man. Essentially, yeah.

[bell dings]

Half man, half fish.

Is it half and half, quite explicitly?

I feel like it could be 70/30.

I don't think it's...

it's not in the sense of like,

there was one human and one fish and things went crazy.

[Taz and Mackenyu laugh]

Well I don't know if we want to talk about

how it happened.

Oh! Whoa!

You know, it's not like that sort of thing!

But, it's like if a human could breathe underwater

and swim really fast

and like had scales.

Where is Monkey D. Luffy from?

He is from Windmill Village. [bell dings]

which is in the East Blue.

Who gave Monkey D. Luffy his hat?

Red-haired Shanks. [bell dings]

The coolest pirate ever.

He was in Windmill Village

and he became very close to Luffy

and before he left to continue his adventures,

he gave him his most valuable treasure: his straw hat.

And Luffy takes care of that straw hat with his life.

And he promised to Shanks

that he will give it back to him one day

once he has become a great pirate.

What is the one rule as Sanji will never break?

Never wastes food. [bell dings]

I mean he's a pretty disciplined dude.

He has a lot of rules.

[Jacob] Yeah. Yeah.

I think never waste food is at the top of the list.

Alright, speed round it.

What is Nami's dream?

To draw a map of the world. [bell dings]

Do Usopp's lies come true?

Every time! [bell dings]

Where does Roronoa Zoro get his swords?

The most famous sword, Wado Ichimonji,

from a father of his childhood friend

[bell dings]

and rival, Kuina.

Who are Monkey D. Luffy's parents?

Monkey D. Dragon and unknown.

[bell dings]

How did Sanji's teacher lose his leg?


He ate it. [bell dings]

Are Sniper King and Usopp the same person?

Absolutely not! [bell dings]

Bro, no,

it's not.

Who voices Monkey D. Luffy?

There are many voice actors for Luffy in different languages

but Mayumi Tanaka, [bell dings]

she has been voicing Luffy the longest

since 1999.

She is an amazing, amazing actress.

Where does Sanji work?

At what point?

Mmm, nice!

Ah! You saw that, right? Nice! Yes!

You saw it!

At first at the Baratie,

then with the Straw Hat crew.

What is Zero's dream?

To be the world's greatest swordsman?

[bell dings]

Who is the most wanted man in the world?

Oh, hat is Monkey D. Dragon.

[bell dings] Yeah.

What is Sanji's dream?

To find the All Blue.

What is the name of Luffy's brother?

Ace! [bell dings]

Ace. Portgas D. Ace!

Who's the strongest swordsman in One Piece?

Besides obviously Zoro.

Mihawk. [bell dings]

Why is Franky a cyborg?

Well, he had to be. [bell dings]

Who are the celestial dragons?

I think they're like descendants of like

the people who were very-

[Jacob] Oh!

The celestial dragons were the people who ended up

being the world government.

[bell dings]

How many One Piece episodes are there?

I would guess this is subjective

to when you see this video,

but right now in this current moment, I don't know the date.

Currently 10...

1065. [bell dings]

Does Franky have a Devil Fruit?


No, he was offered one, but he said no.

[bell dings]

He wasn't hungry.

What Devil Fruit did Chopper eat?

Hito Hito no Mi.

Human Human Fruit! [bell dings]

Human Human Fruit!

Human Human Fruit!

[Mackenyu] Hito Hito no Mi.

What are the three different types of Devil Fruit?

Paramecia, Zoan-

[bell dings] And Logia.

And Logia.

Why does Nami love money?

Because money's great! [bell dings]

[Mackenyu, Jacob, and Taz laugh]

Next question!


Next question!

Who is stronger, Sanji or Zoro?

Mmm, no.


Let's not. We'll be here all day.

All I'll say is I don't need any external weapons.

[buzzer sounds]

Look at the bounty. [bell dings]

Oh! Ooh, okay!

[Jacob laughing]

This was really fun.

[Iñaki] Wow.

We have no more questions.

Woo! We did it! That was it.


That's it!

Thank you for watching! [Iñaki, Taz, and Emily cheer]

[Emily] Yeah!

[Taz] That was so satisfying!

[Emily laughs]

[Jacob] That was so good! [Mackenyu laughs]
