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How Do You Make a Video Go Viral? Unruly Media’s Sarah Wood Explains

Founder and COO of Unruly Media, Sarah Wood, explains the myths, value, and impact of video content in an evolving digital landscape.

Released on 07/01/2014


So back in 2006, when we founded,

it was a moment when advertisers really were

beginning to rethink their strategies.

You had YouTube still an indie.

You had Jack Dorsey sending out his first tweet,

and it was also the year when the blogosphere

was just exploding, and this was really scary for brands.

Suddenly, you had this social web emerging

which was fractious and talkative

and people were talking back and it was vociferous.

It was unnerving.

It was uncharted and to a lot of brands, it felt unruly,

and that's where our name comes from.

You may well have seen our videos.

If you've ever seen any moonwalking ponies,

rollerskating babies, body popping chickens,

they're very likely to have come from us.

Their viral spread has been powered by Unruly technology.

We don't make the videos; we're not video creators.

We make the videos famous.

Since 2006, we've seen massive increases

in people sharing videos.

Video's become the social currency.

It feeds the water cooler moment.

Way back in 2006, Dove Evolution was the most shared ad with

what we thought at the time was a massive 60,000 shares.

Fast forward to 2013, Dove again the most shared ad

of the year, with Dove Real Beauty sketches.

This time, millions of shares, over a hundred million views.

So how does this happen?

It doesn't happen by magic.

There's a few myths around video.

One myth is that it happens really easily.

This has been the CEO myth, where the CEO says

I want a viral and it shall come to pass.

So we know for the most part, videos languish.

They don't get seen.

They only myth is that it's unpredictable.

It's not something you can plan for.

We know that's not true either because we're predicting

the shareability of videos in advance at Unruly

using the data we've been collecting.

So first of all, it's about the content.

We all know content is king, but more precisely,

it's about creating shareable content, content that has

a real, deep emotional impact on the audience.

It's about the intensity of emotional response

and giving people a reason to share,

and when I talk about the intensity of

emotional response here, it's about exploring 11 out of 10.

It's about having the hairs on the back

of your neck stand up, and it's that physiological response

that's required to really drive sharing.

And then the social motivations is also key.

It's not enough for humans to feel something very intensely.

We're almost compelled, it's in our social DNA

to share that feeling onwards,

to discharge that feeling, pass it on,

so when you've got your awesome content,

fantastic, you're halfway there.

Then it's about having a smart distribution strategy.

That starts with the player,

so the video plays a real campaign calculus

and lots of people forget this,

and it means bringing in annotations,

invitations to share at various points in the video,

points in the video when the viewer is most likely

to want to share because they're feeling incredibly

emotionally intense about what they're seeing.

Once you've got your player,

it's about launching that player,

launching the ad into native environments.

It's really important to spread that content

in a way that feels natural and places it

in the content feed so that people can see it

and it captures their attention.

With the brands that are serious about their video strategy

and want to do it repeatedly in its scale,

paid media is the way to guarantee views.

So where do we do this to Unruly?

Well, we cover off the rest of the web.

So something that people don't realize is

it's not just about YouTube when it comes to video views.

So just over a quarter of video views take place on YouTube.

That leaves a lot of viewers who are watching,

sharing video elsewhere on what we call the open web,

and the smart advertisers go beyond YouTube

and think about taking the rest of the audience.

They don't wanna leave it on the table,

and this is a really key element of our technology.

Because we have the data on who's doing the sharing

and where they're sharing, we can make sure

that we're targeting super sharers

and then programmatically optimizing for those super sharers

on day one of the campaign.

Why is day one so important?

It's the most important day

because social diffusion is faster than ever before.

So if you look at 2012,

22% of shares occur in the first three days.

That itself is phenomenal.

2013, we've seen almost a doubling of that,

so 42% of shares occurring in the first three days.

So think how important it is to get that video out there,

trending, everybody watching it and sharing it

as soon as possible to lift the viral peak

and then slow that viral decay,

and this is a huge opportunity for brands

because they can drive business metrics.

Well, if someone's watched a video

that's been shared with them, what we find is

one in three people go on to talk about that video.

One in four people go on to visit the homepage.

One in five people search online,

and almost one in 10 people go on to buy that product.

So peer to peer recommendation has massive impact

on how we make our buying decisions,

and video can be a real powerful part of that.

Starring: Sarah Wood
