DC vs. Marvel: Box Office Battle | Data Attack
Released on 08/02/2016
[Narrator] Superhero films are dominating the box office.
Let's take a look at the history of the genre
by way of stop motion paper animation.
Great news, comic book fans!
Marvel and DC will release 19 superhero movies
in the next four years.
Some critics say that we're reaching a saturation point.
As if.
The modern superhero era began in 1978,
when DC comics and Warner Brothers released Superman.
At the time, it was the most expensive movie ever made.
It's success spawned three sequels
and paved the way for Batman, a decade later.
But while DC was dominating the box office,
Marvel struggled to make a dent.
Marvel's first foray into film
was the George Lucas produced Howard the Duck,
a lemon that cost 37 million dollars,
but made back less than half that amount.
A string of failures followed,
that contributed to Marvel filing for bankruptcy in 1996.
The company sold the rights to many of their
prized characters for 5% of the box office licensing fee.
Things were looking grim, comic book fans,
until Marvel licensed Blade to New Line Cinemas,
which became a modest hit.
Then came the X-Men, licensed to 20th Century Fox.
And finally, Spider-Man to Columbia Pictures.
The success of these franchises drove Marvel
to form its own studio.
The Marvel cinematic universe is now
the most financially successful franchise in movie history,
surpassing James Bond, Harry Potter, and Star Wars.
When Captain America: Civil War recently opened
at number one at the box office, it give Marvel
an unprecedented 13 number one movies in a row.
Before this year, the highest market share superhero films
had on the film industry on a whole, was 13.7%.
2016 is on pace to shatter that figure.
Of all consumer dollars spent on movies this year,
27.6% will go to superhero films.
But not everyone believes in the longevity
of the superhero film.
Steven Spielberg said,
We were around when the Western died,
and there will be a time when the superhero movie
goes the way of the Western.
There will come a day when the mythological stories
are supplanted by some other genre that possibly
some young filmmaker is just thinking about
discovering for all of us.
And, if that doesn't happen, with over 17 thousand
superpower characters in their libraries,
Marvel and DC could be making movies at their current rate
for the next 3,400 years.
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