Expert Explains One Concept in 5 Levels of Difficulty - Blockchain
Released on 11/28/2017
My name is Bettina Warburg.
I'm a researcher of transformative technologies
and co-founder of Animal Ventures.
Today, I've been challenged to explain
one concept at five levels of increasing complexity.
My topic is blockchain technology.
Blockchain is a new network, and it's going to help us
decentralize trade, allowing us to do a lot
of our transactions much more peer to peer directly
and lower our use of intermediaries
like companies or banks maybe.
I think today everyone can leave understanding
something about blockchain at some level.
Do you know what we're gonna talk about today?
It's called blockchain.
What's blockchain?
That's a really good question.
It's actually a way that we can trade.
Do you know what trade is?
Mmm-hmm, it's when you take turns doing something.
It's when you give up most of what you want, right?
When you give up most of what you want?
Well, sometimes that definitely happens for sure.
What if I told you that this is the kind of technology
that I work on that means you could trade
with any kid all over the world?
If I could trade with any kid, I would trade,
well, I would trade something I don't like so much.
That's probably a good idea, maybe somebody else
likes it more than you do.
So normally, when people trade, they have to go
to the store, or they have to know the person
so they can get what they asked for.
With blockchain, you can make that exact same trade,
but you don't need the store, and you don't even
necessarily need to know the other person.
(light instrumental music)
[Bettina] So Ian, do you know what blockchain is?
Have you ever traded or sold anything?
Actually, I'm selling my computer on eBay right now.
That's amazing.
What made you decide to trade on eBay?
Well, I mean, I've heard of it,
and I trust it a lot because they have
all of their guarantees, so I know that I'm gonna
get money and the person's gonna get what they want.
So what if I told you that blockchain technology
is basically a tool where you can do the exact same thing,
but it goes to you and I directly?
You wouldn't need an eBay or a brand in between.
That's cool.
And there's a lot of those kinds of middlemen
in our society today, right?
We have a lot of banks.
We have a lot of companies that sort of help us
make sure that our trades happen,
but if we could guarantee the same trade
using technology as sort of a technological trust,
then we wouldn't really need
all those middlemen in between.
So how does it work?
It's basically a network of computers
that all have the same history of transactions.
And so instead of sort of there being one company
with one database that holds all the information,
the same sort of list is held by all these different people.
Like, you could have it on your computer.
And then it gets validated by everyone,
and basically, that turns into the next part of the list.
So it's sort of constantly updating itself.
So like, how do you make sure that it's secure?
So it use cryptography, and that helps it basically
encode all of the transactions.
So you can't really see exactly what happened,
but you can know it happened because it's like a marker.
So you could kind of like, I don't know,
say trade apples, but you would just
see like random letters for it?
Yeah, exactly.
So you wouldn't be able to track it, I guess?
[Bettina] Exactly.
That's cool.
So it's kinda this like really big ledger
or accounting system for all sorts of things
that get traded, but instead of being owned
by one company, it's owned by everybody.
That's cool.
We're gonna talk about blockchain technology.
Have you heard of blockchain?
I've heard of the words blockchain,
but I'm not sure I know what it is.
When we were much smaller societies,
you and I could trade in our community pretty easily.
As the distance in our trade grew,
we ended up inventing institutions, right?
If you Uber or you use Airbnb or you use Amazon even,
these are just digital marketplaces and platforms
that help us facilitate an exchange of value.
But today, we actually have a technology
that allows us to trade one to one but at scale,
and it's called blockchain technology.
There is some kind of interface for it.
You could have an app, or you could use a computer
to do it, but instead of there being a company
in the middle that's helping you make that transaction,
it's a bunch of software code.
And so it's being run by all of these different computers
that have like a node.
So they're all running the same software
and guaranteeing your transactions as they happen.
I mean, I would assume this technology
is taking away business or activity from these middlemen.
In some cases, yeah, it is.
And a lot of people in the financial industry,
in particular, are looking at it from the banking side
of how do we use this technology to trade things
like Bitcoin or other tokens that are easier to use
instead of today's currency.
A lot of people think about blockchain as Bitcoin
because it's sort of in the news a lot,
and it's this new cryptocurrency.
And it's kind of exciting.
But we're actually seeing a lot more use cases
for blockchain that aren't around the currency side.
They're more around, how do you take any asset
and be able to trade that using this same technology.
Is there a mechanism for verifying that person A
is a legitimate seller or producer of the item?
So today, a lot of people are working on how to create
identity structures that leverage blockchains.
And one of the tools for doing that is being able
to cryptographically sign for a given attribute.
So your government could sign that you have a US passport
or a university could sign that you are
a currently enrolled student.
And you could then dole out that information
and control it yourself and be able to show people
those certifications on an as needed basis.
So today, we're gonna talk about blockchain technology.
[Bettina] Have you ever heard of blockchain?
I have.
Whenever we have a transaction, and let's say
I buy something from you, this information gets logged.
And it gets verified by a third person or third party.
And then if like all this information verified
and it all matches, right, the transaction goes through
without any intermediary basically, right?
It gets stored, and when you make further transactions,
this information is ready, embedded.
It's in the ledger.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
And you can append it.
You can sort of add new information that's more current,
but you can't actually go erase anything.
The way the technology's changing,
nothing's gonna be like it used to be.
And there's no like firm, and then the buyer
and the seller, it basically, we'll have
to rewrite a lot of rules in economics as well.
For sure.
A lot of the assumptions won't hold true.
Same with, who are the actors?
It's not just people anymore.
It's machines.
[Valentinas] Absolutely.
We're gonna have to create entire new concepts
of how they do trade and how they work with us, too.
What kind of barriers or road blocks would you imagine
are gonna happen in the blockchain space?
So at least when we talk about Bitcoin,
there are some trust issues and some hacks.
So there's obviously a need to work on trust
and feeling that it's a safe technology.
One of the problems that Bitcoin has faced
is Bitcoins getting stolen or lost.
But a lot of that actually comes from people
trying to recentralize Bitcoin in different ways
making themselves actually a pretty easy target.
Absolutely, so education will be a big part
before we actually can use the technology in a wide sense.
To actually transition into the mainstream
and make it useful for average people to use,
we're going to need to make sure we have
a lot more education, a lot more standards
and probably work with a lot of enterprises
to create sort of a user experience around
this being a technology that is safe
and usable and understandable.
What is the current state of blockchain
in your understanding?
What's gonna have to happen next?
The current state is in the research state,
and it's being developed to be applied in many, many areas.
It must be used almost everywhere
to where we won't even imagine how we lived without it.
But I'm not sure where it's going to go.
I mean, no one really knows, right.
We have a lot of public blockchains.
Like we have Bitcoin.
We have the Ethereum network and XT,
but a lot of companies and consortiums
are getting together to build private blockchains,
so ones that are more closed off at first
and then may evolve into a public network
where people feel comfortable using it.
And some are also proof of concept out in the real world,
projects in energy and in pharmaceuticals
and in retail and lots of different fields
are starting experiments.
And we'll see in the next few years
how all of those interact and what we learn
about the best use cases for blockchain
and what it means for trade.
So tell me your version of a technical
definition of blockchain.
A technical definition of blockchain
is that it is a persistent, transparent,
public, append-only ledger.
So it is a system that you can add data to
and not change previous data within it.
It does this through a mechanism for creating consensus
between scattered, or distributed, parties
that do not need to trust each other
but just need to trust the mechanism
by which their consensus is arrived at.
In the case of blockchain, it relies on some form
of challenge such that no one actor on the network
is able to solve this challenge consistently
more than everyone else on the network.
So it randomizes?
Yes, it randomizes the process and, in theory,
ensures that no one can force the blockchain to accept
a particular entry onto the ledger that others disagree
with, one that relies on a mechanism
for a peer to peer network that can maintain updates
to the ledger and then verify those updates
in such a way that it is impossible to defraud
and impossible to alter after the fact.
Do you see it as defining a new discipline of kinds,
or where are we gonna see blockchain emerge
in the real world first?
I mean, just like an example, one thing that I think
about a lot in terms of possible blockchain
applications is electricity, right.
The next generation of distributed smart grid
technology effectively--
Sure, and people are working on that already.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And it's this very fruitful area of research,
and you can find yourself looking like 20 years out, right,
where you have an enormous number of electric cars.
You have all of these batteries.
That's essentially a distributed
peak load power grid, right.
Like, the cars are getting plugged in
and unplugged at different times.
If you have a mechanism that's able to automatically
and autonomously be distributing power
based on batteries that are scattered throughout
the grid that are being used for other purposes.
Their owners don't even necessarily need to be aware.
I mean, to have something that looks like a much more
viable society that still has a lot of electricity needs
but is able to base that much more on renewables,
is able to make up the difference during peak load periods
or during differences in weather, that is able to have
power much closer to where it is needed
rather than having to be distributed over great distances.
It's like, that's something that would be
an enormously hard problem to solve.
And it's not that the blockchain makes it easy,
but it makes it possible.
A lot of people are seeing blockchain in the news
and maybe seeing a lot of sort of initial coin offerings
and sort of monetization opportunity around blockchain
and getting very excited about it.
And some of that excitement is real and should be,
you know, encouraged, but some of it is also hype.
How do you feel about the hype cycle
around blockchain today?
I'm glad you mentioned initial coin offerings
because for me, those really exemplify
the sort of problem that we're having at this exact moment.
They are an idea with enormous potential
significance down the road.
However, the promise of the initial coin offering
has been kind of hijacked into this string
of like basically pump and dump scams
or sort of desperate gold rush schemes.
The faster that we can shift from this fantasy
that it is going to make you rich in a sort of,
you know, 1920s tulip bubble kind of way,
is the sooner that we can get into people,
honestly, and I mean this like with all the hope
in the world, people being disappointed in blockchain.
It's like, oh, I didn't get rich.
It's just being used now to make it easier
to transact goods and services safely across borders.
This isn't exciting at all.
And then we'll see that become part
of the everyday infrastructure of the world
in a way that I think will be very significant.
But I think it is now, almost every aspect of it
that's connected with the concept of money
is wildly over-hyped, and--
And it also creates a problem, which is people
get a lot of excitement around it.
[Finn] Yes.
And then they're waiting for the world to change, right?
[Finn] Yeah, yeah.
Where is this technology?
Why haven't I seen any change yet?
(laughs) Yes, yes, yes.
And it's because we've had a lot of PR,
a lot of proof of concept, but truthfully,
this is more like a science, right?
It will develop.
It will take five years.
It will take 10 years.
That kind of time is necessary.
One of the areas that brought me to supply chain research
is the fact that we're not just gonna see blockchain emerge.
We're gonna see artificial intelligence
continue to evolve.
We're gonna see connective devices
and this sort of growing internet of things
and machinery that can do a lot more
and have a wallet and transact on their own.
And so I actually think a lot of where blockchain
and other technologies are headed
is this interesting synergy that will help us
elevate the kinds of institutions we've used in the past
and cobbled together to create
that identifiable, verifiable trust.
Yes, and one of the most interesting ideas to me
that came out of the currency side of the blockchain
project was the notion around like coloring coins, right,
assign properties to a particular coin,
and in particular to assign those properties in ways
that would allow you to do things like bring
in the graph of previous transactions.
[Bettina] Right.
You know, there's sort of an obvious application for this,
which is something that would look a little bit like
an extreme version of like a boycott divestment
and sanctions kind of approach, right,
a model where it's sort of a like I will not touch money.
My wallet will automatically not touch money
that has been exchanged with the following
as a sort of very extreme way of cutting those things out.
But there's also ways in which, I think, that could be
applied to clearing out the entire logistics process
of many kinds of bad actors.
Trying to make a supply chain better, in some ways,
relies a lot on whose version of better that is
and exactly kind of what gets qualified
but also how that is quantified within say
some kind of like smart contract system.
There's multiple ways that I can see this backfiring.
One is the ways in which that is implemented,
for example, leaving certain kinds
of bad behavior untouched or unanalyzed.
Or one that feels even more dire to me in some ways
is creating an extremely inflexible, like 'cause human
contracts, legal contracts, are actually very flexible.
There's a lot of kind of room
to renegotiate. There's lots of conditions.
But we already have real world versions
of some of these nightmare scenarioses
where like your kid has a medical emergency
and you can't unlock your car because you're two days
behind on payments for it, and so the car system
will no longer respond to the app mechanism
that you're supposed to be able to use to drive it.
So a barrier being sort of a rigidity in structures
that maybe don't accommodate real-life scenarioses very well.
As you and I have been talking, one of the things
that keeps coming up is that we tend to hold novel
technologies to an unrealistically high standard
in terms of what they are supposed to deliver
rather than comparing them to actually existing systems
where we can begin to see the possibility
that even like a slight incremental improvement
would still be an enormous gain.
The system we have today is also broken.
In that it's hard to compare it to some perfect future.
Just like you compare autonomous vehicles to this very
high standard because machines are doing it.
It should be perfect.
There should be zero car deaths.
(laughs) Yeah.
When you say, well, there's hundreds of thousands,
millions of car deaths on the road due to human error today.
I think we're in a similar place.
We're going to see problems with this technology,
and we are going to need to develop multiple kinds
of standards that also have some flexibility.
But it's going to also be a version, a system,
that allows us to fix some of the things
that are broken today.
Blockchain may sound complicated,
but at it's core, it's just another tool
for humans and eventually robots and other kinds
of identities to trade at scale
and make that trade more decentralized.
And it's part of our future, so it's important
that people have these kinds of conversations
and start to learn about it.
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