Makey Makey: Making a Better World…One Carrot Keyboard at a Time [Sponsored Content]
Brought to you by Intel.
Released on 02/12/2014
When I was young, I used to want
to design a utopian world.
As I got more mature, I realized
the world that I would love to live in
would be a world created by seven billion pairs of hands,
each making their own part of the world a better place.
My name is Jay Silver, I am a co-creator of Makey Makey.
And I was actually Intel's first Maker Research Scientist.
We don't try to teach people's minds,
we try to ignite people's hearts.
Makey Makey is a little circuit and it lets you hook up
everyday objects and repurpose their meaning.
You can grab bananas and hook them up to your laptop,
and connect them together with alligator-clips
and boom, you've got a banana piano.
(electronic piano music)
One place Makey Makey came out of is
physical contact with everyday objects.
The whole purpose of that is really so that
you can look around you, and you can think to yourself,
the world is really just a construction kit.
And meaning is something that I can designate.
I want to give everybody a little bit of experience
with giving new purpose to the world they live in.
I started at MIT for electrical engineering
and then I switched to media arts and sciences.
And I worked in a group called The Lifelong Kindergarten.
I got to use all my engineering experience
to bring user interfaces to life
that real people would use everyday.
And then I took what I learned there
in The Lifelong Kindergarten over to Intel
where I was a Maker Research Scientist.
Life is better when you can make your own solutions
and so what you want to receive on the other end
of the technology is something that you can put to use
in your own way and make something unique
that fits your lifestyle.
Can you show me how it works?
And so what we want to receive is
creative tools and powerful tools.
And that's something Intel is working on.
One thing that's cool about the Intel 2-in-1 PC
is that you really can compact it
and get some really powerful embedded prototyping going
with Makey Makey, it's pretty easy to get all that power
that's in the 2-in-1 PC and make it react
to the everyday environment so they're a good combo.
One of the things that I really like about Intel is that
it was founded by Makers
and I think the powerhouses of the future of the economy
are going to be places where there's a lot
of people who know how to make things.
And Intel is one of those places.
We believe that everybody can invent
and make things and change the world.
And that's why we invented Makey Makey.
When we make our world, we make a better world.
(electronic music)
Starring: Jay Silver
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