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The Thiel Fellows Get an Inside Look at Silicon Valley on a Field Trip to the Google Campus

The Thiel fellows get a dose of Silicon Valley life as they visit Google’s collaborative workspace, The Garage. After a demo of Google Glass, the group gets hands-on with an innovation exercise to hone their creativity and team-building skills.

Released on 06/30/2014


[Narrator] 22 winners, all under age 20.

$100,000 to drop out of school and pursue our dreams.

This is Teen Technorati.

(upbeat music)

The T-Rex is named Stan, Stan the T-Rex.

There's a pool and a beach volleyball court.

Being at Google and meeting the engineers

that are actually behind these products that we use daily,

whether it be Google Mail, Glass, Search,

is an amazing chance.

Who here has ever tried on Glass?

This Glass is gonna sit above your eye.

You're gonna be swiping forwards,

swiping backwards, swiping down.

And then you'll be able to look around the website

and scroll around that way.

Oh wow, that's cool.

[Patrick] Yeah, pretty cool, huh?

You have to think about the philosophy of Google X.

It's about doing things 10 times, 100 times the next step.

Car accidents, huge problem, right?

Lot of people get in car accidents.

What does Google do?

They create a car that drives itself,

take the human aspect out of it.

What do you guys think about it?

When you first heard about it.

I have terrible vision in both my eyes.

Absolute horrific, worst than most people ever met

and my glasses are like this thick.

Putting this thing on my eye was immediately,

within 10-15 seconds, actually painful to look at.

This is the feedback we want.

But really the reality is that everything starts off large

and it's a tiny, tiny device

and I feel like the function could be really ironed out

in other applications first before going here.

Once people are really comfortable

with that larger technology, this would just follow.

People would be like why isn't it on our faces yet?

I never thought of it that way.

Thank you.

It was great to try Google Glass.

But I think that idea of 10x thinking,

of going a few steps ahead of where you actually are,

really pushing technologies is amazing

but that doesn't mean I'm gonna stop questioning.

Nice to meet ya'll, have a good one.

You're going to hop into a 10x thinking workshop

and think about your projects

and think about how we can 10x them.

We're going to teach you the process that we try to follow.

So there are three fellows

that we're going to be helping out today.

My challenge is how might we help healthcare consumers

find the best options for themselves?

How can we reduce the gap between what we would consider

a virtual experience and a real experience?

How might we make getting analysis easier

and accessible to laymen?

[Karishma] Let's split up and pick a challenge per table.

The game streaming starts with big picture thinking.

Can we do it by just fitting a bunch of,

having a lot of data and testing it out?

The important part is tying it

into what the laymen want to understand.

Most people, if they saw a giant Excel file,

they wouldn't really know what to do with it.

So brain writing is one activity that we do often.

You're going to write one idea

about how you might solve this problem per post it.

It lasts 30 seconds.

Take a post it that isn't your own.

Teleport care anywhere in the world.


Add a thought.

That's some sort of toilet,

I think a Japanese company actually does this.

Ambulance on Uber, I said you can call an ambulance

with different capabilities.

If you have a broken leg, call an ambulance

that's basically a truck with a bed in it.


But for doc dash is to have like docx and doc excel.

Or it could just be a fatter doctor, I don't know.


[Karishma] Now what I want you to do is just,

by yourselves, storyboard one idea

built out in six to eight different ways.

This step is where the prototyping comes in,

when we actually build something

that is the first step of this.

I haven't seen Play-Doh in decades.

[Man] Put this on your wrist.

I don't think it's gonna fist.

We've got a toothbrush here that's supposed to detect

the acidity in your teeth.

We've tracking and aggravating that.

The idea being that you create the technologies

that actually read certain metrics

about your body each day.

So that represents the data monster,

and this is a winged angel that will solve the problem.

[Karishma] Hopefully you got a little bit of an idea

of how Google X thinks of moonshot thinking and 10x thinking

and thinking a little crazy.

I would assume that they have something against mining,

That's actually a good idea.

[Man] Then they just keep scrolling up,

just like a Dropbox.

Oh, yeah, yeah, sure.

I love that we can be this kind of intercollaborative

group of people, aimed towards not only furthering

our own endeavors and pursuits,

but also making sure we help each other.

I've already been able to make some strides

in how I'm thinking about my part,

in how I'm thinking about hive

just by living with a few of the other fellows.

And thinking about that scaling to two years

is really unbelievable.

Value is infinite.

[Narrator] Tune in for the next episode of Teen Technorati

when we give an insiders look at the tech shop.

And be sure to subscribe to the Wired channel.
