Automated Parallel Parking
Released on 09/06/2013
[Female Narrator] Mr. Know It All.
Am I less of a man if I use
the automated parallel parking on my Lexus?
Well it all depends if you're talking about
literally being less of a man.
I mean are you schvitzing at the thought of being
emasculated by your automobiles's bizarre self-sufficiency?
In that sense you are, by definition,
less of a man as you have lost weight
by accelerating your secretion of moisture.
But, if you're talking figuratively,
you then fall into the treacherous bog
that is a gender role.
See American culture tells us a man should indeed
avoid assistance of any kind while operating an automobiles.
This applies especially to help from inanimate objects
such as maps, or even help from an animate object,
such as a passenger using said map to help you navigate.
These are hard and fast American values.
However, if you come from a culture
with different gender roles,
then relying on automated parallel parking
might be tolerated.
In that case though,
I'd wonder how you'd procured a Lexus in the first place,
and if you're even properly licensed to drive.
[Alien On Right] Don't know.
I'm Mr. Know It All,
which means I already know whether or not you are interested
in clicking on the subscribe button.
You are.
Animated by: Mike Wartella (Dream Factory Animation) Designed by: Christoph Niemann
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