Serving Genetically Modified Food at Dinner Parties
Released on 10/18/2013
[Woman] Mr. Know-It-All.
[Man] Do I have to tell dinner guests
if our meal contains genetically modified food?
Oh, I see what you did there,
big executive who prefers to remain anonymous.
The old how do I creatively upset hippies
who oppose genetically modified foods bit.
A decent human being, say one who wouldn't sue
a small family farmer for trying to use his company's
patented seeds more than one season in a row would simply
consult with guests ahead of time
even if they aren't fanatical foodies.
Gary Comstock, an ethicist at North Carolina State
University told me that by virtue of just being
a host guest relationship,
you want to be considerate of their interests.
You'd tell a vegan if their high tech cocktail
was clarified with crustacean
derived chitosan, right, right?
But let's say you forgot to ask ahead of time, wink wink
and end up buying and serving genetically modified food
to your hippie guests.
At the end of dinner, jump up on the table
and announce the rouse in a grand style,
then sue the scoundrels for inadvertently
eating your company's patented food.
[Woman] Was that organic?
[Man] I'm Mr. Know-It-All, which means I already know
whether or not your are interested
in clicking on the subscribe button.
You are.
Animated by: Mike Wartella (Dream Factory Animation) Designed by: Christoph Niemann
Classical Toddler Music
Expired Medication: A Dose of Truth
Automated Parallel Parking
Serving Genetically Modified Food at Dinner Parties
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Global Sustainability & Planetary Boundaries