Talking with Darby Schumacher, the 18-Year-Old Thiel Fellowship Finalist Who Wants to Prevent SIDS
Released on 06/25/2014
(light piano music)
I'm Darby Schumacher, I'm 18 years old.
I'm from Chattanooga, Tennessee and I am
creating a safer and healthier
world for parents and newborns.
My friend's son died before his
eight month birthday, they didn't
know the cause at the time but found out
that it's SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
That's when I really ventured into this
idea of an alert system that will update
parents tracking vital signs in babies.
I'm very prepared to venture into this field
'cause I did eight years of science research
and worked alongside NANOTEC researchers
to create a product that I was really proud of
and I really got into the idea of me being
an entrepreneur and venturing into an area
where I can really mold something
and make something and change something.
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Talking with Darby Schumacher, the 18-Year-Old Thiel Fellowship Finalist Who Wants to Prevent SIDS
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