Teenage Wunderkinds Explain How They Got Into Cancer Research, Astrophysics & Product Design
Released on 08/15/2014
When I was a child, I always wanted
to be doing something other people are not doing.
When I was five years old, I wanted to be an astronaut.
First grade I got my first computer,
and I got extremely addicted.
When I took a computer science course in high school,
everything changed.
I met with Dr. Yvonne Pendleton
when I was in fourth grade.
When I was still in middle school,
I wanted to do a science fair project.
I found myself absolutely obsessed
with developing and non-stop writing code
and trying to figure things out on my own.
So I started learning HTML.
I just told her up front,
I want to go to UC Berkeley.
I want to become an astrophysicist.
I spent a lot of time talking with the researchers,
and I learned about ending aging.
She was very excited to see somebody so young
interested in astrophysics.
I just felt that this is what I want to do.
I wanted to stop cancer.
I like solving the problems,
and I really like seeing people use my product.
What I want to focus on over the next two years
is how much can I learn.
Now I have this opportunity to change the world.
And that's my passion today.
So that's what I'm doing right now.
(cheerful tune)
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Teenage Wunderkinds Explain How They Got Into Cancer Research, Astrophysics & Product Design