VFX Expert Breaks Down The History of Shrinking People in Movies
Released on 01/05/2018
My name's Jamie Price.
I was the Visual Effect Supervisor on Downsizing,
and I'm going to take you through a bit of the history
of the miniaturization of people in movies.
(medium tempo music)
One of the first primary uses of visual effects
to shrink people was in the movie,
The Bride of Frankenstein in 1935.
(medium tempo music)
In order to blend the big people and the small people
together, two pieces of footage had to be shot.
First there was a background plate featuring Dr. Pretorius
in his lab, and then there were additional shots made
of the people that would be shrunk down and placed
into the jars.
Measurements were taken on set, and then those measurements
were scaled up, and then people who were meant to be small
were photographed from a much larger distance, and therefore
they looked smaller in the frame.
And then early on in the 30s, before the advent
of bluescreen technology, there weren't that many options
for compositing images like this together.
It was created using composites done by
the Williams Process, which was a process where people
were shot against black, and the brightness could be then
used to create an outline of the character; what we call
a map, and then those characters were composited
into the live action background.
(medium tempo music)
(mysterious music)
1940, Dr. Cyclops was being done, and that was in color.
And the Williams Process wasn't really suitable for color,
and so a lot of the solutions in Dr. Cyclops were
to use rear projection.
The background projection image was big, the people
in the foreground appeared small, and then in the final shot
you saw the mix of the scales.
Another thing that's really interesting about Dr. Cyclops
is some of the creativity that they used to have
the interaction between the big people and small people.
You see a mechanical oversized hand that an actor
is grasped by, and the camera is lined up with that
oversized hand in the rear projection screen to
create the illusion of the continuous body of Dr. Cyclops.
Dr. Cyclops also introduces the idea of a cat
threatening some small people.
And it's interesting to note in this sequence,
the different in the look of the shots between
when they're photographing the small people on
oversized sets, and when they're photographing the cat
against a real set.
What's at play here is the idea of depth of field.
And depth of field, is the amount of frame that's in focus.
And so if you look at the coverage of this scene, you'll see
that when photographing the cat, the camera is close
and the background is very blurry.
But when photographing the people, the camera
is farther away.
But it results in the two halves of the scene
have a kind of fundamentally different look.
And it may not be something that you notice at first
right away, but there's something subtle that's
giving away that the two sides of the scene
were shot in different ways.
1957, The Incredible Shrinking Man.
(funky music)
Now the depth of field is more controlled.
But what's interesting about this scene, also involving
a cat, the focus is deeper and it's a better match
to the shots that are showing Grant Williams.
And so, you begin to feel that the scene is becoming
more of a whole.
(upbeat music)
1959, Darby O'Gill and the Little People.
What they did was make extensive use of forced perspective.
Forced perspective is creating the illusion of something
being small by placing it far away from the camera,
and photographing it at the same time as something close
so that when the two subjects share the frame at the same
time, one looks much smaller than the other.
This required a lot of light.
The story is that they got every light in Hollywood,
and used them to photograph these scenes.
They placed one actor on a set piece that was scaled up
and artfully blended so that when the camera was lined up
just perfectly, it looked like it was part of
the foreground set.
Another interesting and old technique that was used
was something called the shift and shot.
The shift and shot involves using a mirror, where a portion
of the reflective coating is scratched away, revealing
just clear glass.
When you shoot the mirror, you look through a portion of it
and you look at a reflection in the other portion.
And by placing the object, either through the clear glass,
or in the reflection much farther away, you create
the illusion of two images being blended together.
This was a technique that was used in the 30s,
as early as films like Metropolis.
It wasn't really until the advent of digital technology
that new techniques started to be utilized.
(upbeat music)
Hook, in 1991, used some of the similar techniques,
composites, and bluescreen in order to create the
miniature look of Tinkerbell.
Tinkerbell was also combined with photographic elements
for her wings.
And there were actual miniatures and had the proper small
scale that were photographed separately and then
composited with her.
(medium tempo music)
1995 brought The Indian in the Cupboard.
They really made an effort to honor the optical principles
of photography when photographing something small.
And that means that they really studied the depth of field
and the optical properties of the lenses.
When you look at some of the shots, you see the backgrounds
are quite out of focus, and that's because they're really
going for this look to make the
foreground character look small.
Another technique that was used is motion control.
Motion control is a system where a robotic camera
is moved that matches its own movement the same way
every single time.
And that way multiple elements can be shot and combined,
and they won't appear to be moving against each other,
because the camera has made the exact same move every time,
thanks to the electronics and the robotics and the gears.
(jungle music)
Lord of the Rings, 2003.
The culmination of all of the techniques that we've
been talking about.
Forced perspective, compositing, digital technology
were all being utilized to create the mix of scales
in this movie.
One interesting advance in Lord of the Rings
was the use of motion control to actually create
forced perspective with a moving camera.
In the early days, if the camera was not in exactly
the right place, the gag would be given away, and the shot
wouldn't work anymore.
This was accomplished by placing one actor at a certain
distance from the camera, another actor at a farther
distance from the camera, and then as the camera moved
the actor in the distance will also move so that they
appeared to be constantly the same distance.
(upbeat music)
Ant-Man, 2015.
In order to achieve the realism level in Ant-Man,
special sets were built and photographed with a
still camera, and a library was created of images
for each of these small scale sets.
That allowed the film makers to the recreate those sets
digitally, and compose whatever shot they wanted,
from whatever angle they wanted, and with whatever
depth of field that they wanted.
(upbeat music)
That brings us to Downsizing, 2017.
Alexander Payne didn't move the camera very much,
and he didn't cut very often, which meant that the shots
were subject to a very, very high level of scrutiny.
All of our measurements had to be extremely precise,
or the audience would tell, over the course of the shot,
if the perspective wasn't quite right, or the lighting
wasn't quite right.
So we really were incredibly meticulous with our notes,
with duplicating our environments.
One of the techniques that we decided not to use
was the idea of oversized props and sets.
We felt in looking back at the earlier work, as good
as it was, there was always something about the
detail level that gave it away.
However, one of the things that we knew we needed
was the actual interaction for the actor and the lighting
interaction of being in a set.
We used one of the oldest techniques in motions pictures,
and that's rotoscoping.
Rotoscoping is where the outline of a character
is traced, frame by frame, so that that character
can then be taken out of whatever background they're in,
and placed into another one.
We actually did build oversized sets, but we knew we were
never going to use those sets in the final image.
They were just there for the actor to have something
to work with, and for the cinematographer to be
able to light.
One of the things that changes when you're photographing
something big or small is the relationship of the size
of the subject to the size of the light.
So as the subject gets smaller, the light, relative
to them, gets bigger.
And that meant we had to have very large light sources.
Then the actor was rotoscoped out, and then composited
in to the background.
And that's what appears in the final movie.
I think what's most exciting about the trajectory
that visual effects technology has taken; it's how much
freedom film makers have now.
There are a lot fewer limitations being placed
on film makers because of technology and because
of visual effects, and that allows their imagination
to really take flight.
Wow. That is wild, isn't it?
That's just wild.
Starring: Jamie Price
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