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John Cena & Awkwafina Answer The Web's Most Searched Questions

John Cena and Awkwafina, stars of the upcoming Amazon MGM film Jackpot! visit WIRED to answer their most searched for questions on Google. Does John Cena still wrestle? What role did Awkwafina win a Golden Globe for? Why does John Cena wear "jorts?" Why did Awkwafina choose a stage name? John Cena and Awkwafina answer these questions and plenty more on the WIRED Autocomplete Interview. Director: Justin Wolfson Editor: Cory Stevens Talent: Awkwafina; John Cena Line Producer: Joseph Buscemi Associate Producer: Brandon White Production Manager: Peter Brunette Production Coordinator: Rhyan Lark Talent Booker: Meredith Judkins Production Assistant: Carlos del Cid Post Production Supervisor: Christian Olguin Post Production Coordinator: Ian Bryant Supervising Editor: Doug Larsen Additional Editor: JC Scruggs Assistant Editor: Justin Symonds Special Thanks: No Roads Productions

Released on 08/07/2024


Hey, I'm John Cena.

I'm Awkwafina, and this is

the WIRED Autocomplete Interview.

[upbeat music]

I'm lactose intolerant.


Gemini. Fact.

[upbeat music]

You ready, John?

Yeah, these should be great.

Does John Cena

[tape ripping]

still wrestle?

Yes, I do, I am still currently active in the WWE,

not quite retired yet, although speculating on

when that day will come because, boy, am I old.

What is John Cena's famous quote?


ask not what your country can do for you.


Ask what you can do for your country.

Oh, I thought it was the- No, that was John Kennedy.

Oh. Oh, was it that?

Was it the, You can't see me?

Are you sure about that? These are-

Ooh, nice, hit 'em with a double meme-

Do you think that the answers here?

[John sighing]

I think it's, You can't see me.

What is John Cena's

[tape ripping]

theme song?

It's called The Time Is Now,

it's a catchy tune.

[John humming]

Oh. From the 2005 release,

John Cena and Tha Trademarc, Time Is Now,

so- Nice.

So there's that, yeah.

Who is John Cena

[tape ripping]

in Suicide Squad?

Oh, man,

I am lucky enough to play a superhero called Peacemaker,

government name is Chris Smith,

and he is a highly trained assassin,

he has been trained since a young age

to be skilled in the arts of war,

as they would call it.

Big fan of Eagly,

love him. We all are.

Yeah, the best.

Just, oh, I'm sorry.

You're good. Hit you.


Next board, what made Awkwafina famous?

I don't know. Was it My Vagina?

Yes. My Vag?

My Vag, it was My Vag.

Was it my vag?

[Awkwafina laughing]

No, it wasn't.

Oh, good. Good.

'Cause that doesn't, oh, it makes you infamous.

[Awkwafina laughing]


Yep, Google knows the answer to that one.

Who does Awkwafina voice?

Oh, wow.

Courtney, Angry Birds 2, shout out.

I voiced a variety of characters that I love,

a lot of, some which were birds.


There was kinda like a,

there's like a couple of birds.

I'd say the most powerful voice is yours.

Oh, thank you so much, John. Right on, right on.

I appreciate that.

Voices a wonderful human being.

What did Awkwafina win a Golden Globe for?

I won a Golden Globe for The Farewell,

which is a movie that you should check out.

Congratulations. Thank you.

Go check it out, for God's sakes.

A movie that definitely reminded people a lot

about their own kind of lives, and relationships

to their grandparents, or any relative

that they had to encounter an unfortunate,

in an unfortunate illness.

It resonated with a lot people,

which is always, like, cool.

What is Awkwafina's

[tape ripping]

latest movie? Oh.

Well, I don't know if you guys heard

of a little diddly named,

Jackpot. Jackpot!

First of all, I love Paul, I felt-

Our director, Paul Feig.

Our director, Paul Feig,

is so funny- Shout out to Paul Feig.

Yeah, it is this big comedy, but then there is heart

that comes out in kind of unexpected ways.

I really like the way that it paints LA,

and kinda like in a kind of allegorical way.

A lot of good bits in there.

Yeah, great bits. You know?

Yeah. It's nonstop action.

A story about like how messed up the lottery

could possibly get. Yeah.

And like I read it and I was like,

Oh, that could actually happen.

It's on Prime Video, it'll be on Prime Video,

if you go to Prime Video, it says, Coming Soon,

just wait a little bit longer.

We don't have a link yet.

Yep, 'cause just like me, it's coming soon.


[Awkwafina laughing]

All right, let's get rid of it.

[board thudding]


Let's do it. Oh, boy.

What was John Cena's best year?

What does that mean?

That my best years are behind me?

What the fuck, why wasn't I notified?

I thought I was doing pretty good.

What a sick question.

Yeah, that is kind of a sick-

I'd like to think that I'm living my best life,

or trying to. Mhm.

My best years are ahead of me.

Ahead, yeah. We're hoping they are.


Why does John Cena

wear jorts?

Do you wear jorts?

I do, I wear jorts often. Often?

Yep, yep.

I feel like I've only seen you, like, in a suit,

including right now.

So, I also wear suits often.

Mm. I enjoy a suit.

Yeah. The jorts are more for work.

Mhm. Yes.

So, I've been wearing them for over 20 years,

and it started as a way to help define my character.


It was a character based in like hiphop culture,

and hiphop fashion- Mm.

And way back, 20 years ago was like the end

of the large, baggy jean short era.

Mhm, mhm.

And I've tried many other forms of shorts.

Mhm. I always like to wrestle

in street clothes, 'cause I think it sets me apart

from the other performers, and it also helps people

attach to the personality. Mhm.

But cargo shorts, and any other material,

except denim- Mhm.


So, we run a family program,

and for young folks to see the ugly bits too soon,

it's just not a way to grow up.

[tape ripping]

Why does John Cena follow me on Twitter?

Wow, well, I follow you,

'cause we're besties. Yeah, yeah, I know, right?

So, if Google's asking, or if the general public

is asking, the way that I use X is to engage in conversation

and I believe you can't just talk to people,

you have to talk with them.

The way I use X is not only for shameless self-promotion,

please watch Jackpot on Prime Video,

but also, I put out thoughts that might be on my mind,

or thoughts that will engage people.

Everything nowadays is polarizing,

but I think there are thoughts

that people have a viewpoint on, or a perspective.

And I follow everyone I can. Mm.

I'm following over 800,000 people at the moment,

I just will continue to follow 1,000 people a day,

'cause that's all X allows you to follow, is 1,000.


And I follow people from everywhere, I don't care,

like no one is off limits, your affiliations, your beliefs,

I don't care, because I want to hear all the voices.

That's interesting. Cool.

I'm interested about that. From ripping my jorts,

to that.

[Awkwafina laughing]


Okay, why does John Cena wear dog tags?

Oh, so, that happened a while ago,

it was a little bit of an accoutrement that I used to wear.


Those have been shifted over the years.

Fans used to gimme the rubber bracelets

that would say inspirational things.

Mm. Or like, Hey,

I just made this for my neighbors.

And I used to tie them into my shoelaces.

Oh, that's cool. So I used to go into matches

with like 100 rubber bracelets on both sides,

'cause if a fan gave me one before an event,

I would have that.

My dog tags used to say the names of my parents,

and my brothers. Mm.

And it was my cop out way of saying like,

Hey, you guys are with me.

But I wasn't really, this is gonna get deep,

I wasn't really good at being a son and being a brother.

Mm. So, rather than

wear this thing that they could see on TV,

what I began to do for them was show up.

So I'm trying to be better at showing up-

Oh. And not being better

at using a talisman to be like, See, I'm there.

Mhm, mhm. So, ditched the dog tags

for more one-on-one time.

Right, yeah, that's- Right on, good board.

Good board. Yeah.

All right, next board, you ready?


All right, Awkwafina,

[tape ripping]

Between Two Ferns, is that a question?

[Awkwafina laughing]

Is that even a question?

How was that?

It was so fun. Yeah?

He's so funny, yeah. Right on.

Really fun, yeah. Seems like a good time.

Yeah, it's a good time.

Very quick-

Yeah. That Galifianakis guy.

He's very quick, yes. Quick.

All right, Awkwafina,

facts. Wow.

Again, I don't know if that's much of a question.

I'm lactose intolerant.


Gemini. Fact.

Capricorn rising. Fact.

I don't, you know, I've fallen into a toilet

in the dark a couple times.



[tape ripping]


Mm, mhm. Mm.

Again. Mhm.

I have to ask in the form of a question,

so Awkwafina tattoo?

Or, you know what, what if it's a tattoo of me?

That goes on somebody else, right?

Is there someone out there with an Awkwafina tattoo?


[tape ripping]

wax figure. Mhm, mhm.

Do you wax your whole figure?

[Awkwafina laughing]

No. Okay, cool.

I think that was the question. Yeah.

That was the nature of the question.

I have a wax, I have some wax figures,

you can go see them. Oh, you have a,

Awkwafina wax figure.

Yeah, yeah. Okay, cool.

Yeah, they're beautiful,

thank you, Madame. You have two of 'em?

There are two of them, yeah.

Damn. One of them is in Florida,


Two wax figures, one in Florida.

Yeah. Damn it.

All right, well, that's that board.

Hell yeah.

Did John Cena

[tape ripping]

really meet Tupac?


No, of course not. Oh.

Yeah, that's completely made up by you, Google,

or the internet. Oh, wow.

You're both guilty.

How John Cena taunts his opponents.

Ah, so I basically, it's a long stalking process.

I write them letters, years before we even see each other.

Really? Under a penname,

Dick Hammerbush.

And then, I begin to subtly send Amazon packages

to their house, mostly large, bulk items,

like circus peanuts. What?

An occasional lawnmower, maybe a gallon of diesel fuel.

And then, eventually, when we come face-to-face,

I just cower and run the other way.


How did John Cena influence others?


I'm John, so I'm not others,

so I don't know the answer to that question, I'm just me.

You're influential.

But, it's all interpretive. Right.

Some people would be like, That motherfucker.

Yeah, that's right. And then some people

are like, Oh, a man, maybe he kinda helped me.

Or, like, I don't know, I'm kinda indifferent

to this thing, dude, whatever.

[tape ripping]

John Cena, Ricky Stanicky singing.

You sang in Ricky Stanicky?

I did, I did, we did some jizz jams.

I did a whole set of covers of songs about jacking off.


So if you're into jack jams, you know,

check out Ricky Stanicky on Prime Video, it's fun.

There's more movie there than just jack off songs,

so if you watch it, you can, you know,

hide under the guise of like, I wanted to see this movie.

But there's also a bunch of jack off songs, so, enjoy 'em.


[board thudding]


Why did Awkwafina change her name?


You've changed your name?

Not legally.

So, yeah, I mean, it's obviously a moniker.

What are we talking about?

Awkwafina versus- Are you not Awkwafina


I am, I am. Okay.

Yeah. Cool.

I haven't legally changed my name.

So you didn't change your name.

No, that's, it's, that's...

Whatever, Google. I know.

How many birds has Awkwafina voiced?

I think like three or four.

I was in Angry Birds, but I played Courtney,

who was a pig. Hm.

Yeah. The irony.

I know, I know, yeah.

Does Awkwafina

[tape ripping]

play the trumpet?

I do.

You do?

I do play the trumpet, yeah. Hm.

The sound really, like, really carries down

to my neighbors' houses, and they know exactly

where that's coming from, so it just, you know,

it's a bit of a vulnerable act for me to do it now,

because it's kind of like a, it's really loud.

What style of music do you like to play on trumpet?

I play like Silver Bells.

Nice. I'll do like Silver Bells,


Like Christmas carols.

I'll do Christmas stuff. That's great.

Yeah. Christmas carols rock.

Yeah, I wish that I was more, like,

improving more around,

but I'm not- No, it's cool, it's good.

Good music. Yeah, thank you.

Will Awkwafina

[tape ripping]

be in more Marvel movies?

I mean, hit me up, you know?

Yeah, right?

Yeah, I love them. People asking us

these questions.

Come on.

They're asking Google.

Yeah, they're asking Google these questions.

Yeah, I hope that, you know, we can all reunite

for Shang-Chi 2, when that happens, but, yeah.

I'd love to get you over on the DC side, anywho.

That's it, we made it through all the boards.

Yeah, that was great.

We have answered all of your questions.

I've learned more.

I've learned more as well,

thank you. About you, yeah.

About you. Yeah.

That's a great day.

Well, yeah, how can you, what can you ask for more?

Well, I can ask you, we, on behalf of us,

please watch Jackpot. Yeah.

It's on Prime Video, it's coming up, you're gonna love it.

We've given you information- Pieces of our soul.

Yeah, so, watch Jackpot.

Yeah. It's on Prime Video.

Watch it.

I love you. That's it.


We're signing off?

Yes, we're signing off, yeah.

Well, this is, you do that one, I'll do this one.


[upbeat music]

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