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    What Power Plant Software Can Learn From Consumer Apps Like iTunes

    Greg Petroff at WIRED by Design, 2014. In partnership with Skywalker Sound, Marin County, CA. To learn more visit: live.hyzs518.com

    Released on 11/07/2014


    Good morning everybody. My name's Greg Petroff.

    I manage user experience for GE, which is

    a very large company, been around for a long time and design

    hasn't been part of the DNA of the culture of the company

    at all and we are sort of been challenged to find ways

    to bring design into a incredibly well-run engineering

    organization that doesn't really understand design too well.

    I'm going to highlight a project that we've been working on

    for the last two years.

    It's really about the people who make the planet run,

    that keep things running.

    The guys and gals who keep the jet engines

    operating on the plane that you flew to come out to

    the conference.

    The people that keep the power on.

    The folks who keep the medical machines at hospitals

    operating so that clinicians can help you

    if you need to or find yourself in that kind of situation.

    What is it about this space?

    It's an interesting place.

    We call these people field engineers and they

    have to work in some of the most difficult situations

    you can imagine.

    This is a guy who is sitting about 350 feet in the air

    in the tallest wind turbine in the world, in the Nacelle.

    He has to bring everything up a ladder, right?

    There's no elevator that takes you up that space.

    You have to climb your way up to the top.

    He has to operate in an environment that is challenging

    to say the least.

    These guys, the folks that work in these environments, we

    haven't really developed software or tools for them.

    They're late to the technology revolution.

    They're not really software people. They're craftsmen.

    They treasure their tools. They treasure the experience

    of having an intimate relationship with the machines that

    they service and they become sort of connected to them.

    In a way, they're sort of the machine whisperers of our

    industrial world.

    They work in really interesting environments.

    Sometimes it's dangerous environments.

    It's tight spaces.

    It's places that are difficult for people to get into.

    You can see this person

    is in a water processing space.

    They have to disassemble these things, put them back

    together again and it's a big challenge for them

    in terms of how to do it.

    So we spent a lot of time watching these people at work

    and it's one of the nice things about GE. It has so

    many different businesses that we can sort of study

    field engineers in locationss on an oil platform, in a

    manufacturing facility, at a hospital, and we can study

    them in different cultures too around the world

    and in different weather conditions.

    As I said earlier, there are ... They have to operate

    in environments which might be 125 degrees outside

    or in an environment where it's minus 40 degrees so it's

    a challenging space for people to be productive and

    get work and an interesting problem to solve for.

    So just some more cool pictures of kind of the space that

    they get to operate.

    One of the things we've discovered in sort of watching these

    people at work are a couple of really simple truths.

    One, nobody respects the context of what they're doing.

    They don't have actually access to the tools that they

    need to be successful when they're out on the job.

    This environment that they work in, in infrastructure,

    they know why they're there. They're being called because

    there's a failure or there's a repair that needs to be made.

    We actually know why they're there because we sent

    them there.

    The systems that are operating on these machines have

    sensors in them now that generate tons of data, so we

    know what's going on in the situation at that moment

    but we don't really respect the moment, the environment

    that they find themselves in and offer them the information

    that they need to be successful.

    So we spent some time sort of looking at this and

    the biggest part, for them, is sort of Understand

    what I'm doing and I need to accomplish.

    Make that easy for me.

    So we spent a lot of time.

    This is, looking at it, this is a picture of a turbo.

    It's a part of a locomotive.

    It weighs about two tons

    and they get removed pretty often because it's the part

    on a locomotive that breaks the most often.

    It's not just fixing what's broken, it's actually

    they have a lot of decisions to make.

    Because we know the behavior of how this particular

    locomotive or this particular turbo has been operated

    in a context of a larger fleet of systems and they may

    make a decision to repair something that's not even

    broken yet because they already have it out

    of the machine.

    So they have a lot of strong decisions that they have to

    make along the way.

    In that process, repairing what's not necessarily

    broken is an important part of their decision process.

    So we also know that there are a lot of remote

    locationss, right?

    These people have to wear safety gloves and goggles and

    equipment that gets in the way of them being able to have

    access to computing.

    They're not normally software people, right?

    They're people that hold tools.

    We've historically given them some degree of software and

    if you look in the space, it's really late to modernize.

    If they have something it's a DOS screen with

    you know, the green screen of death.

    We in an inflection point and the irony is that

    we actually can change their lives pretty

    radically right now with where we are from a computer

    science standpoint, with cloud and data and analytics,

    and being able to take information off of the machines

    that we have out in the world.

    So what happens when we have a platform that knows that

    you're there?

    What happens when if I walk up to a machine, the machine

    knows I've already arrived at the situation?

    What happens when all of the infrastructure and databases

    and systems that can support you being effective,

    also are aware of that context and moment?

    That's the space that we've been really interested in from

    a design standpoint.

    So we did a bunch of things.

    We started looking at how could we build a simple design

    system for GE as a whole.

    We built a bunch of prototypes 3 years ago

    when we started the adventure.

    We didn't really know what we were making.

    We made a bunch of different types of applications.

    We then built that in a way where we could actually

    build very fast, so we built a design system for

    engineers to build software with, so we built it

    and code enabled it. That allowed us to sort of make

    it the speed that we could think so we didn't have to

    think to make. We could make to think and that

    enabled us to get smarter along the way.

    Then, because we live in the world, we spent some time

    on geospacial tools, making mapping more interesting,

    more valuable for people.

    Along the way we also sort of discovered how to provide

    guidance to people who are building applications.

    The design team that we have is not large enough to build

    all of the software that's going to get built in GE

    so we had to make it in a way that people could create

    and aggregate and make their software as quickly as


    We were challenged with some other things.

    We were able to actually make really simple, delightful

    applications that allowed us to prove our point around

    how design could matter for the folks in the field.

    We also had to explore new typography so I love the fact

    that we're talking about typography today.

    GE has a really strong typographic branding style to it

    except there was never design for digital devices so we had

    to go and redesign the type experience in GE back to the

    skeletal side of the typeface and then rebuild it from


    So we did that and that got embedded into the software

    that we built.


    So then, basically, we came to a new idea, an idea

    around what we call context-based computing.

    This is, in the background what you're seeing here is

    something we call PredixCo. It's a very simple

    application that allows a field engineer to have everything

    that he needs. So we build these micro-applications.

    They're very small. Byte sized.

    If I walk up to a piece of equipment

    the system will assemble those micro-applications

    automatically into a playlist.

    It's sort of like you know, if you go to the gym

    and you have your iTunes list of music that you're going

    to listen to, we can create a list of software, software

    as media, and put that together to make the perfect

    experience for an engineer or a field engineer could

    create their own collections, their own toolkits.

    The thing that's cool about it is that you only need

    to know four motions to be able to use it.

    Sort of left, right, and up and down. We can support

    that whether you're wearing gloves or even with motion

    controllers so that if you're in a situation where

    you have a wrench and tools, it's very easy for people to

    use it.

    What we found when we put this out into the field is that

    people really liked using it.

    In fact, there was a lot of speculation that if we gave

    ipadss to field engineers that they would break them

    or that they would forget them or that they would fall

    apart. What we found out is that they became these

    treasured items for them. They cared for them so

    carefully because it was the first time that someone had

    actually provided them the context that allowed them to

    do their job and be successful in the moment and have

    access to all the information that they needed.

    In doing that, we created a whole sort of ecosystem of

    building these kinds of applications very quickly.

    Now what we can do is we can sit down with a specific

    field engineer and build an application in a matter of

    hours and build that and make them more productive.

    In that story, actually, we're democratizing the design

    process and we hope in that process, we'll be able to

    improve the quality of the infrastructure that we count

    on in the world, moving forward.

    Thank you.

