36 Tech Gadgets, 2 Days, Total Destruction
Released on 04/17/2015
(hard rock music)
Scene three, take one, mark.
With this show we have so many different angles
and so many different cameras that all have to
be synchronized.
I pulled some sort of cord on our baby monitor which
watches our blinking red light.
When we did the pilot, we're like, waiting for it
to come around and it just made everything so complicated,
so for the second round, I was like, there's gotta be
something that's made, and it's just a wireless
baby monitor.
So I just had to modify it to run on batteries.
It's amazing, it's amazing!
(talking to Justin)
We're close to our first shot of the day,
and I'm hoping it's destructive.
If anybody wants safety goggles, I recommend
safety goggles.
[Man] Yeah!
This is a new thing, this is a shame safe.
This is a safe specifically meant to shame the loser,
in this case, the iphoness.
(whistle blowing)
It's sad that my position even needs to exist,
you know, to a degree, but I'm grateful for it
because this is what I love.
I mean, it's just so cool to see all the generations
of the phones all together.
It's a family photo, right before they die.
[Man] What's been your favorite thing
that you've crunched?
Um, I think the case that doubled in half.
That's was probably the craziest.
[Man] Oh yeah, the iphoness case.
[All speaking] Whoa! Yeah!
Oh, that's awesome.
[Man] Oh, oh, wait, wait, wait, oh, no!
I'm about to drop.
And 64.
GoldenEye is locked and loaded.
[Man] Pierce Brosnan.
[Justin] Hang on, Pierce.
Hang on!
[Man] That's like kind of beautiful.
[Justin] Yeah, the cords really add a lot.
That was Xbox 360, my personal Xbox 360,
because the one that we bought on eBay, red-ringed
like the day before the shoot.
Starring: Justin Johnson, Erik Beck
"Hey You" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
"So Ganster" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
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