Oculus Rift vs Samsung Gear VR vs Virtual Boy
Released on 04/16/2015
My friends, the future is now
and we are going to destroy it.
Because thanks to suggestions from m kaye and Brandon Crilly
we'll be battle testing two of the most cutting edge
VR systems out there.
Erik, if VR exists, how do we know we're not in a
simulation right now?
Trust me Justin, we're not, not, not, not-
I should've taken the red pill.
(rock music)
[Erik] It's safe to say the age of virtual reality
is finally here.
And if we're going to put these things on our heads,
we better make sure they're built tough.
First up, Samsung's Gear VR,
which uses a Note 4 as a display
and is even available at Best Buy.
Next, our throwback device, Nintendo's Virtual Boy.
Awful and rare, it deserves to die.
Finally, the Oculus Rift DK2.
While it has a steep learning curve, it still
represents the best headset currently on the market.
And this one, well, it's mine.
I'm so sorry.
[Justin] That was like such a crunchy sound.
Let's go test it.
[Justin] Please work, please still work.
[Erik] I see screens.
Here let me put it on.
This would the Night at the Roxbury Oculus Rift game
where you make the same motions.
Oh it's really jittery.
(Erik laughs)
Yeah, it's not great.
The accelerometer must be busted because it's really
much more jittery than it was, it's not really usable.
And I feel a little sick so, I wouldn't want to use this
for an extended period of time.
Okay, that's a fail.
Well that sucked.
Yeah, didn't sound good.
Really it's about how the phones is inside of here.
This is like the old person sunglasses.
Okay, it's a little out of focus,
there's some fake hair in there.
(Erik laughs)
But besides that it seems to still work.
Sweet, I think it's a pass.
Like a brick.
It made a sturdy sound, yes like a brick.
Let's go plug this thing in and see if Mario can still
play his red and black game of tennis, yeah.
Okay, so here we go.
90's technology, boot it up.
The battery's in the controller, because sure.
Oh, I think it works.
(crowd cheer)
[Erik] Roll.
Ooh. (laughs)
That's a dead head.
Alright so if the damage of the impact didn't kill it
maybe getting run over by the cart will.
I'm more concerned about Steve here.
Oh his toupee.
Good as new, Steve's fine.
Okay, Steve's alright.
This, I don't know how to work this thing, come on down
and we'll test this.
Okay this seems fine.
I mean, there's a little scratch on the lens.
Nothing too shakey.
Okay, plugging it in.
I don't hear anything.
Oh, oh, ohh it just loaded.
Okay, this is a pass.
This thing still works.
Let's just take a moment to comment stupid people look
when they use VR.
I look stupid?
No you look super cool.
Is that the game?
I think Mario Tennis just left the building.
I'm entering the virtual world.
Prepare for a tennis experience unlike any other.
Oh I was like why is this weird, the left screen is out.
So it's no longer 3D-
It's no longer 3D
Is what you're saying.
Nor was it ever virtual.
If you were like a pirate
this would work okay.
(crowd cheer)
[Eric] While you're in the virtual world,
you're practically blind in the real world.
So we wondered, what would happen to your precious piece
of tech if someone snuck into your house and tried to
hit you in the face with a baseball bat.
Let's find out.
Ready? Okay, here we go.
Don't miss.
I'll try not to.
(swish of bat)
(Justin laughs)
Didn't you hear me say don't miss?
It's because you said don't miss.
Alright I've been replaced
With a new batter, Justin.
I'm terrible at baseball but I'm gonna give it a shot.
On our Slash Oculus, please forgive me.
That was what we wanted.
I did it.
Oh my.
And I feel sad inside.
I think it still might work.
And I hit it pretty directly.
So plug it in, enter the virtual world.
Still works.
(Justin laughs)
Visually, lens is not cracked, everything is fine
but we've lost the touch pad controls.
So it's dead but it definitely took
a fair amount of lickin'.
[Justin] Still impressive.
How about a round of applause for the Gear VR?
(crowd cheer)
Do you think VR is another fad or the next big thing?
Let us know in the comments below.
Uh Justin is there something different about you?
New shirt?
New lab coat.
You got it.
I knew it, I could tell, I'm very perceptive.
[Erik] It's like a car wash.
Starring: Justin Johnson, Erik Beck
"Hey You" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
"So Ganster" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
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