Elysium: Futuristic Effects Exclusive
Released on 08/22/2013
(exciting orchestral music)
[Announcer] Attention incoming vessels,
you are in violation of Elysium airspace.
[Computer Voice] 10 thousand kilometers and closing.
(rockets firing)
Hi, I'm Mike Seymour, from FXGuide.com for Wired.
While there's been a trend to more and more computer
graphics effects in films,
directors, and frankly speaking, audiences,
have been looking for more realism.
So, there's a push to get back
to doing as much as possible in-camera,
as much as possible on set.
We've seen this particularly at work
on the new film Elysium.
Director Neill Blomkamp was nearly obsessed
with getting as much in camera as possible,
which meant models, miniatures, props, sets,
and some really hardcore locationss.
For the opening half of the film set on Earth,
the team went to a locations in Mexico,
to one of the world's largest garbage dumps,
and when real props could be used, they were.
When they couldn't, Image Engine,
the visual effects company behind the film,
and the Director's earlier District 9, used doubles.
They doubled the spaceship, or the Ravens, with helicopters,
and they doubled the robot droids
with guys in special grey tracking suits,
to allow for greater interaction and believable movement,
all of whom, of course, were replaced
later in post-production with digital CG droids,
that were controlled with over 686 individual controls.
(machine gun fires)
(explosion erupts)
Grey suit performance on set, so that Neill can direct
and edit with a performance that's very, very close
to what he's anticipating is going to be the final result.
Once off earth, the task of getting realism
is a little harder.
Of course, the orbiting Elysium is enormous.
It's about 2 kilometers wide, 40 kilometers in diameter,
and has a circumference of 125.6 kilometers.
So, where would the team go for reference?
Where could they film down here on Earth
to match Elysium's Nirvana?
Where else?
I went out with Neill to Malibu, and the Hollywood Hills,
and did a lot of helicopter reference photography out there.
Neill actually said, You know, this shot,
this helicopter shot of you flying over Malibu
is exactly what I envisioned it should look like
when we're flying over top of Elysium,
but, we need to remove the roads,
we need to remove all of the Earthly structures,
and just keep the mansions, and then add in
maybe some landing platforms for shuttles, and so on.
The more complex shots of that Elysium ring
actually contained over 3 trillion polygons,
but you've gotta know Neill Blomkamp would have still
built the darn thing if he had been able to.
Well, don't forget, subscribe
if you want more behind-the-scenes action.
I'm Mike Seymour for Wired.
(thrilling electronic music)
Starring: Mike Seymour
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