Every Style of Beer Explained
Released on 08/18/2020
When you look at the majority of the beer produced
around the world today,
and a lot of it falls into the categories
of things like American lager, American light lager,
international pale lager.
All of those styles are descended from this one beer.
[rock music]
Hi, I'm Pat Fahey, master cicerone
and content director for the cicerone certification program.
And this is each and every beer style.
In the wine world,
experts are known as sommeliers and are certified
by the court of master sommeliers.
The Cicerone certification program
serves a similar purpose in the beer world,
educating both professionals and enthusiasts.
One of the most important topics that we cover
in all of our materials is beer styles.
And the style guidelines are usually created primarily
for the purpose of judging beers in a competition setting.
So we're going to work within those guidelines.
So we're going to be covering
a lot of different classic styles,
but we'll also talk about some of those variations
at the end that brewers use
to produce the wide landscape of beers that you see today.
I broke those styles down into eight different groups,
primarily based on the flavors that you find in those beers.
So we're kicking things off with multi lagers,
we've got 19 of them to cover.
We're gonna see a huge range of different types
of malt flavor.
Malt flavor is commonly described as like bakery flavors,
because a lot of the sorts of flavors that you get
in different types of malts are things that you might see
in different types of baked goods.
So on the pale end, you might see things like bread dough
or crackers, or like freshly baked bread.
And as it ranges and gets darker and darker,
we go through flavors like caramel, nutty, toffee,
on into chocolate and espresso,
and really, really dark malty beers.
We're gonna see kind of the whole range
of those flavors here.
And we're gonna find that the color of many
of these styles really dictates the sorts of multi flavors
that we're gonna see.
So during that final phase of the malting process,
the grain is first dried and then the maltser
will apply some amount of additional heat
to the grain to sort of determine
what flavors they want that grain to have.
So to kick things off in the multi lagers group,
we're gonna be talking about American
and international lagers,
and we're gonna start with a style that's one
of the most widely available beer styles in the world.
That's American light lager.
Think of bud light, Coors light, Miller light.
It's a style that's relatively light
in its overall flavor profile.
American lager was developed
before the light lager style came into being.
Light lagers kind of came around in like the mid 1970s.
But at this point,
the light lager style is a lot more popular
of the two of them.
They both share a lot
in terms of production processes, though,
a lot of times they're gonna be brewed
using either rice or corn in addition to barley.
And that addition of rice or corn
is used to lighten both the color,
the malt flavor and the body of those beers.
One of the reasons that both American light lager
and American lager have been so successful
is that they don't have a lot
in the way of identifiable flavors going on.
They're relatively inoffensive beers designed
to appeal to a broad swath of people.
The next subgroup is a family of international lagers
and they're differentiated based on their color.
We have international pale lager,
international Amber lager and international dark lager.
International pale lager is far and away
the most popular member of the group think beers
like Heineken, Corona, Peroni, Asahi, Super Dry.
Now these are beers that look a lot like American lagers.
They're usually a little bit beefier.
They're oftentimes not gonna be made with corn or rice.
They could be all malt beverages,
which is gonna give them a little bit more body
and a little bit more flavor.
They also are potentially bitter to a slightly higher level,
but still very approachable beers, easy drinking,
widely enjoyed by people all around the world.
So both international Amber lager
and international dark lager are not seeing
quite as often for international Amber lager
maybe the most common example
you'd see would be Dosickeys Amber.
On the international dark lager side,
you're looking at something like a Shiner Bock.
International Amber lager,
usually gonna have a little bit more malt character
and to get that Amber color.
And that's gonna give you maybe just a touch of Carmel
or toast flavor.
International dark lager, on the other hand,
you might expect that
that would have even more malt character,
but a lot of times that color is going to be the result
of some caramel coloring.
Oftentimes just like a colored version
of an international pale lager.
Then the last member of this sort of American lager family
is a beer called cream ale,
which as the name implies is not actually a lager.
Kind of snuck it in here in part
just because the flavor profile is so similar
to what you see in American lagers.
Cream ales are often formulated
a lot like a normal strength American lager.
They're just going to be fermented with ale yeast.
And typically it's gonna be done in a way
where you still don't get very much
in the way the fermentation flavor.
The next group that we're gonna cover
is a group of multi European lagers
that are all kind of normal ish alcohol strength,
like the four and a half to five
and a half percent alcohol range.
And while the last group was a little bit tighter
in terms of the flavors
that we saw from the different styles,
this one is gonna cover a broader range
of different malt flavors and characteristics.
First up, we've got Munch Helles,
a pale lager style from Germany and with German styles,
knowing just a little bit of German can honestly help you
understand a fair amount of the basics of any style.
You look at the name of this beer,
Munich means a beer from Munich
Helles means light or pale in color.
So any beer you see from Germany that has like hell
or Helles in the name is gonna be a pale beer.
Munich Helles today is the most popular everyday
drinking beer that you find across Bavaria.
You see people hoisting huge steins of pale golden beer.
It's usually gonna be a leader of Helles.
It's just an awesome drinking beer.
Next up is Kellerbier, Keller means seller.
And it's a reference to the fact that these beers
are oftentimes just finished fermenting.
So you get a beer that's a little bit younger
and is typically unfiltered when it's served.
There are different variations of the style,
but one of the more common is just a pale Keller beer,
which is basically an unfiltered version of Munich Kelles.
The next two styles Marzen and Festbier
are very closely tied together
and they're related to kind
of the traditional Oktoberfest celebration.
So back in the early 1800s,
a crown Prince Ludwig was getting married.
They brought a lot of people together
prior to this wedding and through just a huge ragger
of a beer fest, people had such a good time doing it
that they're like, you know what?
We should do this every year, forever.
And that became Oktoberfest.
Originally, the beer that was served at Oktoberfest
was this style of beer called Merzten,
Merzten means March like the month of March.
And this was a stronger,
somewhat dark beer that was brewed in March,
typically would have been cellared
throughout the warmer months of the year,
and then enjoyed in October or late September.
So it naturally sort of sinked up
with this Oktoberfest celebration.
However, over time,
consumer tastes have sort of shifted to favor beers
that are a bit paler in color.
So today when you see Oktoberfest's beer
being served at the Oktoberfest celebration,
they're usually pretty pale in color.
That style is usually referred to as Fest beer.
The Vienna lager style was developed in a similar timeframe
as Merzten was kind of like the early to mid 1800s.
And as honestly a pretty similar beer
in terms of its makeup,
it's maybe a little bit lighter in color
and a little bit less malty balanced,
slightly more towards bitterness,
but otherwise it's a pretty similar beer style.
The Vienna lager style was developed around the same time
as the Merzten style, just in Vienna instead of Bavaria,
ironically enough Vienna lager doesn't really exist
in Vienna to an appreciable extent these days.
You're far more likely to find it in the US
or even in Mexico.
Next up is Munich Dunkel.
And going back to sort of our translation of German words,
Dunkel is the German word for dark.
Any beer that you see that's labeled as a Dunkel
or has Dunkel somewhere on the label
has kind of darker toastier pretzel like bread crust,
kind of malt flavors to go along with it.
The easiest way to think of Munich Dunkel
is kind of as a dark version of a Munich Kelles.
Historically Dunkel actually
came long before Munich Kelles did.
When you look at beer history in the grand scheme of things,
really like pale golden beer
is a relatively recent invention.
The first widely available pale beers
didn't come into being until early to mid 1800s.
Prior to the 20th century,
Munich Dunkel would have been that every day,
drinking beer for the citizens of Bavaria.
Continuing with our lesson on German color words,
Schearz, is the German word for black.
So Schwartz beer literally translates to black beer.
It's basically just a darker version of a Munich Dunkel.
Usually not gonna see like tons of overt,
heavily roasted character.
Like you wouldn't have stout things
like coffee and espresso,
but it'll have kind of additional light chocolate flavors.
In addition to the toasty notes
that you find in a typical Munich Dunkel.
The final pair of this group
are a couple of multi lagers from the Czech Republic.
We have Czech Amber lager and Czech dark lager.
Both of these styles are honestly pretty difficult
to come by outside of the Czech Republic,
and even can be a bit hard to find
if you're in the Czech Republic,
but if you are able to get your hands on them,
they're delightful beers.
Both of these Czech lagers combined
sort of a rich malt profile
with a pronounced level of bitterness
and a bit of spicy hop aroma.
The last subgroup of this multilocular family
is the Bock beers,
which itself is a group of four higher strength,
German lager styles.
Now our German language skills do fail us a little bit here.
The direct translation of Bock is goat,
and that's not really where the name comes from.
The name is thought to be
basically a linguistic corruption of beer
from the city of Einbeck.
However, Bock does carry a legal connotation in Germany,
beers that are labeled as Bocks are usually going to be
a bit stronger than your average beer.
At the very least usually gonna be about 6% alcohol,
but some of the members of the Bock family can range
all the way up to 14% alcohol.
The first member of the family
we're gonna talk about is Dunkels Bock,
as we already talked about Dunkel means dark.
So this is basically a strong dark lager.
Today, it's one of the least seen members of the family.
Next up is Helles Bock, which is a pale strong lager.
A Helles Bock also sometimes referred to as Mai Bock,
Mai translating to the month of may and Helles Bock,
or Mai Bock is a common spring seasonal beer in Germany.
Helles Bock looks a lot like a stronger version
of a Munich Kelles,
though it does usually feature a little bit of hop flavor
and aroma, but given it's rather high strength,
it's actually a pretty refreshing beer.
Doppelbock today is essentially a higher strength version
of a regular Dunkel's Bock
and of all of these Bock sub styles.
It's the most widely available style.
The original Doppelbock beer was a beer
from the pollener brewery in Germany known as Salvator.
They still make that beer today.
To this day, a lot of breweries name,
their Dopplebock's with the suffix A-T-O-R
to sort of imply a connection to that Salvator style.
So you'll usually see that as part of their name.
Final style of the Bock family is Eisbock
and conveniently enough Eis, E-I-S in German
translates to ice in English.
Basically Eisbock is a Doppelbock that has been frozen
to concentrate its flavor.
It's water freezes at a higher temperature
than alcohol does.
So as you cool beer down,
you'll be able to remove some of that frozen water,
leaving you with a more highly flavored,
more intense high alcohol product.
Following this freezing process,
you're left with an incredibly potent beer.
Eisbok's can range all the way up to 14% alcohol.
And they oftentimes will feature kind of like dark fruit
or dried fruit notes.
Things like Raisin, prune or fig even.
This group of hoppy loggers isn't broken up
into multiple sub families.
All of these styles are sort of derivatives
of the original Pilsner style
and that Pilsner style is unquestionably one
of the most influential beer styles in the history of beer.
So the first style that we're going to talk about
is Czech premium pale lager.
The style name for this beer used to be Bohemian Pilsner,
but was actually changed recently for a few reasons.
One Pilsner is a German word,
so it doesn't really make sense for the Czech style
to carry a German name, but two in the Czech Republic,
Pilsner is not a style of beer.
Pilsner is a brand.
You may have heard of the beer Pilsner Urqell.
That is this original Pilsner style,
but in the Czech Republic,
that's the only beer that carries the name of Pilsner.
Now Pilsner Urqell was first brewed in late 1842,
and upon appearing on the scene,
it totally transformed beer
across all of continental Europe.
The beer combined, several kind of unique
or novel characteristics.
It was brewed with very soft water from the town of Pilsen,
which allowed for a beer
that had a higher than normal level of bitterness,
but kind of like a soft pleasant quality of bitterness
that people really enjoyed.
It also was one of the first,
truly pale golden beers produced,
leveraging new advances in malting technology
that for the first time allowed pale malts
to be produced affordably on a large scale.
When you look at the majority of the beer produced
around the world today,
a lot of it falls into the categories
of things like American lager, American light lager,
international pale lager.
All of those styles are descended from this one vehicle.
Continuing on a similar theme,
we have Czech pale lager,
which is kind of like a lighter version
of the check premium pale lager.
It's a little bit lower in malt flavor,
a little bit lower in body.
A little lower in alcohol content.
The German Pils style
is probably the closest direct
descendant of the Czech premium pale lager style.
This was basically German brewers
copying the Czech Pilsner style
to try to produce a similar beer using the ingredients
that they had available to them.
At this point today,
you're far more likely to find brands
of German Pils than you will,
of brands of Czech premium pale outside of Pilsner or Kell.
On the whole,
German Pils is a really refreshing
and crushable style for those of you not acquainted
with the term crushable is like drinkable, but better.
The first iterations of the American lager style,
which is so prevalsent today were made by German immigrants
to the US in the mid 1800s.
So like Czech premium pale lager very directly gave rise
to the German Pils style, German Pils,
very directly sort of birthed the American lager style.
Next up is German leicht beer,
which is basically German light though,
compared to our American light beer,
it's a significantly more assertive beer.
German Helles export beer
falls somewhere between a German pils
and a Munich Helles.
Typically has a little bit more bitterness
than a Helles would,
but a little bit more body than you'd expect to see
in a pils.
Many of the classic examples of this style
come from the city of Dortmund
and the style actually used to be called Dortmunder export.
Kolsch is another example of an ale
that I snuck into a lager category,
but because of the way that the fermentation
is handled, Kolsch usually doesn't have tons
and tons fermentation character.
A lot of times it's described
as sort of like the ale version of a German pils.
The Kolsch style comes from the German city of Cologne.
The German name for that city is Koln,
and Kolsch literally means of Koln.
The service tradition of the style in the city of Colgne
is incredibly unique and a lot of fun if you've ever been
or you ever get the chance to go.
It's just an awesome experience.
Kolsch is served in these little rod shaped glasses.
They're 200 milliliters so just over six ounces,
which obviously does not take very long for you
to drink through.
But the way that it's served is that servers run around
with trays full of Kolsch.
And as soon as you finish one glass,
they replace you with a fresh glass and just make a tick
on your coaster and they just keep going and going
and going until you put your coaster over the top
of your glass, telling them that it's time to stop,
even though Kolsch is only moderate in alcohol content
like four and a half percent.
And it's served in small glasses,
given the ease of consuming them and the rate
at which they're replaced.
It's very easy to be conversing with friends
and looked out and see like 10
or 15 tick marks on your costers.
Very fun, somewhat dangerous, but always a good time.
Last in the group is pre-prohibition logger,
which is a historical style that you don't see
a lot of commercial examples today,
but it's kind of an interesting style
because it represents the link between German pils
and American lager.
Pre-prohibition lager approximates
the beer that German immigrants would have been brewing
when they first came to the US in the mid 1800s.
And were trying to recreate the German pils style
using ingredients that they had available to them here.
Now, prohibition through the prohibition
of alcohol consumption,
obviously put a lot of breweries out of business,
which in and of itself would have been pretty bad
for the beer industry, but it came at a pretty bad time.
Around the same time of prohibition,
we had a couple of world wars.
We had the great depression.
So all of those sorts of events together conspired
to really decimate the brewing industry.
We went from a place where there were thousands
of breweries in the country to having less than a hundred.
By the time you got to like the 60s and 70s.
As a result of all of these events,
what we saw happen was beer before prohibition
was a lot more varied.
There were a lot more different styles,
a lot more flavorful beers, beer beyond like World War II.
We were kind of in American lager territory where most beer
tasted exactly the same.
There wasn't a lot of variety.
It wasn't a very exciting thing to drink.
It was just a commodity product.
In addition to prohibition that really shaped that
was just kind of like the general trends
and consumer products that occurred in the 50s.
When you had a lot of people moving from urban centers
to suburban areas,
a lot of people spending less time in bars
and more time at home.
It's kind of like the TV dinner era.
And so at that same time across consumer products,
not just with alcohol,
you had a move from smaller batch,
more kind of like mum and pop products
to like mass produced homogenized products
and happened in every industry.
You look at toothpaste,
like there's how many toothpaste brands can you name?
How many laundry detergent brands can you name?
There are just a few
and they're all relatively similar.
What really impressed people in the 50s
was not this is a really flavorful thing.
They're like, it's really cool
that I can go anywhere in the country
and I can get something that's exactly the same.
So it was kind of that mentality
that shaped all consumer products in that era.
And it was more kind of a move in food and beverage
and eventually other things towards artismal products.
You can point to Starbucks as sort of the rise
of people going from coffee
is just the thing I drink for caffeine to like coffee
is the thing I drank for certain flavors.
That sort of lined up with people getting
into craft beer or craft spirits,
or all of those things,
beer developing when it did was a broader dynamic
of people wanting variety in all of the products
that they were looking at.
Due to the way that ales are fermented,
it typically will show some amount of flavor derived
from their fermentation.
Usually a little bit of fruity character.
All of the beers in this group lead with malt flavor
though some of the beers also have significant levels
of either hot flavor or fermentation derived flavor.
To structure this group,
we went with beers that range
from kind of pale to brown in color.
First style here is dark mild,
which is sort of like your classic multi British pub beer,
a very highly sessionable beer,
which is a term that's used to describe beers
that are lower in alcohol
that you can drink several of
over the course of a session.
Goes great alongside a lot of pub fair.
Like I love drinking dark mild
with classic bangers and mash.
British brown ale is balanced a lot like a dark mild
though it's a bit stronger in strength
maybe have around four to 5% alcohol content.
Think something like a Newcastle brown ale.
Also in the family of round British ales,
we have the London brown ale style.
It's at this point considered a historical style.
There are very few examples of it available.
English Barley wines
are often considered to be a malt showcase,
with really robust notes of caramel, toffee,
but also like molasses trickle,
maybe some dark fruit character like plum, prune or fig.
They are really robust and interesting beers.
In most cases, barley wines
are going to be the strongest products produced
by a given brewery.
And they're usually also going to be vintage dated.
In part, because due to their high alcohol content,
they can age pretty well.
Next step, in this category,
we have the sort of generic British strong ale style,
which serves as sort of bit of a catch all
for a lot of higher alcohol English, malted beers.
Compared to barley wine,
it's usually going to be a little bit lower in alcohol
in sort of like the six to 8% range,
rather than eight to 12% like barley wine.
Last among the British malted ales,
we have the old ale style,
which is similar in strength to the British strong ale,
typically features some amount of aged character,
which can go in a lot of different directions.
However, like British strong ale.
This is a style that allows for a pretty wide range
of interpretations.
It's not the most popular of styles.
So you don't see tons of examples
of the style on the market these days.
We've got five different styles
that fit in the subgroup of Scottish and Irish, malted ales,
and the first three of them, Scottish light,
Scottish heavy and Scottish export are all very,
very closely related.
These three styles are very similar in their flavor profiles
and are primarily just separated by different levels
of alcohol content
and consequently different levels of intensity.
The light is usually somewhere between 2.5 and 3% alcohol.
Scottish heavy will be maybe three to 4%.
And Scottish export might be four to 6% alcohol.
Scottish light and heavy are rather challenging
to find outside of Scotland and honestly
are even somewhat difficult to find in Scotland.
The most commonly available beer of this style
that you'll see out on the market is Belheven Scottish ale,
which is a classic example of the Scottish export style.
Then we have, Wee heavy
which is kind of like an amped up version
of the other Scottish ales.
Wee heavy has similar flavors,
but can range from like six to 10% alcohol.
So the flavor is a lot more intense.
One thing that is notable about these four Scottish styles,
some people sometimes think that they should be made
with a peated malt.
Peat is kind of that like really intense,
smoky character that you get
in certain types of scotch whiskey.
However, peated malt
is used exclusively in whiskey production.
It's not typically used by Scottish beer brewers.
So those sorts of flavors are not appropriate
in these styles.
Heading over to Ireland,
we have Irish red ale,
which is sort of a light refreshing Irish ale.
A lot of beers that feature sort of a reddish hue
are often going to be produced
with a specific type of malt known as caramel malt.
Irish red ale sometimes we'll use caramel
but more often will get its red color from a very,
very small amount of roast barley.
The ingredient that makes beers like Irish stout,
black and heavily roasting character.
We have four different American malty ale styles
that cover a pretty wide range of different characteristics.
And we're starting off with American blonde ale.
As the name implies, American blonde ale
is a golden pale colored beer.
American blonde ale
is meant to be a really approachable beer.
And in a lot of cases serves as sort of a transitional beer
for people moving from beers like American lagers
into beers that have a bit more flavor.
From a flavor perspective,
American wheat beer is pretty similar
to American blond ale.
So as the name implies,
it's made with some amount of malted wheat.
Once again, this is relatively straight forward beer
is a popular style
with a lot of early American craft breweries
as a way to move people beyond American lager beers
that they might have been more familiar with.
In the 90s, a lot of pioneers
of the American craft beer movement
had flagship beers that were of the American wheat style.
You can look at Goose Island with 312,
Widmer with their half of whites
and there's two really prominent examples.
For a pretty dramatic change of pace.
We jump to American brown ale.
American brown ale is sort of like the American
take on the British brown ale style.
In a lot of times when American brewers adapt a style
from somewhere else,
they're going to make a beer
that is usually more aggressive in some way.
In my opinion, American brown ale
is a pretty under appreciated style.
I have a pretty deep love for the style.
It's makes for a really fantastic companion
with a wide range of different foods.
I wish that there were more of them out there.
With wheat wine we have a unique specialty beer
that's kind of made
in the same vein as barley wine.
Though it also includes
a pretty significant portion of wheat malt.
The style is rather high in alcohol and drinks,
kind of like an amped up version
of an American wheat beer.
Next step, we've got a pair of malty ales
from continental Europe, one from Belgium
and one from France.
Most classic Belgium beer styles are dominated
by yeast derived flavors,
but Belgium pale ale is pretty malt driven.
It doesn't have as much yeast character
as most other Belgian styles.
Honestly, Belgian pale are kind of hard
to come by these days.
There are two main producers in Belgium, Daconic and Palm,
and those are two of the best
and potentially only examples of the style
that you can find.
Biere de garde is a French specialty.
It's produced in the Northeast of France,
kind of along the border with Belgium.
And it's an interesting style in that it's produced
in three different color bands.
You have blonde biere de garde, Amber biere de garde
and brown biere de garde.
Kentucky common as a historical style.
It's very rarely seen commercially today
and the beer drinks a lot like a dark version
of a cream ale.
And then last in the category we have Sahti.
Sahti is a very unusual finished style.
And I actually had a hard time pinning
exactly where I wanted to put this one
because it has so much going on in it.
The driving flavors of the style,
the most prominent one being Juniper.
Sahti uses Juniper berries as a flavoring,
and the other place where people might be familiar
with the Juniper flavor
is as sort of the main flavor in gin.
So Sahti has kind of a gin like Piney, herbal,
floral character to it that really drives
the flavor profile of the style.
Next up, we've got a slate of 12 roasty dark ales.
This group covers a number of different porters
and stouts.
All of which are brown or black in color
and feature some amount of roast flavor.
Originally stout grew out of Porter
as a stronger version of Porter,
but today that's not necessarily the case.
English Porter was a tremendously popular style
in the UK, in the 1700s
and had kind of a unique production process.
At the time,
it was a beer that was made as a blend of both young
and old ales.
So some of the beer would have been aged
in large wooden vats where it would develop acidity
and kind of like funky characteristics.
Then that would be blended with younger beer
to produce the finished Porter style.
English Potter today does not reflect that process.
It's just kind of like a dark ale style.
Every Porter and stout, some stout currently
in existence can be traced back to this one style of beer.
The majority of the beer made in the world
is made with four specific ingredients, malt, hops, yeast,
and water, and through using different varieties
of those ingredients
and manipulating the way that those ingredients are used.
Brewers are able to achieve a tremendous variety
of different flavor profiles in their beers.
Today in a lot of modern styles, brewers may augment
that list of ingredients.
Perhaps adding things as run of the mill is like chocolate
or coffee or certain fruits to really weird ingredients
like lobsters or zebra mussles or other shellfish.
By and large,
the majority of beer achieves this wide palette
of flavors using just those four ingredients.
The heyday of Porter in the UK was very much the 1700s.
It sort of declined in popularity over the course
of the 1800s,
and then basically died out in the 20th century.
However, the Porter style
was sort of resurrected by American craft brewers,
looking for styles to experiment with.
Baltic Porter is another take on the Porter style
in this case,
brewed in countries that sort of surround the Baltic sea.
Some of the more prominent commercial examples
come from like Sweden, Russia, and Poland.
Baltic Porter stands out of this group
in that it's actually usually made as a lager
rather than an ale in part due to the colder climates
of the countries where this beer is typically produced.
At the time when this beer was originally being made,
it would have been easier for them to do a lager
fermentation than an ale fermentation.
Baltic porters will usually be anywhere
from six to 10% alcohol.
Lastly, we have pre-prohibition Porter.
Pre-prohibition Porter is another historical style,
not very widely available today.
Honestly, hard to find in commercial settings.
It's a recreation of what Porter
might've looked like around the time
of the revolutionary war in the US and at that point,
it was very much an American brewers take
on the English Porter style.
In the mid 1700s,
when Porter was extremely popular,
brewers didn't have a lot of options available to them
when it came to making different styles of beer.
Ingredient availability was an issue.
You would have maybe one
or two different malts to choose from.
As a result, the primary way
for brewers to expand their offerings
was for them to brew beers of different strengths.
Basically to use different amounts of ingredients
in the beers that they brewed.
Stout grew out of this tradition
as a stronger version of Porter.
And all of these different levels of stouts
were basically differing alcoholic strengths of beers
that resembled Porter.
Today the key differences
between each of the stouts sub styles
often comes down to the balance of the beer
and the strength of the beer.
First up in the stout family, we have Irish stout,
which is probably the best known stout sub style
as a result of the widespread popularity of Guinness draft.
I actually think that Irish stout
is one of the most misunderstood beer styles out there.
People look at this beer and they see that it's dark.
And so there are a lot of assumptions that come with that.
People think that because it's dark,
it's gonna be full bodied and high in alcohol
and assertively flavored.
And basically none of those things are true.
And as a result,
it's actually like a pretty easy drinking beer.
Irish stout gets it dark color,
and it's heavily roasted flavor
from the use of roasted barley,
which is kind of the signature ingredient in that style.
Another unique aspect of the Irish stout style
is that it's often served on nitro,
which means it's served using nitrogen
instead of just carbon dioxide.
The inclusion of nitrogen is what creates
that sort of cascading bubbles effects
that you see when a beer like Guinness is poured,
and it also has some pretty distinct impacts
on the flavor experience of the beer.
It ends up reducing the perceived bitterness of the beer
and also gives it kind of like a smooth creamy texture,
just because you encounter that really creamy head first,
when you drank the beer.
The next two styles,
Irish, extra stout and foreign extra stout
are rather similar to Irish stout in terms of their balance.
The main differences here come down
to the alcohol content and consequently,
the sort of the overall intensity of the style.
Irish extra stout is gonna be a little bit stronger
than an Irish stout.
Maybe five to 6% in alcohol.
Foreign extra is stronger still, maybe six to 8% alcohol.
The tropical stout sub style is descended
from some of those export type stouts
that would have been sent to tropical locationss,
such as the Caribbean, or even like parts of India.
The style is similar in strength to a foreign, extra stout,
but the balance is pretty different.
It's usually a lot sweeter.
American stout is the American take
on the foreign extra stout style.
And like most American interpretations of styles,
it got made a little bit more intense,
tending more towards kind of that burnt ashy,
robust espresso flavor.
Imperial stout is the strongest
of all of the stout sub styles.
The style guidelines say that it can go up to 12% alcohol,
but in truth, you see some variations of the style
that go higher.
I can think of Imperial stouts up around 15
or even 18% alcohol.
In the late 1700s, these really, really high octane stouts
were very popular with the Russian
Imperial court as an export beer.
And so a lot of brewers in the UK
took to naming their strongest stout beers
as Imperial stouts or Russian Imperial stouts.
Interestingly enough,
this is where we get the word Imperial from,
as it is applied to beer styles.
You'll see, on beer labels, Imperial Porter
or Imperial IPA, Imperial Pilsner.
That just means a stronger version of the style.
And that's tied back
to kind of the history of Imperial stout.
Usually meant to be a sipper, definitely a beer
you can sit down and enjoy over a period of time.
Imperial stouts also are really common candidate
for barrel aging, particularly spirit barrel aging.
Some of the first beers aged in barrels
were Imperial stouts aged in bourbon barrels.
And that trend is very, very popular today.
Our last two stouts sweet stout and oatmeal stout
are sort of moderate strength stouts
that are distinguished primarily
by the of unique ingredients.
Sweet stout doesn't necessarily
have to have anything unique added to it,
but oftentimes is going to be brewed
with the addition of lactose,
in which case it's specifically referred to as a milk stout,
the reason why brewers use lactose in these beers
rather than any other number of sugars
is that yeast cannot ferment lactose.
Yeast are, in essence, lactose intolerant.
By adding lactose that sugar
remains in the beer through fermentation
and gives you a sweeter fuller bodied finished beer.
Oatmeal stout, as you might imagine,
is made with the addition of oats.
And interestingly enough,
the oats not necessarily used
for their flavor contribution,
oats will sometimes give these beers a little bit
of a nutty characteristic,
but the bigger impact is that usually oats
will give beer sort of a luscious velvety texture,
which is what brewers are typically after
when they use oats to make this style.
The hoppy ale category includes 21 different sub styles
and covers a wide range of hoppy ales
from various regions around the world.
Now, depending upon how they're used
hops can impart either bitterness or aroma
and flavor to beer.
Hops grown in different parts of the world
have different flavor characteristics.
Our first group of hoppy ales are the British hoppy ales.
And we start things off with English IPA,
sort of the beer that kicked off
a lot of these other styles.
Now the English IPA style is the original IPA style,
and it comes with a pretty widely known story
that unfortunately is not terribly grounded in reality.
IPA stands for India pale ale.
And the story goes that when the British
were colonizing India,
you had people working over there, soldiers, et cetera.
They were very thirsty and beer
is being shipped over there,
but it was all going bad in transit.
And so the brewers had to develop this hoppy,
high alcohol style in order to slake the thirst
of all of the people over in India.
However, the real story is a little bit less romantic.
It turns out that at the time
brewers were sending all sorts of beer,
including Porter and other pale ales over to India,
and it was making it there just fine.
In terms of the high hopping rate,
brewers at the time knew
that beer that was more highly hopped
would keep longer.
So anything that was getting shipped to India
would be highly hopped due to the fact
that it had to survive this long voyage
before it was consumed.
And lastly, with regards to the high alcohol content,
most India pale ales clock in around six to 7% alcohol.
That's maybe high by today's standards,
but the British ales of the day we're often
between like five and 10% alcohol.
So they really would have been
just like moderate strength beers.
What is true about the story however,
is that this pale bitter beer
did become very popular in India
and eventually became popular back in the UK.
At which point it developed that name, India pale ale.
As has been the case
with many of these styles, India pale ales
popularity has sort of ebbed and flowed over the years.
So the India pale ale of the mid 1800s
is not too close to the IPA that we know
and enjoy today.
However, the India pale ale style
did spawn a number of pale bitter styles
and sort of laid the foundation
for most of the pale bitter beers
that today exist in the UK and the US.
The next three sub styles are a group of English pale ales
known as bitters.
They're direct descendants of the IPA style.
As with the Scottish ales,
these three styles are primarily distinguished
just based on their alcohol content,
going in order from low strength to high strength,
you have ordinary bitter, best bitter and strong bitter.
Of the three sub styles, you're most likely
to encounter beers in the best bitter sub style.
One of the more prominent examples
being London pride from Forsberg.
Lastly, we have the British golden ale style,
which is paler in color than the other members
of this family.
And so consequently features less malt flavor aroma.
Next, we have a group of three average strength,
American hoppy ales.
And we kick things off with the American pale ale style.
American pale ale
is sort of the original American craft beer style.
Now in the early days of the craft beer movement
or the late 70s and early 80s,
brewers were looking for inspiration.
And oftentimes they turned to classic styles made in the UK.
A lot of early American craft brewers
learned how to brew from English home brewing texts.
So doing like others before them had done,
like we saw with German brewers
trying to recreate Pilsner in America,
we have American brewers trying to recreate English bitters,
but using American ingredients,
classic American hops tend to feature
a lot of citrus flavor notes like grapefruit and Tangerine,
as well as some kind of like piney resiny
sorts of flavors.
It doesn't get quite as much love as it deserves these days,
but like it's such an awesome and amazing style.
And still what I go back to all the time.
The American Amber ale style
is basically a slightly darker take
on the American parallel style.
Typically brewers would use a little bit of caramel malt
in making this beer.
So you get a little bit
of kind of caramel toffee malt flavor,
and then the hops are usually dialed back just a hair,
but otherwise it's very similar beer to American pale ale.
Lastly, we have the California common style,
which is a rather unique American innovation exemplified
by the anchor steam brand.
Originally this beer was known as steam beer
and in California in the mid 1800s
through the early 1900s,
there were a vast number of different breweries
making steam beers.
However, they all died out one by one.
And in the end,
only the anchor Bruin company was left standing.
At which point they took a trademark
out on the name of steam beer.
The main thing that makes this style unique
is that it's actually fermented with lager yeast.
However, it's fermented with lager yeast
at higher temperatures.
So it ends up still giving you some
of those fruity fermentation flavors.
As a result,
it's more or less just kind of like a unique take
on an American Amber ale.
Next up, we have the giant category of IPA sub styles.
There are nine different styles
that sort of fit under this IPA umbrella
and brewers are constantly experimenting
and trying new things.
It's entirely possible that by the time
this video comes out,
there will be another IPA sub style in existence.
The core style of the IPA group is the American IPA.
American brewers of kind of the early 90s interpretation
of that historic English IPA style, more hop aroma,
and more bitterness, more alcohol,
just like more everything.
One of the things that keeps the IPA style
and really the whole IPA family fresh
and exciting is that hop breeders and growers
continue to release new varieties of hops
that bring sort of an additional palette
of flavors to brewers' arsenals.
At this point, the American IPA style
has been exported all across the world.
Today, American IPA's, are significantly more popular
with brewers in the UK than English IPA's are,
you also can find American IPAs
throughout Asia and central
and South America where they call it IPA.
So very, very versatile style,
extremely popular one that I'm sure many viewers
are familiar with.
Then we have double IPA.
The easiest way to think of double IPA
is like American IPA, but more,
there was definitely a period of time,
probably in the 2000s and early 2010s
where breweries kind of were pushing to see
who could make the most bitter and most intense beer.
Double IPAs are definitely a product of that time.
And that sort of like hops arms race.
Now the new England IPA style
sometimes referred to as hazy or juicy IPA is a style
that really only came around
in like the last five years or so,
but came into popularity very,
very quickly and has come to become like a dominant force
in the beer space.
The calling card for these styles
is their hazy appearance,
a lot of times these beers are so hazy that they're almost
kind of opaque, might even look like a glass
of orange juice in some cases,
and really favors kind of
what people term like juicy hot flavors.
So think things like orange juice, mango, pineapple,
kind of these really robust tropical flavors.
And then we have whole host
of different specialty IPA categories.
The first group that we talk about
is sort of color variations on the IPA style.
Most classic IPAs are either like pale golden
or amber in color.
We have several different variations that play
on different colored versions of IPA,
The four that exists are white IPA,
red IPA, brown IPA and black IPA.
So in the case of white IPA,
we have wheat being used, in the case of red IPA,
oftentimes you're gonna see some amount
of caramel malt use to give it that reddish hue,
a little bit of sweet caramel flavor.
Brown IPAs will use some more heavily toasted malts
think like a chocolate malt,
which will give it toasty brown bread,
or maybe even like chocolate flavors.
Black IPS are going to use deep bitter black malts.
Belgian IPA involves a variation on the way
that the beer is fermented.
Belgian new strains tend to be more characterful
than American new strains
producing a lot more like fruity characteristics
and giving it an interesting blend
of fermentation characteristics and hop flavors.
The last IPA of the group is rye IPA,
which unsurprisingly is made with rye.
One common misconception that people have
is that ride brings this sort of spicy Caraway flavor.
And that misconception exists because rye bread
is almost always flavored with Caraway.
That's not the case though.
It's more along the lines of like the difference
between bourbon whiskey or a rye based whiskey.
American barley wine is the American take
on the English barley wine style.
American barley wines are usually like bracingly bitter
and have a fair amount of hop flavored aroma.
These are seriously intense beers, definitely sipping beers.
American strong ale is a bit of a catch all category
for various Imperial versions of hoppy styles.
Think like anything labeled like an Imperial red ale
or an imperial amber,
something in that category.
One early and well known example of this style
was Stone's arrogant bastard ale.
It was just like a really aggressive
high alcohol hoppy beer.
Next step, we have a German bitter ale
talking about altbier, which is indigenous
to the town of Dusseldorf.
And this style,
at least the production of the style has a lot in common
with the way that Kolsch is made.
Altbier is typically amber in color
was sort of like toasty bready malt flavors.
The altbier style is honestly kind of challenging
to find outside of Dusseldorf.
However, if you are ever in Dusseldorf,
the four traditional alt beer breweries are all located
in and around the Alt stop the old part
of the city and are all within
about a 15 minute walk of one another.
Last step in the hoppy ale category,
we have Australian sparkling ale,
Australian sparkling ale is a unique style.
Typically only found in Australia.
And it's really typified by the products
from the Cooper's brewery.
It's a little bit like an English bitter,
but typically going to be paler in color
with less malt flavor and significantly higher carbonation.
Fruity and or spicy ales.
You've got 12 total styles to cover here.
And we're now moving into beers that are dominated
by their fermentation flavors.
It's worth noting, for the most part,
the beers in this category
are not actually made using fruit or spices.
These flavors are coming entirely
from the fermentation.
Styles in these groups use very expressive yeast strains
that tend to produce high levels
of a group of flavor compounds known as esters,
which calmly give beer fruity characteristics
think like banana, apple, pear, sometimes peach.
Some of the strains used for beers in this group
can also produce a type of flavor compound known as phenols.
Those phenolic flavor compounds usually give beers
spicy sorts of characteristics along the lines
of like clove, nutmeg or white or black peppercorn.
Our first group of styles
is the German hefeweizens type styles.
So there are a few words
worth knowing the translation of.
Heifer translates to yeast.
Then the other two words that are commonly used
in association with this style are either weizen
which translates to wheat or weiss,
which translates to white.
So the first member of this family is the weiss beer style.
And weiss beer goes by a few different names.
Sometimes you'll see it labeled as hefeweizen,
sometimes as half of vice beer.
Brewers of this style
use a very special yeast strain that gives the beer
a lot of banana and clove flavor characteristics.
These beers are also very, very highly carbonated.
When you see them served,
they're usually served in these tall vase like glasses
that allow for two or three inches of foam to form on top.
Next up is Dunkel's weissbier.
It has a lot of similar fermentation flavors to weissbier.
So still that banana clove profile,
but also gets the addition of some amount
of a darker colored malt.
Lastly, in this category, we have a beer
that's not truly a weissbier.
This is Rogenbier.
It's a beer made with rye rather than wheat.
It's more or less a rye based take
on the Dunkel's weissbier style.
[guitar music]
The first one of the bunch witbier
is actually made with spices,
though it does also usually have a character
full fermentation as well.
Belgian witbier is usually spiced
with both coriander and orange peel,
which gives it sort of citrusy floral notes.
This specific style basically died out in the 1950s
and would have been probably totally lost
to the world where it not for this one guy,
Pierre Celis who founded the Hoegaarden brewery
through his production of this style.
He sort of slowly brought it back to prominence.
And today it's a popular beer style,
among both small and large breweries.
It's just a beautiful, easy drink of beer.
Saison is a really exciting yeast driven style
that allows for a really broad range of interpretations
and many people think of Saison
as sort of the quintessential farmhouse style.
When you see a beer that's labeled sort of like farmhouse,
oftentimes it will fall into this Saison category.
[guitar music]
So the brand named Duvel actually translates to devil
and some people surmise that the name
is a reference to how the beer can kind of sneak up on you.
If you have a couple of these sitting down
and aren't paying close attention,
you might find yourself
in a different place than you intended.
As a result, many of the other brands within this style
that are produced today, bear illusions to the devil.
You get names such as Brigand or Lucifer, Beelzebub.
So you see a lot of devil references when it comes to
[folk music drowns out conversation]
Lastly, in the category of sort of these fruity spicy ales,
we have a series of four different monastic beers
that are also all typically made in Belgium.
Now these beers feature a numerical naming system.
The style names are Trappist single,
Belgium double, Belgian triple,
and then the top one
is technically called Belgian dark strong,
but is oftentimes referred to as quadruple.
Now there's no actual doubling or tripling
of any of the ingredients or specific characteristics
of the beer, but the beers do get stronger
as you progress from single to quad.
To this day,
a lot of these styles are produced by Trappist breweries
located in Belgium and other parts of the world.
Trappist breweries are housed within Trappist monasteries
and have to follow a number of strict guidelines
in order to have their beard labeled as Trappist.
And the beers are generally regarded worldwide
for their high quality.
The Trappist single style is probably
the least commonly seen of any of these four.
The single style also sometimes referred
to as like a Potter's beer
is usually reserved for the monks
at the monastery where it's brewed.
This is a beer that they would kind of drink
every day alongside their meals.
And as such, it's not usually packaged
or distributed, very widely.
Belgian dubbles a traditional Belgian style dating back
to the early 1900s.
It was first produced
at the Trappist brewery Westmoreland in the 1920s,
Belgian doubles are usually amber to brown in color,
and typically present with a lot of flavors
of like brown sugar, sometimes molasses,
maybe even a little bit of chocolate.
However, as is the case with many of these Belgian styles,
Belgian dubble is actually a pretty highly attenuated style,
which means that most of the sugar
has been fermented out.
It's a dry beer with very little residual sugar.
Belgium tripel dates to a similar timeframe
as Belgian dubble.
Tripel was first brewed also by Westmoreland in the 1930s
and is a pale beer.
Belgian dark strong ale.
Also sometimes known as quadruple drinks,
a lot like a strong version of a Belgium dubble,
but usually two to three percentage points
higher in alcohol.
Tart and or funky beers.
Pretty much anytime you encounter high levels
of acidity in beer,
that's going to be the result of a bacterial fermentation,
usually bacteria that are producing lactic acid,
maybe also bacteria that produce a acenic acid.
Now bacterial fermentation can sound kind of scary,
but lactic acid bacteria are the same bacteria
that produce yogurt.
So some of those kinds of tart flavors
that you might find there are similar to the flavors
that you have encountered in these beers.
These beers also sometimes incorporate
so-called wild yeasts.
One of the most common that gets used as a yeast
known as for batenamisis
sometimes just referred to as Brett and the flavors
that batenamisis produces in beer
don't always sound super pleasant on first blush,
things like horse blanket wet wool, barnyard.
There are characteristics that in isolation
don't necessarily sound like they'd be good things,
but at low levels,
they can offer a really pleasant point of complexity
in these beers.
So first step in this category,
we've got two different tart German wheat beer styles.
The first is Berliner weisses,
which is traditionally bracingly acidic.
Usually very highly carbonated,
but still due to its kind of light body
and low alcohol content.
They're usually very refreshing beers.
Historically bars would sometimes serve these beers
with flavored syrups.
One of the stranger ones
that was actually pretty prevalsent was a syrup
known as Woodruff syrup.
It had flavors of kind of like earth and hay,
but more unusual is like bright green in color.
These days, they are honestly,
aren't a lot of Berliner weisses being made in Germany.
You're more likely to see a smaller craft brewers
making the style in places such as the US.
Style given its acidity
lends itself really well to the addition of fruit.
So you'll see brewers adding things like peaches
or raspberries or any number of different fruits
to Berliner weiss style brews.
Gose is honestly a rather strange historic tart
wheat beer style
that was pretty obscure
and virtually unheard of 10 years ago.
But in the last decade has just exploded
in terms of its popularity.
Gose drinks, kind of like a mix of a Berliner weiss
and a Belgium witbier.
So it has kind of the lactic acidity of Berliner weiss,
has the coriander that you get from witbier,
but then it also has kind of its own unique twist.
in that goses are usually made
with the addition of salt.
At low levels,
adding salt kind of enhances the body and the perception
of sweetness of the beer.
The remainder of the tart and funky beer category
is comprised of five distinct styles that come from Belgium.
We'll start with these Flanders or Flemish red
and brown beers.
Belgians often don't make a clean distinction
between these two styles.
In fact, Belgians generally don't talk about style
nearly as much as we do over here.
Flanders red ale is a tart red beer from Western Flanders.
And the style is really typified by the products
from a brewery named Rodenbach.
In addition to their acidity,
these beers feature tons of fruit character,
think like black cherry and current, lots of fruit notes
present in these beers.
Sometimes these beers are referred to as like the burgundies
of Belgium due to their similarities or overlaps
with certain red wines.
And in that vein,
this is a beer that I'd very much like
to use with somebody who considers themselves
a wine drinker, but not a beer drinker.
I've definitely won over audiences of wine drinkers
with this beer.
To develop their acidity,
these beers are typically aged in really large oak vats.
Of the two Flanders styles.
Oud Bruin is a little less common
than Flanders red ale, but the style is indigenous
to East Flanders and is typified
by the products from the Liefmans brewery.
The last group of tart and funky beers that we have
to discuss is the lambic family of beers.
And honestly, I think that these are some
of the most fascinating beers made anywhere in the world.
There are a number of things that are very unique
about the way that lambic is produced,
but probably the most unusual facet of their production
is the way that they're fermented.
Normally in the process of making beer
brewers first produce what is called wort.
This is the sugary and hot liquid
that then gets fermented by yeast.
However, lambic brewers take a very different approach.
Instead following the production of the work,
they transfer that wort into a cool ship
where they allow it to cool overnight, cool ship,
basically being a large shallow basin.
And as the wort cools,
the bacteria and yeast present in the air
and the brewery begin to grow in the wort,
essentially spontaneously inoculating the wort.
The base beer produces way
is generically referred to as lambic and lambic
is a style in and of itself.
Sometimes you will see straight lambics
or however that's rather rare.
You're far more likely to see this lambic beer
after it has aged for a couple of years,
being used to produce two other more common styles,
Gueuze and fruit lambic.
So Gueuze is typically a blend of several different vintages
of lambic beer usually some amount of one year,
some amount of two year and some amount
of three year old lambic beer.
After these different vintages of lambic
are blended together,
the beer is re fermented in the bottle to achieve a very,
very high level of carbonation.
When it's finished,
it almost drinks kind of like a funky champagne.
Lastly, we have fruit lambic,
which once again is taking that sort
of tart funky bass lambic beer,
but then the brewer is gonna add fruit to it
and allow the fruit to go through another fermentation.
The most common fruits that you see used for these beers
are raspberries in which case the beer was known,
as fiend was or cherries.
In which case the beer is known as Creek.
The final category we're covering is smoked beers.
And there are only three traditional styles
that we're covering in this category,
but they have such a unique flavor
and such unique characteristics
that they really just couldn't be put anywhere else.
Now, there are a few different ways that brewers
can impart smoky flavors to beer,
but the most common one is going to be
through the use of smoked malt.
Basically during the last stage of the malting process,
when the malt would normally be dried with hot air,
instead it's dried with air from some sort of fire
that imparts those smoky flavors and characteristics.
Furthermore, the specific flavors
that you get from those smoke malts
are very much determined by what fuel is used for the fire.
The first smoke style that we'll cover
is the German style, Rauchbier.
Rauch is the German word for smoke.
So Rauchbier just means smoke beer in Germany.
The malts that get used to make classic German Rauchbier
are going to be smoked with Beechwood,
which gives characteristic flavors of ham, bacon
or sort of like campfire notes.
But some of these beers,
particularly the ones that feature high levels
of smoke malt, can be downright meaty in character.
The second beer that we're talking about in this family
has a beer known as Piwo Grodziske
also sometimes referred to as Grazter.
And this is a Polish smoked style and it's made
with Oak smoked malts.
Now Oak smoke tends to be a little bit softer
than Beechwood smoke.
So while this beer is still typically fairly intense
in its smoke character,
it's definitely a bit softer and more approachable
than a classic Rauchbier often is.
The beer is also very highly carbonated
and pretty low in alcohol.
So while you might not think of a beer
that tastes kind of meaty as being a refreshing beer,
it's actually pretty easy drinking beer.
And lastly, we have Lichtenhainer,
which is a true historical oddity.
One way to think of it is basically
like a smoked Berliner weiss,
but with a little bit softer acidity to it.
While a hundred different beer styles
definitely covers a lot of ground.
There's still a fair amount of beer on the market today
that doesn't neatly conform to a specific beer style.
Commonly brewers will take an existing style
and modify it either using unique ingredients
or perhaps a unique technique
to produce an entirely new creation.
So one common variation is beers that fall
into the broad group of American wild ales.
This would be a brewer taking a style
and using either bacteria or wild yeast to ferment it.
Like we saw in some of those tart and sour beers.
Two really common categories of variations
involve both fruit beers and spiced beers,
beers where brewers are gonna be adding
some sort of fruit or some sort of spices.
In some cases, a mix of the two
in order to create something interesting.
Some beers will leverage alternative sources
of fermentable sugar.
Most beer is going to be a made with malted barley.
Some beers also include things like malted wheat,
but there's a bunch of other ingredients
that can be used.
Things like oats
spelt, rye, millet or even things like molasses or agave.
Smoked beer is another somewhat common variation.
We talked about three specific styles
that use smoked malt in heir production brewers
today tend to experiment all the time.
And so you can make any style into a smoked style
by adding smoked malt to it.
Wood aging is another technique that brewers
can use to create variations on their styles.
There are a lot of different types of barrels
that brewers can use, but in a lot of cases,
you'll see brewers using spirit barrels,
things like bourbon or other types of whiskey,
maybe run barrels sometimes even like tequila barrels.
And then the last category is just a total catchall
for whatever weird things brewers are cooking up these days.
This is specialty beers and this kind of included mixes
of some of the above categories.
If a brewer wanted to make like a smoked beer with fruit
or like a barrel aged beer with spices.
That's where this would fall.
[electric beer music]
All right, that was each and every beer style.
I don't know about you guys,
but all this talking about beers
made me pretty damn thirsty.
I had a lot of fun talking to you guys,
and I really hope that all this
helps you find new beer styles in your journey.
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