Every Spider-Man Suit From Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales & Spider-Man Explained
Released on 03/30/2021
[dramatic instrumental music]
[Spider-Man grunting]
Hey, I'm Gavin Goulden,
an art director at Insomniac Games.
And this is each and every suit of Marvel's Spider-Man
and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
We're covering the visual design of about 60 suits.
So let's get to it.
First up, let's talk about all the suits
seen in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
The animated suit.
The goal for the animated suit was to create something
that everybody who watched Saturday morning cartoons
would be familiar with.
Using simplified geometry and a sub shader,
we think we really nailed something of nostalgic value.
Associator is a custom material
that we would use it in game to
crush down colors and create an outline that really
mimics hand-drawn classical 2d animation.
Into the Spider-Verse suit.
Everyone at Insomniac really wanted to tip our hats
to the creators of the film, Into the Spider-verse.
To do so, we created this suit with custom proportions
as well as a complex network of shaders
similar to what you'd see in the movie.
This means that we created shaders
that helped show print details
and chromatic aberration in game, verse cards,
the onomatopoeia speech balloons
that you see when you're fighting enemies,
as well as the on two's animation via the verse,
which is custom code we use to drop frames
to mimic the same animation style in Into the Spider-Verse.
The advanced tech suit.
The advanced tech suit is an armored suit
that Miles Morales wears that uses sleek armor plating
all throughout the costume.
Fans would recognize the red chevron
and general color blocking throughout the outfit
as it's similar to the classic outfit from the comics.
The bodega cat suit.
This is truly an organic collaborative experience
from Insomniac Games
and everybody's favorite suit at the studio.
Essentially, our designers wanted to create
an authentic experience to someone living in New York.
So having a cat in a bodega only seemed fitting.
Having to rescue the cat for the bodega owner,
we named it Spider-Man,
why not create a custom suit that always
has the cat in the backpack fighting enemies
along with you.
The Brooklyn Visions Academy suit.
We wanted to pay respect to Miles' background
as a student at Brooklyn visions Academy.
So we created a custom blazer with the insignia
of his school to go over the iconic suit.
This was also a great opportunity to show
in game cloth dynamics during gameplay and cinematics.
Classic suit.
This is the defining look of Spider-Man.
It is important to pay respect to the past
and where the character came from
from his comic book origins, but also have an eye
to the future and put it through our Insomniac lens
much like Peter Parker's advanced suit
in the original Marvel Spider-Man.
Putting it through the lens means
giving more realistic materials to the suit
and adding construction details to help sell how Spider-Man
could actually make the outfit.
Beyond that, the classic suit is key to Miles' narrative.
It shows that he's stepping out from the shadow
of his mentor, Peter Parker,
with his own defined look in black and red.
The crimson cowl suit.
This is one of our very first custom suits
that we designed along with artist, John Stout.
We wanted this to feel agile
and stealthy at the same time.
We referenced boxing gear and training athletic outfits
that one might wear in the real world,
and then put our own spin
through using new materials like nylons
and rubbers and leathers to better fit
and protect Spider-Man.
The great responsibility suit.
This suit was important to show the relationship
between Peter and Miles.
Peter's acting as Miles's mentor
and gives him a hand me down suit.
The narrative reason for using this suit is to show
that Miles is uncomfortable with becoming Spider-Man.
He's essentially wearing Peter's outfit
and becoming Peter Parker,
not just becoming his own Spider-Man.
It's ill fitting and has noticeable construction details
like exposed zippers and seams that give it
a lower quality feel to what you might see
in the advanced suit on Peter Parker.
The homemade suit.
This suit's taken directly from the comics
and made to look like something thrown together
from the clothing that Miles may have
lying around at his house.
Using our advanced material shaders,
we're able to show layered detail
such as tiled fabric weaving and pilling
throughout all of the fabrics.
Mile Morales' 2020 suit.
The team took what was originally a variant cover
and made an in game suit by referencing futuristic designs
of helmets and biker jackets.
We created custom emblems for the jacket backing as well
as complex shaders for the 2020 helmet
to have animated LED expressions to help
really sell the vision of what the variant cover
originally showed fans.
Miles Morales 2099 suit.
This is originally a variant cover designed by Lee Garbett.
We were honored to take this to completion in 3d.
What's really great about this suit
is that we also have an homage
to the original 2099 Spider-Man,
Miguel O'Hara, seen on his chest emblem throughout the suit.
Purple Reign suit.
We collaborated with Marvel games to create this
totally unique suit to help tie the relationship
of Aaron Davis, Miles' uncle, to Miles Morales.
This has similar design principles
seen in the Prowler outfit.
We use the same color scheme
and give it a sleek armored look.
This also pays homage to the ultimate Prowler design
created by Sarah Pichelli by having gray inserts
on the side of the suit.
The programmable matter suit.
The programmable matter suit is using technology
designed by Miles Morales' childhood friend, Finn Mason,
but repurposed to better fit Spider-Man
and his color scheme.
It uses the chrome black appearance
that you may see in the undergrounds weapons and technology
but also has the red spider emblem
that fans would recognize as Miles Morales.
The spider training suit.
This suit is designed to tie directly
into where you may have seen Miles Morales,
where we left off in Marvel Spider-Man
as a new protege to Peter Parker.
This suit is purposely designed
to use street clothes that Miles Morales
may have just laying around in his closet.
This ties the civilian Miles Morales
to his very beginning stages
as Spider-Man for truly taking on the mantle.
The sportswear suit.
The sportswear suit is intended to be a step beyond
the spider training suit.
It uses piecemeal items from Spider-Man's suit,
given to him by Peter Parker,
but also incorporates winter wear.
This is also an important suit narratively,
to show that Miles is staying
with his training as Spider-Man.
Going from the very initial suit to this
new and improved training suit
and then eventually into the great responsibility suit
as a true Spider-Man.
The s.t.r.i.k.e. suit.
This suit is designed by artist, Dave Repoza.
We really wanted to have a suit that focused
on the venom energy that is natural to Miles Morales
as Spider-Man and also speak to the youthfulness
of the hero himself.
The suit is created by using plates of armored rubber
and insulation, as well as energy coursing
throughout the suit itself in spider emblems,
that trail along the arms and through the chest and back.
The t.r.a.c.k. suit.
This is a customer suit designed
with famed Miles Morales artist, Javier Garron.
We really wanted to have a suit that focused
on the athleticism of Miles Morales
and the youthfulness of the hero.
We referenced parkour here and free running outfits
to help influence the suit,
as well as athletic gear to help make him appear
sleek and agile.
The end suit.
This is a suit from a futuristic setting
and an older Miles Morales.
Using materials like padded leathers, denims,
and nylons really helps ground the suit inside
of our realistic world.
Uptown pride suit.
Miles shows his love for his new community
by leading quests throughout all of Harlem.
In return, he's gifted a new suit that closely resembles
his iconic outfit, but with gold trim seen throughout.
The winter suit.
This suit shows Miles' connection
to his new community in Harlem,
specifically his connection to Hailey,
who gifts Miles her earmuffs and scarf to go over his suit
in the cold New York winter.
[Spider-Man] Hello, again.
[Gavin] Up next, we'll be talking about all the suits
Peter Parker wears in Marvel's Spider-Man.
[Spider-Man] Hello, New York!
The classic suit.
We wanted the very first suit you see when
playing the game to be iconic.
That anyone on the planet could look at
and immediately know what it is.
Appropriately, we used the suit designed by Steve Ditko,
one of the creators of Spider-Man.
We give the student more realistic rendering style
by mixing real world materials like spandex and rubber.
On the spandex, you will have banded highlights
using anisotropic shading.
On rubber, you'll have more matte highlights
to help give some contrast in materials
seen throughout the suit.
The amazing suit.
Inspired by the films,
this suit uses more tactile materials
to help give more mobility to Spider-Man.
It also uses more real world items
that Spider-Man could easily have access to
such as visors seen in the mask
and soles on the bottom of the feet
to help really ground it inside of our world.
Anti-ock suit.
In the final fight of Marvel's Spider-Man
we wanted to show that even when he's down and out
Peter Parker can out-think his opponent, Dr. Octopus,
his former mentor, Otto Octavius.
Pete uses the same technology Doc Ock uses in his tentacles
to create a new suit to help protect him
from his enemies' attacks.
The arachnid-rider suit.
Designed by Dave Repoza, we wanted to draw inspiration
from the kind of Japanese cartoons
you may have all watched as kids.
We wanted to make sure that this
clearly reads as Spidey.
So while we did have horns
and armor plating breaking the silhouette,
we used a color scheme that most fans
would be very familiar with while also giving
a new futuristic look to the hero.
The advanced suit.
Insomniac had the great honor
of creating a totally new suit for Spider-Man.
We wanted to create something that was very iconic
and stood out as our very own hero.
To do that we created a white spider
that is seen throughout the torso, on the chest,
and on the back.
Not only does this stand out,
it also helps protect Spider-Man.
Beyond that, we also used panels throughout the suit
to help give padding on Pete while he's swinging
throughout New York and fighting enemies.
Armored advanced suit.
It uses the same design languages seen in the advanced suit,
incorporating protective white armor,
giving it a very stark finish that helps it stand out.
Bombastic bag-man suit.
A more modern take on the loaner suit
from the Fantastic Four.
Originally this suit is fairly ill fitting
as it's just a hand-me-down from the human torch.
We wanted to take this suit
and give it a more modern look by using materials
you may find in the real world, like nylon and rubber.
We also wanted to incorporate the gloves
and the boots into the suit more
with nylon inserts on the side,
to better fit Pete and not be as baggy,
like you may see in the comics.
Aaron Aikman armor.
A futuristic armor that uses the same landmarks
seen in a classic Spider-Man suit.
Sleek cybernetic panels layered over top of padded latex.
Cyborg Spider-Man suit.
As a child of the eighties and the nineties,
it was a great chance to pay respect
to the comics that I had read as a kid.
Using segmented metal panels,
we wanted to give a nod to Deathlok,
while also using advanced cybernetics
and augmentations throughout the armor
to better fit our universe.
Like an anatomical rubber structure under the armor
and wires seen throughout.
The dark suit.
This suit is given to you by black cat in her storyline.
We wanted to use materials similar
to what you may find in her costume throughout the game.
This is our take on a suit seen from the Deadpool comic run.
Electrically insulated suit.
With this suit, we wanted to show
that Spidey's wearing something more bulky
and layered to help protect him from electric shocks.
We did this by referencing real-world protective materials
like heavy padding and rubbers.
The fear itself suit.
Inspired by the armor seen in the comics,
we wanted to reference
the more fantastical Asgardian armor
by creating metal scales throughout the suit,
as well as showing the powerful technology
surging through him with white energy.
The future foundation suit.
To help welcome the Fantastic Four back home
we wanted to put the Fantastic Four's body suit
through the Insomniac lens.
While the overall design stays the same from what
fans may be familiar with in the comics,
We did add construction details throughout the suit
and hardened plastic panels to help give material breakup
and visual interest.
The iron spider armor.
Taking inspiration from the civil war comic series,
this suit is typically red fabric
with gold plating over top.
We want to put this through the Insomniac lens.
We created more gold inlays and a highly detailed
gold plating throughout the suit,
as well as more construction details
to help show how the suit is created
and explained the flexibility Pete may have
while in the outfit.
The added segmentation in the larger armor panels
help show how the armor plates may slide
over top of each other while Pete is swimming.
Iron spider suit.
Inspired by Marvel Studioses' Avengers Infinity War.
Inspired by the films,
we wanted to capture the same car paint type look
seen in the movies.
We did this by creating a colored specular material
and thinner armor panels that slide across the outfit.
When we create our materials in game
there are two different properties.
There's gloss and there's spec.
Gloss is the tightness of a highlight.
So it could be pinpoint or it could be very broad.
Then specular is the level of reflectivity
that a material may have
as well as the color that it may reflect off.
Into the spider-verse suit.
We really wanted to make this feel like the Peter Parker
from Into the Spider-Verse.
With exaggerated proportions
like an elongated skull and arms,
we also had a new approach to the shaders
to create something very custom
to help mimic the same look you may see in the films.
This introduced hatching, halftone,
and fornell, specifically for this suit.
Fornell is the amount of reflectance you see
at glancing angles.
The last stand suit.
Based largely on real-world reference,
we wanted to create a wardrobe that
a biker version of Spidey may wear
like a red leather jacket with blue inserts
that mimic the classic Spidey outfit.
We also use real world materials, such as heavy leathers
and denim to really give it a believable biker feel.
Spider armor MK 1 suit.
This is the very first bulletproof Spidey suit
that he creates.
The armor is intended to be bulkier and a prototype
of other suits we may see later on,
but still using the classic web pattern
seen in Spider-Man suits.
The highly reflective Chrome
helps pick up all of our ray traced reflections.
This means that on all of the armor panels
throughout the suit, you can see the world
around Peter Parker.
Spider armor mark II suit.
A sleeker version of the bulletproof suit,
this uses a chain mail like material
with layers of ballistic nylon and rubber over top
for extra protection.
We also add inserts and construction seams
for more flexibility.
Spider armor mark III suit.
Taken from The Amazing Spider-Man comics
of the late nineties,
we wanted to upgrade this suit in our realistic setting.
To do so, we added more details
in the specularity throughout the metal plating in the suit,
and also added more details to the plates themselves
to help justify their points of articulation
and how they may slide over each other
during combat and traversal.
Spider armor mark IV suit.
This armored suit is very sleek and intended
to capture the same rendering style seen in the artwork
by famed artist, Alex Ross.
We incorporate patterns into the specular detail
to help give it a more iridescent feeling
and a higher tech quality, such as finer scales.
Negative suit.
Spider-Man gets this suit
by entering the negative zone of Martin Lee,
otherwise known as Mr. Negative.
The suit is designed to appear like a photo negative
by creating custom textures and a shader
that has blue-white energy coursing throughout
the entire outfit.
The noir suit.
Drawing inspiration from the comics,
we wanted to reference real-world materials that may
help make the suit more believable.
To do so, we looked at pilot gear
from the turn of the century.
We used heavier wools, leather,
and detailing throughout the cap
to really help make it feel like pilot goggles
and a flight helmet.
Resilient suit.
Designed by famed Amazing Spider-Man artist,
Gabrielle Dell'Otto, we wanted to create a suit
that was very sleek, but also armored
to help protect Spider-Man.
We also used aggressive lines
throughout the suit's design
to help reflect the same type of rendering style
seen in Gabrielle's comic book art.
Secret war suit.
Like most black suits in our game,
it's really important that they read well
in all lighting conditions.
To do so, we create material contrast to help
pick up specular highlights.
On this suit, we used a high gloss blue emblem on the torso,
the inverted red piping seen on the mask,
and then higher gloss seen throughout the outfit
to help break up the fabric details.
The scarlet spider suit.
This is my personal favorite Spidey suit.
By taking a design from the 1990s,
we were able to really modernize it in Marvel's Spider-Man.
We added protective rubber panels and high-tech fabric,
seen throughout the suit.
We brought in homemade elements that you may see
from the comics such as the hoodie
and stenciled Spider-Man emblems,
then also referenced military industrial gear
for his bracers.
Scarlet spider II suit.
Similar to the original scarlet spider outfit,
we use construction seams to help break up the suit.
This also adds visual interest and construction details
to help inform how the suit may work, realistically.
This suit also uses material contrast
to help inform the function of the suit.
The black areas on the upper body are more protective,
while the red suit is lighter and more flexible.
Spider-clan suit.
We wanted to capture the mangaverse Spidey look
by using exaggerated proportions
like a slightly larger head and expressive eyes.
We also created a complex, custom shader just for the suit
by our technical artist, J Tuason.
This suit has a thin terminator, but also a fornell
and faked light direction to really help make it
pop off screen and mimic the same look
you may see in print media.
Our outline, rather than using black ink,
adopts the color of the suit underneath
to help make it feel softer and more natural.
Spider punk suit.
We really wanted to capture the do-it-yourself mentality
seen in the punk scene.
We wanted to really show that this suit was made
with a lower technology and is handmade.
We also added worn denim and pins
to help show the personality of the suit wearer.
Spider UK suit.
The most iconic thing about the suit
is the Union Jack seen throughout the torso
and the asymmetrical technology
seen on Peter Parker's wrist.
Spirit spider suit.
Really dipping our toe into horror on this one,
we want the suit to seem like it was skin
stretched over muscles and bone.
To do this, we used thinner wrinkles to help
really show the crinkling of skin
as muscles flex and deform.
The Stark suit.
Drawing inspiration from Marvel Studioses'
Captain America: Civil War,
we really wanted to have the same look in our suit
as seen in the films.
To do so, we created tiling normal fabric details
that really helped make the suit feel crisp
as well as using material contrast
and the protective rubber inserts throughout the outfit.
The stealth big time suit.
During production, this was actually
our very first variant suit
that we used to help prove out our systems.
We purposely wanted to pick something that was
a stark contrast from our advanced suit,
rather than blue, red, and white, we chose black and green.
We also used real-world references like protective rubber
and nylon to help make the suit feel sleek,
but also functional.
In addition, we also had green LED strips
throughout the suit to help make it really stand out
in different lighting conditions.
Stealth suit, MCU.
In addition to inspiration found in
Spider-Man: Far from Home,
we also used real world reference like motorcycle gear
tactical equipment, and leathers.
This really helped inform our material reads in contrast
for more flexible elements of the suit
to something that is more protective for Spidey.
Upgraded suit.
Inspired by Spider-Man: Far from Home,
we wanted to show the upgraded tech, found in the suit,
by mimicking the more elaborate threading
seen throughout the suit,
as well as the higher gloss, protective elements.
Webbed suit.
We always wanted to give this suit out
to the community as a free gift,
and really do the film justice,
as well as capturing the material contrast seen
throughout the suit and really nailing
the raised webbing look, that is unique to this outfit.
To do so, we created each web in geometric detail,
manually modeled out and layered over top of the suit
to give realistic shading and specular highlights.
Wrestler suit.
As a lifelong fan of both Spider-Man
and professional wrestling,
this seemed like a perfect match for me.
We took inspiration from The Ultimate Spider-Man series.
This suit uses sweats
and a custom personalized spider emblem on the chest.
We also added a lucha mask.
Velocity suit.
We had the honor of working with Ady Granov,
famed Marvel artist and costume designer to create
this aerodynamic armor-plated custom suit.
While the suit helps increase speed,
we also wanted to show the energy coursing
throughout the suit and giving more aggressive lines
to the armor panels, making the suit feel
as though it was sharp and cutting through the air
as Spider-Man swings through New York City.
Vintage comic book suit.
Everyone at Insomniac loves this suit.
We've really wanted to capture the feeling
of old school comics and cartoons in a 3d world.
Its truly the brain child of our technical artist, J Tuason.
J created a custom shader
to nail the hand-drawn Spider-Man appearance
by introducing hatching gradient shading,
and fornell to really nail that ink drawn look.
We use reverse tone mapping to help make the suit
pop off screen and all lighting conditions.
Spider-Man 2099 black suit.
We wanted the original 2099 suit to feel higher tech
than what you may have seen in the comics.
Our suit uses bulletproof plastics that are cleaner
and higher polished,
mixed with a more protective layer of nylon and rubber.
Spider-Man 2099 white suit.
The white 2099 suit is fully armored
and uses intricate panels that mimic human anatomy.
To embellish on the comic design further,
we added segmentation to the armored panels,
as well as faceting to the spider emblems
to help pick up more specular highlights
for visual interest.
Faceting is a changing in planes
throughout a model's surface.
So rather than having a clean specular highlight
it will be broken up to give it more depth and detail.
The homemade suit.
Taking inspiration from
Spidey's very first appearance in the MCU,
we wanted to capture the same homemade feel
as seen in Marvel Studioses' Captain America: Civil War
by using sweats and older hoodies
that Pete may have access to.
Finally, undies.
This originally started as a gag for when Pete
comes out of the hallucination caused by Scorpion's poison.
Our designers found that we needed a reward
after the mission.
And it was a great opportunity to add some humor
to an intense, emotional battle.
[heroic music plays]
And that's it.
That's the visual design of every suit
for Marvel's Spider-Man
and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
I hope you learned something and thanks for watching.
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