Every Rainbow Six Siege Operator Explained
Released on 11/04/2019
Hey there.
This is Alex Karpazis, Presentation Director
at Ubisoft Montreal,
and this is every operator in Rainbow Six: Siege.
[upbeat music]
There's 50 of them, so buckle up.
Alibi, originally from Libya,
now with GIS, the Italian CTU.
Most operators in our game come from a CTU,
that's a Counter Terrorist Unit.
Most nations have their own specialized unit,
whether it's FBI, SAT.
It's about representing the elite of the elite
for your nation, when you're representing a CTU.
Alibi's strengths are confusion.
She wants to make sure that nobody can lock her down
at any given time.
She's here, and then she's in another room.
Using her decoys are super important,
to make sure the attacking team
doesn't have the right information.
That way she can jump and surprise them
whenever she needs to.
And she can have up to three of them on a map.
This creates a lot of intel,
because any attacker that shoots through it
will actually get pinged,
and Alibi will know where you're at.
Amaru, from Peru, who's been introduced
in Operation Amber Rise,
and she is with the APCA.
Amaru is unlike any operator we've had before.
She has a grappling hook that lets her fly around a map,
and this is the first time we're tackling
an operator that deals strictly with movement.
It's actually a new way to play the game.
We thought about Amaru about a year ago.
We called her our attack on Titan operator,
and the idea of grappling around a map
was something we wanted to play with,
but it took a lot of tech and research
to make it work on every single map that we had.
There are so many challenges designing Amaru.
She's a person who can reach places extremely quickly,
so we had to work on how quick is her cooldown
on her gadget, and she's also somebody
who latches onto every single ledge, window,
so we had to do a complete pass on every single map,
to make sure that she didn't break anything.
Ash, FBI from the U.S. of A.
Ash is the defacto leader of Rainbow Six,
but we didn't actually plan it that way.
It all came through her gameplay,
and how players were perceiving her.
She was an incredibly strong operator.
People always promoted her into roles of importance,
whenever they talked about her,
so she kind of took on this mantle
through the community.
She was the first female operator
that we designed in the game,
and we wanted to try to fit a bazooka into the game,
and that was extremely difficult.
When we talked to Nicolas Drolet, our realization expert
when it comes to gadgets,
how do we get the effects of a bazooka,
into a game like Rainbow Six: Siege,
and that's where you get Ash's weapon.
Bandit, from Germany, GSG 9,
one of our legacy operators.
The GSG 9 is a very casual unit.
All of them are wearing jeans.
The idea was that they're all these undercover operators,
so you see Bandit as this undercover biker gang member,
in his elite outfit,
and that's kind of the story behind it.
We wanted to have a car battery
that would electrify steel walls,
and it was kind of hard to fit in
the idea of a car battery with an operator,
so we just called it a day
at making him undercover, with the car battery,
electrifying walls.
Blackbeard, Navy Seals, from America.
Blackbeard is interesting because we learned so much
from his ability.
When he launched, he was one of the strongest,
overpowered operators we ever released.
Besides the kickass beard of Blackbeard,
what I love is the story behind
the recruitment of the Navy Seals,
which obviously he's been through.
One of the sessions that they have to go through
is what's called a surf training,
where a bunch of seals link arms in the ocean,
and have wave after wave crash into their face,
and they have to do this for eight to 10 minutes.
It's a really grueling test of physical strength,
and mental strength.
Blitz, GSG 9 from Germany.
A lot of people are terrified of Blitz.
The original idea for Blitz though,
and where he got his name from,
was even more terrifying.
While the defenders are reinforcing,
Blitz actually spawns.
So, while you're reinforcing walls,
there's this crazy Blitz running
around the map at the same time.
Blitz's biggest strength is his speed,
and his ability to disarm the other opponents.
So he uses his shield to flashbang them,
instantly run up to their face, and melee them.
It's really, really effective.
Buck, Canadian, from the JTF2.
Buck is actually a bit of a homage
to our home studio in Quebec.
He's very Quebecois.
When he grabs a hostage, he's like,
Away, let's go, and it's a bit like,
in Frenglish he would be saying,
Away, on y va,
and it's only really funny to Parisian game devs
who think the Quebecois accent is really cute.
Capitao, BOPE, from Brazil.
Capitao is actually the first operator with a disability.
He's missing an eye,
and that wasn't to create a weakness,
but to encourage showing the strength that he has.
My favorite thing about him
was how long it took to get the hair right.
Capitao is one of our oldest operators,
and so when you have somebody in their mid-50s,
how much gray hair do you put on that head?
We had versions where he had too much gray hair.
He looked like a guy who did not belong on the battlefield,
and then when there wasn't enough,
he looked like a totally young dude running around.
So, balancing the gray hair level
was actually a big deal for us.
Castle, FBI, U.S. of A.
Castle used to be a pro football player,
so you actually see a bit of that in his silhouette.
He has a large helmet, broad shoulders,
and he stands out from the other FBI units.
Castle's strength is being able to deny a lot of entry,
where usually you can't.
These are windows, these are doors.
You can reinforce a wall, but it's harder
to reinforce a window.
If you have a Castle, you can put up those barricades,
and now the attacking team has to spend
a lot more utility breaking into a site.
Caveira, BOPE, from Brazil.
Caveira is one of our more threatening operators.
She's the only operator that uses her ability,
that's not reliant on a gadget,
and for it we had to do some research.
We watched documentaries about BOPE interrogation sequences,
which are absolutely brutal.
They're so, so vicious.
BOPE interrogation techniques can vary
from a knife to a throat,
to waterboarding, to putting a bucket over your head
and beating it.
So what you see in the game is actually a toned down version
of BOPE interrogation, and she has of course
that very unique face paint.
Clash, MPS, from England.
Clash is our only defender with a shield.
She's somebody who has a threatening presence,
and shows a lot of force behind that shield
that she uses.
The idea for Clash was, we had so many operators
on the attacking side with shields,
could we do the same thing with defenders?
And it came with a lot of caveats.
It meant that she can't have her shield,
and her weapon at the same time,
so it's an interesting balancing exercise
for our game design team.
My favorite thing about her,
is how long it took to get that shield right.
She has this giant foldable shield that is transparent.
We wanted that transparency,
so that defenders could peak around,
see what Clash is seeing,
so that she could relay information,
and then you can do something about it.
Whenever you're rendering something with transparency,
you're rendering two layers.
One, the actual transparent layer,
and then everything that's behind it,
and the transparent layer has to affect everything
that's behind it.
So it's actually really, really costly to do,
and that makes it hard when you have
a giant human size shield in front of an operator.
Doc, GIGN, from France.
Doc is a medic, so a lot of his being
is in that same vein.
He has the famous elastic gloves,
he has a white stripe on his helmet,
which signifies when he's in the field,
and he also has his electric paddles on him
at all times.
He's somebody who struggles with the idea
of taking a life, and he justifies it by saying,
if he takes a life, it's in order to save others.
Doc's strength is giving another player a second chance.
He can at range res somebody,
if they're down but not out,
and if you're low on health, ask your doc to heal you.
It can actually change the tides of a battle.
Dokkaebi from the 707th, from South Korea.
Dokkaebi is one of our greatest characters.
She has so much characterization in her.
She's the first operator to actually smile in her portrait.
Her name actually comes from the Korean word for spirit,
and it's a specific spirit that can either play a prank,
or do some good.
So when designing Dokkaebi,
this was the first time where we created
an operator icon that wasn't tied to her gadget.
It's the little Dokkaebi spirit,
and that's in everything that she uses.
It's to represent her, it's on your phones
when she hacks you.
It represents who she is,
in kind of like a mischievous way.
Echo, SAT, from Japan.
When designing Echo, we kind of thought
of the whole season.
When we released Skyscraper,
that was when we were thinking, okay,
how do we dress up this unit?
And it's really about civilian clothing
underneath a lot of harnesses.
That meant they could reach the skyscraper map.
So the SAT is the counter terrorist unit for Japan.
They were first revealed in the 90s,
and a little bit more info has been gathered
in the early 2000s.
When we reached out to Japanese officials,
they didn't provide us any information,
because the SAT doesn't officially exist.
It meant that we had to go through photography,
items that we had to piece together.
It was actually really difficult to know
what this CTU was about.
Ela, from GROM, Poland.
Ela was introduced in Operation Blood Orchid,
which was a bit of a special season, Blood Orchid,
and she's a sister of Zofia in the game,
and the two sisters play off
of each other very, very differently.
Ela, after taking military academy,
went to Berlin, became an artist, and that's where
she's really developed her rebellious streak.
The GROM don't allow you to dye your hair,
so of course Ela dyes her hair green.
She kind of wears her own uniform
that she wants to wear.
Finka, from Spetsnaz, Russia.
Finka came in Operation Chimera,
and this was around the same time
that we introduced the event Outbreak.
The Outbreak event was a timed event,
where an alien capsule actually landed there,
and Rainbow Six is called in to check it out,
and that's where you see all of the operators come in,
and fight of this horde of zombies.
She has a rare neuropathy disease,
where essentially she loses feeling in her extremities.
Her ability, adrenal surge,
is her actually combating that disease.
Finka is really knowing about your team.
Her adrenal surge actually means
that recoil is lessened,
which can actually throw off your teammates sometimes,
so be communicative, make sure you tell them,
Hey, I'm gonna be using my ability soon, let's go.
Frost, JTF2, from Canada.
So when we were designing Frost,
we gave Frost and Buck kind of the stereotypical,
northerners, heavy jackets.
She has her toque on, which is the Canadian way
of saying winter hat,
and kitted her out so that she could survive the elements.
Frost is actually our first operator
that has a purely mechanical gadget.
Something that can't be detected by IQ,
and we put a lot of work into her doormat.
Frost's doormat is something
where she lays down this bear trap device,
to capture someone.
Everybody looking at it thinks it's immediately obvious
that there is something in front of them,
and they'll get trapped.
In reality, when you're playing a game like Siege though,
you don't always look for things like that,
and it's one of those things where,
even in pro level plays, people will fall for it.
Fuze, Spetsnaz, originally from Uzbekistan.
Fuze's backstory is actually pretty dark.
It's based on the Moscow theater hostage situation,
back in 2002, and this is a theater that was full
of 800 people, that the Spetsnaz could not breech.
So what they thought they would do,
is they would pump it full of gas
that would incapacitate everyone inside of it.
The unfortunate thing was,
the gas was only tested for external use,
and not interior use.
So, there was actually a lot of casualties involved,
and that actually translates to Fuze,
where there can be teammate casualties,
so it's pretty dark, but pretty true to the operator.
My favorite thing about Fuze is,
no matter how confident the Fuze is,
they'll usually kill the hostage.
Glaz, Spetsnaz, Russian.
The inspiration behind Glaz is actually
the real Russian sniper, Vasily Zaytsev,
which you may have heard about
from Enemy at the Gates.
When we first designed him,
he was a regular sniper, and nothing fancy
about his weapon.
It was only until his backstory of being an artist,
and caring about details,
that we introduce this element
where he would highlight a target through his scope.
You really don't have a lot of opportunities
of having that long range firefight,
so you really have to know what long corridors you have,
or what long line of sights you have,
to make him really effective.
Goyo, FES, from Mexico.
Goyo is one of the more interesting operators
we've developed recently.
Originally we wanted him to be an alternative to smoke,
which was to delay the attacking team,
and we used the same mechanic as smoke as well.
He had something that was throwable.
You would throw a canister, you would shoot it,
and then it would litter the floor in fire.
The problem with that is there's so much to think about,
and so much to do, that usually Goyo would die
in the process of doing all of that,
so we changed it so that it was a deployable shield,
where we would attach a canister behind it,
and then anybody on his team could trigger it
and stall an attacking team.
Gridlock, SASR, from Australia.
When we released Gridlock in Operation Burnt Horizon,
we had a ton of feedback from our Ubisoft Australia friends.
They gave us names, they told us
what they would say and what they wouldn't say,
and gave a lot of feedback on their look as well.
Gridlock is this strong, powerful character,
who's at complete odds with her partner who's Mozzie.
One is the strong silent type,
the other the little, annoying, won't shut up type.
During the season that we launched them,
we tied a lot of Easter eggs
behind our inspiration of Mad Max.
One of those things was her middle name,
which is Farious.
Farious is not an Australian name,
it's actually an anagram for Furiosesa,
which is an homage to Mad Max.
Hibana, SAT, from Japan, Operation Red Crow.
An interesting story about designing Hibana's gadget
was that she has these pellets that she launches,
and they have to be very technical, very quick,
and deliver a payload that can open up an area.
So, we're actually struggling with
what does that look like, how does it behave?
Our art director was working on his motorcycle
at the time, and he pulled off this piece
that was kind of like a sprocket,
and it became the Hibana pellet
that we have in game.
IQ, GSG 9, Germany.
The idea behind IQ and her personality,
was actually taken from Jodie Foster
in Silence of the Lambs.
When we were thinking about the character,
it was all about this intelligent individual,
that could analyze people,
and was very, very smart in how she approached people.
Jackal, GEO, from Spain.
Jackal's special ability is to track footprints on a map.
This is extremely powerful when you're dealing
with a team that has a lot of roamers.
They're leaving a lot of footprints
on the exterior of their defending area,
and it means that you can pinpoint them
a little bit more easily, and shut them down.
Jager, GSG 9, from Germany.
Jager is our only pilot of the group.
He has a pilot helmet,
which actually fits in really well
with the GSG 9 kits,
and it was him who was flying the helicopter
during the Outbreak event.
It goes down, and you have to go save him.
Kaid, from GIGR, from Morocco.
Kaid is our oldest operator in the game,
so we wanted somebody who kind of exuded strength,
but also had a bit of a gut.
We just wanted him to be this father figure
of Rainbow Six.
No nonsense, very traditionalist.
From design standpoint, he became this alternative
to Bandit, where he could electrify a wall,
and deny a lot of entry.
The whole idea behind Kaid,
which actually means commander,
is they're in charge of a fortress.
Whenever they are the commander,
they have their own special dagger,
and they get their own new dagger
each time a new commander is responsible
for the fortress.
Kapkan, Spetsnaz, from Russia.
Not too many people know this,
but his device is actually filled with nails.
It's a bit harsh, but if you're running
through a Kapkan device,
the thing that explodes is a box full of nails.
Lesion, SDU, from Hong Kong.
Lesion is actually the only operator with shorts on,
but it was actually a design we took
from a photograph of the CTU,
of somebody walking around in cargo shorts,
and a t-shirt, holding a shield,
so it's based off of the actual attire
of the CTU unit.
The toothpick that Lesion has,
is actually in reference to his spiky Gu mine.
It's also a reference to Chow Yun-Fat,
in Honk Kong adventure films,
where he would always have a toothpick,
or a matchstick that he would have in his mouth.
Lion, GIGN, from France.
The story of Lion actually comes
from a French producer in Paris.
He grew up in a very strict household,
attended military academy,
and then dropped everything to become a video game producer.
So that's a bit of what you see in Lion's backstory.
Lion's special ability is his roar.
The drone that flies in the sky,
and when he triggers it, everybody has to freeze,
otherwise their position is gonna get revealed.
He's the only attacker where,
if a defender were to look out the window at the sky,
they'd be like, Oh yeah, there's a Lion coming against us,
we have to deal with this now,
and the drone itself is actually like
a four meter in diameter drone, so it's huge.
Maestro, GIS, from Italy.
I joined the team at the very start
of Operation Para Bellum,
and we started on this new operator
that has all this bravado.
He's fearless, he always has a smile.
I can confirm that we took a little bit
of inspiration from a famous Italian plumber
for his look.
Maverick, Delta Force, American.
In Operation Grim Sky, we actually had two operators
from two separate CTUs.
This was where we wanted to focus more
on backstories that were really meaningful for them.
For Maverick, he had gone to Afghanistan,
fell in love with the culture, and then disappeared.
While Maverick was in Afghanistan, he played Buzkashi.
This is a brutal, brutal sport,
where it's a bit like polo,
but instead of a ball,
it's a dead goat that you play with.
Our narrative director was researching about Afghanistan,
its culture, and actually found a French journalist
who, much like Maverick, went there,
fell in love with the culture,
and actually discovered this sport
that he fell in love with,
and that kind of raised a flag,
like this is amazing, this should be somebody's backstory.
Mira, GEO, from Spain.
Mira is probably one of our most game changing operators,
when we released her in Velvet Shell.
Her one way mirror, meant that you could gain
a lot of information outside of a defended room,
and it kind of changed every single defense point
in the game for the attackers,
to kind of adjust to this ability.
Her gadget design is actually based on military vehicles,
so if a windshield of a military vehicle
would break and obstruct any kind of vision,
there's a hydraulic that can eject the windows,
so that you can continue driving,
and seeing where you're going.
So this actually was the thinking behind Mira's gadget.
She's our resident R and D specialist,
so almost every gadget goes through her,
and so if we need to make maybe a balancing change
to a gadget, we attribute it
to Mira making these augmentations for these operators.
Montagne, GIGN, from France.
The idea behind Montagne, was the 1994 Marignane assault,
where on a commercial plane there was a hostage situation.
The GIGN went in there using airplane ladder
to breach the airplane, and rescue the hostage.
At the front of that column going up the steps,
there was a GIGN officer,
and he took grenade blasts, he took shotgun shells,
and he took bullets straight to the chest,
and he would not stop,
and that kind of embraces the look and feel of Montagne.
Montagne's ability is a big-ass shield.
And when you're talking about a full length shield,
like Montagne's ability when it's activated,
you're the front layer that separates
the defenders from the attackers,
and you're trying to relay
as much information as possible.
Mozzie, SASR, from Australia mate.
Mozzie brought a lot of energy to Burnt Horizon.
He's the short, energetic, won't shut up operator
that kind of keeps on yapping.
[Mozzie] They talk really, really, really-
[Gridlock] Was quiet.
[Mozzie] Quiet.
Mozzie is actually based off of Robert Carlyle
from Trainspotting.
He's constantly being bigger than who he is,
mouthing off, and a lot of that's reflected in Mozzie.
Mute from the SAS, Great Britain.
When the team was thinking about Rainbow Six: Siege,
they were all fans of MOBAs,
but we didn't know how that translated
to the operators in our game.
Were they heroes, or were they more like a class?
And so when you see Mute and the SAS,
you can see they all have those gas masks on.
The only thing that differentiates Mute,
is two pieces of tape on his helmet,
which is crazy because he's one
of the most recognizable operators in our game.
Mute is my favorite, just because of the mystery
that surrounds him.
He hasn't had a face reveal yet,
so it'd be really cool to see what that looks to be.
Nokk, Jaegerkorpset, from Denmark.
Nokk has a very striking design.
She has this veil that covers her face,
and it looks stunning, but when we tried it in the game,
we ran into some problems.
Mostly when you're repelling as Nokk,
and you go upside down,
that would mean that her veil would drop
and reveal her face, which we cannot have.
So, we went back can actually attached her veil
to hooks on her armor.
Only the operators in Rainbow Six know who she is,
where she comes from, so you can see
why it's really important she's hiding that identity.
Nomad, GIGR, from Morocco.
First of all this was an operator
where we didn't want to focus on weapons.
When we're talking about her,
we're talking about an explorer
who's gone to the highest heights,
and really looked at everything
that she could travel around to visit,
write about in her journal.
Her losing digits on her hand,
was to tell that she pushed past obstacles like that,
so in all of her weapons that she's holding,
in all of the props that she's holding,
we have to account for that when we're animating her.
Pulse, FBI, American.
Pulse is one of our original operators,
and he was the only operator
that didn't have any kind of headgear.
His look was based off of Bruce Willis in Die Hard.
Pulse's strength is gaining a lot of intel
on the attacking team.
Knowing where they're coming from,
and his kit helps him do all of this,
so it's amazing to see Pulse use his gadget,
which is the heartbeat sensor.
He can see through the walls
where the person's heartbeat is,
and he can use C4 to basically see them approaching
on a level above, throw the C4,
and explode it, and then it's amazing
whenever it pops off in a pro league game.
Rook, GIGN, French.
Rook is my favorite defender,
because he is the most user friendly operator,
in a very complex game like Rainbow Six: Siege.
You have his ability, which is essentially dropping
a duffel bag full of armor for your teammates.
So the first thing you do when you spawn,
is you drop that duffel bag, and your job's done.
Sledge, SAS, from the U.K.
The original idea of sledge,
comes from a real life operation.
It was called Operation Nimrod.
It was the assault on the Iranian Embassy in London.
The first person to breach the Embassy,
was a guy with a huge-ass hammer, and that became Sledge.
There's a lot of video game magic
that goes into the timing of the swing of Sledge,
how much room he needs.
We wanted it to feel impactful.
We also wanted you to see everything,
so it took a bit of tweaking with the animation,
and it's rather quick.
Sledge is pretty strong, but I'm pretty sure in real life,
he would not be that strong,
to be able to blow open a huge hole
in a reinforced wall.
Smoke, SAS, from the U.K.
Smoke is really special,
because he was the very first operator design
for Rainbow Six.
When we were talking about Smoke,
it came back to the idea of,
well do we treat the entire CTU as a unit?
Everybody gets a gas mask with the SAS,
and we're thinking, okay, everybody has a gas mask,
so they all share this kind of visual,
do they share something that's gameplay related too?
And so we were initially questioning
whether or not all of the SAS would be able
to withstand Smoke's ability,
or can see through smoke.
We moved more towards operators being heroes,
than to something more like unit based.
This is where we made a lot of design decisions with Smoke.
You don't really have an idea
of where his allegiance is,
and actually Smoke is a bit specific in this respect,
and in this case, it actually helps
that his face is hidden.
Tachanka, Spetsnaz, Russian.
When we designed Tachanka,
we didn't know everything there was to know
about Rainbow Six.
We still don't know everything there is
to know about Rainbow Six and how to play it,
but it's a bit unfortunate
that Rainbow Six always encourages movement,
never staying in one place at any given time.
What that means for Tachanka is,
he has a gadget where he's fixed in one place
at any given time.
It started out as a giant mounted gun.
Then we realized it was too weak,
and we put a giant shield on it,
so that he was a little bit more protected
when he's standing still for the other team.
And he's still a little bit more weak for him,
so we'll touch on Tachanka maybe in another season.
Thatcher, SAS, British.
Thatcher is absolutely named after Margaret Thatcher.
This ties into Sledge, where he was part
of Operation Nimrod, the assault
on the Iranian Embassy in London.
If you search Margaret Thatcher, Operation Nimrod,
you'll find a photo of Margaret Thatcher standing
with three SAS guys.
The guy in the middle is Thatcher.
That's why he's named after her.
On his elite skin, he actually has a medal
from Margaret Thatcher, for the operation.
Thermite, FBI, from America.
Thermite is absolutely one of my favorite operators to play.
He's so essential in a lot of the gameplay.
To open up those areas of opportunity,
to breach through and break open the shell
of a defending team.
It was actually the first time too,
where we had to think about realizing the operator,
in a first person view,
so he has these injured, burnt hands that are bandaged,
so we wanna make sure that was an important element,
when you're playing him, that you could see that.
We had to work really hard on realizing the gadget,
because nothing really exists
like Thermite's breaching charge.
We had to design it so that two explosions happened,
one that separated the reinforcement.
The second explosion was when it pushed it in.
This was an example of working on the realization,
working on the animation, where he places the charge.
He has to be very, very careful setting it up,
and then running for the hills and triggering it.
Twitch, GIGN, from France.
When we were designing operators,
we looked at the CTUs to inspire.
Unfortunately with the GIGN,
there had never been in the history of GIGN,
a female operative,
and this was actually an important moment
for Rainbow Six, where we decided
that it was more important to value representation
and diversity, versus basing it off of real life.
Twitch is essentially the first female GIGN operator.
Valkyrie, Navy Seals, American.
At the time we were developing Valkyrie,
it was 2016, and that was actually the time
when the Navy Seals opened up recruitment,
to more than just males.
It was actually this really cool opportunity
to have this super strong, powerful female operator,
for representing the Navy Seals.
The visual look of Valkyrie was heavily inspired
by Kinessa Johnson, a real army vet,
that has these badass like sleeve tattoos,
and really influenced the look of Valkryie at the time.
Valk's special ability is her Valk cams.
This is a throwable camera,
that you can throw onto a wall, under a chair,
anywhere really, and it acts as intel for your team.
We severely overestimated how much we can control players,
and their creativity when it came to this camera.
Before we patched it out,
the throw that Valk had was incredible.
She was like a quarterback.
If she broke open a window and threw it,
it could fly across the map,
and nobody would realize where the camera was,
where they were being spotted from,
so we had to adjust how strong Valkyrie was
when she was throwing those cameras.
Vigil, 707th, from South Korea.
Favorite thing about Vigil has to be the mask.
It's so iconic, it's a bit inspired by the 707th.
It was meant to be a bit vague,
so that people could take away what they wanted to.
It had to instill fear, but it also had
to be a simple enough mask that,
is it a hockey mask, it it like a threatening mask?
It's something that anybody could look at,
and kind of impart their own feelings on.
Warden, U.S. Secret Service, from America.
This was a character that we wanted to design
for a long, long time.
Our art director wanted to have an operator in a suit
for over two years, and Warden finally presented himself
as this perfect embodiment of the slick agent in a suit.
Warden's ability is his smart glasses.
He does a flashy little flip of his smart watch,
and it triggers his glasses.
When they're triggered, he can see through smoke,
which is really handy when it comes to anybody
who's throwing a smoke, and trying to plant on a site.
Ying, SDU, from Hong Kong.
Her special ability is throwing a very unique flashbang.
You can set it on a timer,
or you can set it so that it can go off immediately.
Most players throw as many as they can into a room,
and then jump in, but usually one
of her gadgets will do the job.
Zofia, GROM, from Poland.
Zofia has an interesting relationship with Ela,
her sister, in that they don't always get along.
Zofia loves her sister,
but Ela wants nothing to do with her,
and so you have that kind of antagonistic relationship,
and it actually bleeds over into the game as well.
If you kill Zofia with Ela,
you'll get bonus points in the game.
Zofia's from a more traditional military background.
She's the first mother in Rainbow Six,
and this came from one of our developers was pregnant,
and the writer was like,
this is a super interesting element to explore.
Let's bring it in for the backstory of Zofia.
Zofia has a very unique ability,
that if she gets down but not out,
she will revive herself with one sliver of health.
It rarely, rarely happens, but when it does, it's epic.
That's it for me everyone.
That's all 50 operators in Rainbow Six: Siege.
I hope you learned something from it.
See you next time.
[upbeat music]
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