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    Every Dog Breed Explained (Part 2)

    Gail Miller Bisher, best known as the voice of the Westminster Kennel Club, is back to talk about every single dog breed recognized by the American Kennel Club. Gail goes over the seven major groups of dogs (hound, toy, sporting, non-sporting, herding, working, and terrier) and what makes each and every dog breed so special and unique.

    Released on 04/20/2020


    Hi, I'm Gail Miller Bisher,

    the voice of the Westminster Kennel Club.

    I grew up in the sport of dogs,

    as a breeder, owner, handler,

    and I'm also an AKC licensed judge,

    and this is every single breed of dog.


    There are 31 breeds in the sporting group,

    comprised of dogs that were bred to work with man.

    The first subgroup is the German Shorthair Pointer,

    and the German Wirehaired Pointer.

    The main difference would be having that wiry coat,

    so that the dog's skin doesn't get ripped

    if it's in very thick brush.

    These are tireless hunters

    that are known for being able to work all day long.

    They make wonderful pets,

    but they need lots of exercise.

    Here we have the Retrievers.

    There's the Chesapeake Bay Retriever,

    the Curly-Coated Retriever,

    the Flat-Coat Retriever, the Golden Retriever,

    the Labrador Retriever,

    and of course the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever.

    The Chesapeake Bay Retriever is known

    to have an oily feel to its coat,

    and that's to help make it water repellent

    in those cold waters.

    The Curly-Coated Retriever is what's called

    a silhouette breed.

    They have a very unique outline.

    The Flat-Coated Retriever, all in black,

    is always wagging its tail.

    The Golden Retriever of course

    has been a long family favorite in the United States.

    One of the top American Kennel Club

    registered breeds every year.

    The Labrador Retriever is used in many different capacities.

    Aside from being a hunting dog,

    they can be drug sniffing dogs.

    Their lovable, easygoing temperament,

    makes them versatile, and able to do many jobs.

    The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever

    is a little smaller than the other Retrievers,

    and he has a very unique hunting style.

    Here we have the English Setter,

    the Gordon Setter, Irish Setter,

    and the Irish Red and White Setter.

    The Gordon Setter is a little heavier boned,

    and that's important to note,

    because they actually were setting in Scotland,

    where it was a rougher terrain

    than where the other Setters were.

    The English Setter is one of the earliest breeds shown

    at Westminster.

    The Irish Red and White Setter

    is actually a very old breed,

    but was only eligible to show at Westminster in 2010.

    This subgroup is the Cocker Spaniels,

    beginning with the English Cocker Spaniel,

    and then the ASCOB Cocker,

    which stands for Any Solid Color Other than Black.

    And then the Black Cocker Spaniel,

    and the Parti-Color Cocker Spaniel.

    Now the English Cocker Spaniel is the original,

    and the other three are the American version.

    The English Cocker Spaniel is true to my heart.

    I actually have one at home.

    I have an orange and white,

    and I love this breed.

    They're known as being merry.

    That's one of the main characteristics,

    is their tail never stops wagging.

    Then you have the American Cockers,

    as we call them.

    Now these have a different head shape.

    They have a shorter, smaller head.

    They have a shorter muzzle.

    They're smaller at the withers

    than the English Cocker Spaniel,

    and in the show ring you'll see them

    with a much more profuse coat.

    So the difference between the ASCOB Cocker,

    the Black Cocker, and the Parti-Color Cocker,

    is really just the coat color.

    Any solid color other than black,

    means it's either all buff,

    or it's all of one of the accepted colors,

    without any white.

    Then you have the all black, clearly,

    and then the Parti-Color is many colors put on the dog.

    Here we have the English Springer Spaniel,

    and the Welsh Springer Spaniel.

    What you'll notice, they have very different features,

    and that part of it is just the ear length,

    the length of body, the height of body,

    but they're both fun loving,

    great sporting dogs that are fun to go work with,

    and can work all day.

    In the 1970s, there was an English Springer Spaniel,

    who won Best in Show at Westminster two times.

    The Welsh Springer is a sweet, outgoing breed,

    that has a beautiful red and white coat,

    that is very protective when they're hunting.

    Here we have the Clumber Spaniel,

    and the Sussex Spaniel,

    and the only reason they're put together

    is because they're both heavier boned,

    lower to the ground.

    They were a slow moving hunting dog.

    They weren't built for speed.

    They're built for endurance,

    they're built for long distance, but not fast.

    The Clumber Spaniel has won Best in Show at Westminster.

    In 2009, a Sussex Spaniel won Best in Show at Westminster,

    and holds the record for being the oldest dog

    to ever win Best in Show.

    He was 10 years old.

    Here we have the Weimaraner, the Vizsla,

    and the Wirehaired Vizsla.

    These are German and Hungarian breeds

    that have been developed over centuries.

    They are very sleek in their appearance.

    They're very athletic.

    They need lots of room, and lots of exercise.

    The Viszla is a rust color breed.

    They're known for being very close to their family,

    and not wanting to be separated from their family.

    Very trainable, and very fun loving.

    The Wirehaired Viszla, as the name says,

    has a little different coat,

    and they're a little more rough looking,

    little rugged looking.

    And that coat is really just to protect them,

    when they're hunting.

    And of course the Weimaraner is known

    as the gray ghost.

    They're very athletic, strong.

    It needs a lot of exercise and care.

    The Boykin Spaniel is one of the few breeds

    that has webbed feet,

    so that it can swim better, and work in wet terrain.

    The Spaniels that became very popular in the UK,

    originally came from Spain,

    and the Field Spaniel is one of those.

    They're a little larger than the English Cocker,

    and they're definitely larger

    than the American Cocker Spaniel,

    but they're a very old breed.

    The Brittany, from France,

    from the region of Brittany,

    is still used today in hunting scenarioses,

    in competitions.

    Hunters love this breed because of their energy,

    and the fact that they're so versatile

    in their hunting styles.

    They're very alert, and they like to go, go, go.

    The Irish Water Spaniel is a larger Spaniel

    that actually has a rat tail,

    single coat similar to a Poodle's coat.

    Beautiful brown coloring,

    and they make an exceptional hunter.

    The Lagotto Romagnolo recently joined

    the Westminster ring in 2016.

    This breed is known as the truffle hunter,

    and they're a great family pet.

    The Nederlandse Kooikerhondje is a beautiful red

    and white, medium sized dog, that is a true hunter.

    Even though they look like just a cute, fun dog,

    they really are an independent thinker,

    and they love to hunt.

    It's important that people know,

    just because they look cute,

    doesn't mean that they aren't serious

    about their jobs.

    The Pointer, which is the emblem

    of the Westminster Kennel Club,

    is one of the original breeds entered

    at the Westminster Show in 1877.

    In 1877, when the Westminster Kennel Club was formed,

    they imported Pointers from England,

    to help strengthen the breeding stock of Westminster Kennel.

    There was a dog brought over named Sensation,

    who then went on to become the emblem

    of the Westminster Kennel Club,

    and that dog is still used

    in all of our logos, and catalogs,

    and everything we use today.

    The Pointer is a very strong part of our history.

    The Spinone Italiano is a very laid back,

    easygoing dog.

    They're supposed to be ungroomed, unpolished.

    In the ring they're naturally shown,

    and so sometimes that can mean a wet beard.

    Sometimes that can mean that their hair just looks

    like they woke up and just got out of bed,

    but that's what we love about the Spinone,

    aside from their wonderful temperaments.

    The Wirehaired Pointing Griffon is known

    for that tousled look of his furnishings.

    It's a very serious hunter,

    but if you want that scruffy looking face,

    you can get that too.


    There are 31 breeds in the Terrier group,

    made up of primarily ratters that came from England.

    Terra means ground, and these dogs often went underground.

    They would go under after badger, vermin.

    They have to be very bold and feisty,

    and that's what you'll find in the Terrier group.

    Here we have the Airedale Terrier,

    the Kerry Blue, and the Irish Terrier.

    Now oftentimes these dogs serve multi purposes,

    meaning that they were used for ratting, of course,

    and being vermin control,

    but also the larger dogs like the Airedale,

    were used for all around farm purposes.

    There were Airedales that were used in World War II,

    as messenger dogs.

    They're a very smart and trainable dog.

    The Kerry Blue Terrier has a single coat,

    and is good for people who might have allergies.

    The Irish Terrier is very plucky.

    They're tall.

    They have the great ear carriage,

    and some people thought that Tramp,

    in Lady and the Tramp,

    was maybe related to an Irish Terrier.

    The next subgroup is the American Staffordshire Terrier,

    and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier.

    They're very athletic, they're very strong.

    Aside from their athleticism,

    is that they're very focused.

    Here we have the Colored Bull Terrier,

    the White Bull Terrier,

    and the Miniature Bull Terrier.

    Now really the only difference is the markings

    of the White and the Colored Bull Terrier.

    The Miniature Bull Terrier clearly is a smaller version,

    but all of them are comical.

    They're known for their zest for life,

    and the White Bull Terrier of course became famous

    when Patten had one.

    Here we have the Smooth Fox Terrier,

    and the Wire Fox Terrier.

    Now they are a little different in their head shape,

    and in their bodies.

    Obviously the coat's different,

    but the Wire Fox Terrier has won Best in Show

    at Westminster 15 times.

    The next subgroup is the Norfolk and Norwich Terrier.

    Now these breeds used to be a single breed,

    and then broke off because the differences in the ears.

    One way to remember Norfolk versus Norwich, is the W.

    The dog with the ears up looks like a W,

    and that's a Wich.

    So that's the Norwich.

    Here we have the Russell Terrier,

    and the Parson Russell Terrier,

    and the main difference in these two dogs

    is the Parson is a little taller on leg,

    a little less bone,

    whereas the Russell Terrier is little lower to the ground,

    and a little more bone to him.

    Here we have the Lakeland Terrier, and the Welsh Terrier,

    and although these dogs have a very similar outline,

    when they're in the ring,

    being judged against each other,

    the judge is looking at the differences in the head.

    They have a different head shape,

    and that's characteristic of the breed.

    Here we have the Scottish Terrier,

    the West Highland White Terrier,

    and the Sealyham Terrier.

    Now the Scottie and Westie are often depicted together

    in advertising, and different things like that,

    that stark difference between the black and white,

    but they're very different dogs.

    All of them have that Terrier feistiness about them.

    The Scottie of course has a much longer head.

    They're classic Black with the ears that are upright.

    The Westie has more fringe around the face,

    and is a fun loving white Terrier.

    And then the Sealyham is a little thicker,

    they're a little heartier in their body.

    Their ears are flopped down,

    but all three of them were originally bred

    to do the same thing, which is vermin control.

    The American Hairless Terrier was recognized

    by the AKC in 2016,

    and debuted at Westminster in 2017.

    The Australian Terrier is a little longer in back.

    They have that coarse coat, and upright ears.

    The Bedlington Terrier,

    this is the breed that looks like it's a baby lamb,

    but it really isn't.

    This dog is a serious Terrier, and a serious hunter.

    The Border Terrier is known to have

    the head similar to an otter.

    They're a wonderful city dog.

    They're clean, they like other people,

    and other dogs.

    They make a great family pet.

    The Cairn Terrier is a fun little dog

    that comes in lots of different colors.

    The Cesky Terrier began showing at Westminster in 2012.

    The Dandie Dinmont Terrier is a very long dog

    that has unique features like its very puffy coated head,

    and round eyes.

    The Glen of Imaal has a very unique shape.

    They're supposed to have a rise in the loin,

    large head with a large nose, and a very harsh coat.

    The Standard Manchester Terrier,

    in its black and tan coat,

    is very alert, and ready to go.

    The Miniature Schnauzer has long been a family favorite.

    They're very trainable.

    They're very popular in lots of dog sports.

    Rat Terriers are very portable,

    and easy to train, and they love to be with their people.

    The Skye Terrier, coming from the Isle of Skye,

    is known for its very long length of body,

    its long coat, and it has upright ears,

    but it also comes in drop ears.

    Soft Coated Wheaten is known for its beautiful soft coat.


    There are 21 breeds in the Toy group.

    The Toy group's comprised of many different shapes,

    and coat types, but really they were all bred

    to be companions.

    The first subgroup is the Affenpinscher,

    and the Brussels Griffon.

    Both of them have kind of that round face,

    with a mustache, and they both have lots of zest for life.

    The second subgroup is Chihuahuas.

    There's the Smooth Coated, and the Longhaired,

    and of course everybody knows

    that they think they're a big dog,

    when they're really not.

    Here we have English Toy Spaniels,

    and the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.

    These were all lap dogs of the royalty.

    English Toy Spaniels come in the Blenheim and King Charles,

    which is the red and white,

    and then there's also the King Charles and Ruby,

    where they're black and tan, or all red.

    The difference between the Cavalier King Charles,

    and the English Toys, primarily is in the head

    and body length.

    The head shape of the Cavalier King Charles

    is a longer muzzle, and different shaped head.

    Here we have the Silky Terrier,

    the Yorkshire Terrier, and the Maltese.

    Now people sometimes get the Silky Terrier

    and the Yorkshire Terrier mixed up,

    because they are similar in coloring,

    in that they have the tan, with the bluish gray,

    and they have a long coat,

    but the Yorkshire Terrier is a much smaller head.

    Its ears are a different positioning.

    It's a much shorter back than the Silky Terrier,

    so there are differences.

    Then there's also the Maltese,

    which is a small, heavily coated dog as well,

    but of course that one is all white.

    Here we have the Chinese Crested,

    and the Pekingese.

    Both breeds are from China,

    but the Chinese Crested was used as a ratter on ships.

    Sometimes was passed from sailor to sailor,

    because of how good they were at vermin control,

    whereas the Pekingese stayed in the palace.

    They were the companion of royalty.

    The Toy Poodle is the smallest

    of the three poodle sizes.

    They're known as being very intelligent,

    and they're a great family pet.

    The Toy Fox Terrier can be very good at agility.

    They're quick, and they're good listeners.

    The Havanese is the only breed native to Cuba.

    The Italian Greyhound is a very old breed,

    but were in fact entered at

    the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1877.

    The Japanese Chin has a very unique head and face.

    It's light to pick up.

    They are easy to groom.

    They were highly regarded in Japan,

    and have been showing at Westminster for 144 years.

    The Toy Manchester Terrier is a smaller version

    of the Standard Manchester Terrier,

    and has a lot of the same temperament

    and features of the breed.

    The Miniature Pinscher is a lot of dog in a small package.

    They are fearless,

    and they have a very unique gait.

    It's like a...


    [upbeat music]

    The Papillon is called such because of their ears.

    Papillon in French means butterfly,

    so they're the butterfly dog.

    The Pomeranian has a very thick coat,

    and comes in many colors.

    The Pug is recorded as being in existence since 400 BC.

    There were Pugs showing at

    the first Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1877.

    The Shih Tzu comes in many different colors.

    They have a beautiful coat,

    but if you wanna keep the coat short at home,

    you can do that and have a great little family member.


    There are 30 dogs in the Working group,

    comprised of breeds that were bred

    to either protect, to guard, or to rescue.

    These are strong breeds that have a lot of focus

    and work ethic.

    The first subgroup is the Alaskan Malamute,

    the Samoyed, and the Siberian Husky.

    These three breeds have heavy coats.

    They're supposed to work in very cold temperatures,

    and they can pull very heavy loads.

    The Alaskan Malamute is a very large dog,

    that needs to be socialized at a young age.

    The Samoyed looks like it's smiling

    because of the black pigment around the lips

    on that white coat.

    The Siberian Husky has won Best in Show

    at Westminster one time.

    Here we have the Anatolian Shepherd,

    the Komondor, and the Kuvasz.

    These three breeds, they are very protective

    of the flock, and that was their job,

    to work independently of the humans,

    that they know their job,

    and they'll take care of business.

    The Anatolian breed is more than 6000 years old.

    The Komondor has a corded coat.

    The Kuvasz is fearless, yet sweet.

    Here we have the Leonberger,

    and the Tibetan Mastiff.

    Both of them are big coated breeds.

    Don't be fooled by the Leonberger's size.

    They're playful, they're friendly, and make great pets.

    The Tibetan Mastiff is an independent thinker,

    and when it comes to training,

    you have to make sure that you're working on their level.

    Here we have the Dogue de Bordeaux,

    the Boxer, and the Cane Corso.

    They have different head shapes,

    and they have different temperaments,

    but they're all very strong breeds.

    They're smooth coated,

    sometimes they drool a little bit.

    They have become very well known in our country.

    Dogue do Bordeaux has been in movies.

    The Boxer's been a longtime family friend,

    and the Cane Corso is just becoming more popular,

    as a strong dog that is both protector and family member.

    Here we have the Doberman Pinscher,

    and the Rottweiler.

    Two German breeds that are very well known

    for being good working dogs.

    They are very versatile,

    and can do many different tasks.

    The Doberman Pinscher, aside from its stare,

    is a beautiful dog, very athletic.

    The popular Rottweiler is a confident guardian.

    Here we have the Giant Schnauzer,

    and the Standard Schnauzer.

    Both of these are German breeds.

    They're very trainable.

    They've been used before as military dogs.

    Today they make wonderful pets.

    They have a coarse coat,

    which makes it easy for them to stay clean.

    They can be trimmed so that you don't have

    to worry about the furnishings when grooming the dog.

    The Giant Schnauzer comes in two colors,

    all black, or salt and pepper.

    The next subgroup are dogs that you would find

    in the mountains originally.

    There's the Bernese Mountain Dog,

    the Greater Swiss Mountain Dog,

    the Great Pyrenees, and the Saint Bernard.

    These dogs are not necessarily related,

    but they all could have been found in the mountains.

    The Bernese Mountain Dog has that traditional tricolor

    of the Swiss breeds.

    The Greater Swiss Mountain Dog has a smooth coat.

    The Great Pyrenees is generally all white.

    The Saint Bernard is known for its large bone,

    and its big head, and big heart.

    Here we have the Bullmastiff, Mastiff,

    the Neapolitan Mastiff, and the Boerboel.

    These were all estate guardians.

    A male Bullmastiff can average 120 pounds.

    The Mastiff is one of the originals

    of the Mastiff breeds.

    The Neapolitan Mastiff was featured

    in the Harry Potter series.

    The Boerboel debuted at Westminster in 2016.

    Here we have the Newfoundland,

    and a Portuguese Water Dog.

    Both dogs are used in the water.

    The Newfoundland was a water rescue dog,

    would jump off boats and go,

    and help people that have been thrown into the water,

    and bring them to safety,

    and the Portuguese Water Dog would help fisherman

    pull nets back into the boats.

    The Akita needs early socialization and training.

    The Black Russian Terrier is a very large dog.

    Don't let the word Terrier fool you.

    The Chinook is one of the few original American breeds.

    The German Pinscher is more closely associated

    with the Schnauzer than other Pinschers.

    The Great Dane comes in several different colors.

    One of my favorites is Harlequin,

    where it's black and white.

    [upbeat music]

    That was all 205 breeds that show

    at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show,

    and as far as we're concerned,

    they're all Best in Show.

    Starring: Gail Miller Bisher

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