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    Every Video Game in 'Ready Player One' Explained By Author Ernest Cline

    Ernest Cline, author of the best-selling novel 'Ready Player One,' and one of the screenwriters behind the upcoming film, deep dives into his book and explains the stories behind every video game referenced in 'Ready Player One.' From Yars' Revenge to Asteroids to Quake, Ernest goes into the history of each game and reveals why he included it in the book. 'Ready Player One' is in theaters now

    Released on 03/30/2018


    Hi, I'm Ernest Cline, the author of Ready Player One

    and also one of the screenwriters

    of the upcoming film adaptation.

    (upbeat music)

    Whenever I mentioned a video game,

    it was always something from my life

    or a game that I loved for some reason

    that I wanted to pay tribute to and have in the background.

    Dungeons of Daggorath was one of my first 3-D video games

    that I ever played for the TRS-80 Color Computer 2,

    you play a warrior who has to descend

    into a multi-level dungeon and defeat a bunch of creatures

    and collect items and defeat an evil wizard

    and it just really spoke to me as one of my favorite games

    and I would play it late into the night.

    One of the first challenges that Wade has to complete

    is go into a recreation of James Halliday's bedroom,

    and then complete Dungeons of Daggorath

    to unlock the first gate.

    Zork, the Great Underground Empire,

    one of the first and best-known text adventure games.

    And one of the first, you know, virtual worlds

    that I ever explored as a gamer

    even though it was based on text,

    you kinda had to map out the playing area

    and collect a group of treasures.

    So that's another one of the games

    that I wove into the book.

    The planet of Frobozz that's depicted in the Zork games

    is an actual whole planet in the Oasis

    where the text-based game is recreated in virtual reality.

    Pac-Man, one of the greatest blockbuster video games

    of all time and one of the few classic arcade games

    that actually has an ending due to a bug in the code.

    It runs out of memory and you crash on 256th screen

    so it is possible to play a perfect game of Pac-Man

    and get the maximum amount of points.

    That's another one of the challenges Wade has to complete

    is play a perfect game of Pac-Man

    in which he is rewarded with an extra life.

    He gets the extra life differently in the movie.

    I did use a MAME, multi-arcade machine emulator,

    to jump to the 256 screen

    using cheat codes so I could play that screen

    and describe Wade playing it from first hand experience

    as opposed to just watching videos.

    It takes hours and years of skill.

    Ms. Pac-Man even improved upon Pac-Man

    and had better levels and the Atari 2600 port

    of Ms. Pac-Man was far superior

    to the Pac-Man port so I'm a Ms. Pac-Man fan.

    He gets a little nervous around pretty girls.

    Black Tiger is also another classic arcade game like Zork.

    It was a game that almost caused a couple

    of my friends to drop out of college.

    It was really just addictive.

    You have to send into a multi-level dungeon

    and defeat multiple dragons

    and it's recreated in the Oasis

    as a virtual reality 3D experience

    so he gets sucked into a Black Tiger cabinet

    in a bowling alley arcade and then

    has to navigate a three dimensional

    virtual reality recreation of Black Tiger

    using the same game mechanics.

    Tempest, one of my favorite vector graphic video games.

    The designer had a dream

    about monsters coming up crawling out of a hole

    coming at him and that helped inspire Tempest.

    It was one of my favorite games

    and it's a game that's also featured

    in one of my favorite music videos

    by the band Rush, Sub-Divisions.

    The kid that's in the video is playing Tempest.

    So for all those reasons I wove it into the story

    and that's one of the games that need

    to be defeated in the final challenge

    and the character of Artemis helps Wade do so

    by exploiting a bug that shipped

    in the first version of Tempest

    where if your score ended

    on a certain combination of numbers

    you get like 33 games off of one quarter.

    Adventure, back in the 80s most of the games

    took place on one screen but Adventure,

    there was a whole kind of virtual world

    that you could navigate with labyrinths

    and different rooms and creatures

    and items that you could pick up.

    You would pick up a sword that would look

    like an arrow.

    It was all very crude but it was

    such a powerful experience when I was a kid

    and it was also the very first game

    to have an Easter egg hidden in it.

    Finding that Easter egg when I was a kid

    helped inspire the whole story of Ready Player One,

    the idea of a brilliant game designer

    hiding an Easter egg in his virtual world

    to find a worthy successor for his fortune and his company

    all came from finding that Easter egg in Adventure.

    [Male] The first person to find the egg

    will inherit half a trillion dollars

    and total control of the Oasis.

    And that's why I'm so happy

    that it made it all the way from my life

    into the book and then into the movie.

    Swordquest, another video game that helped

    inspire the contest in Ready Player One.

    Atari ran this amazing video game contest

    through this series of four Swordquest games.

    Kids all over the country would compete

    to be the first to beat a Swordquest game

    and the first person who won the grand prize

    would win these amazing treasures

    and nothing got me more excited as a kid

    then oh, what, I could win like a gold chalice

    and a gold crown, stuff that was

    worth like 30,000 dollars in 80s money

    by beating this game and it was,

    that was one of the things that helped

    inspire the idea of this video game contest

    inside the Oasis.

    See you at the finish line.

    Joust is another one of my favorite classic arcade games,

    Williams Electronics, where you

    could battle one of your friends

    and I remember lots of heated Joust battles

    with my friends growing up

    and so I wove that into the story as well.

    Inside the first gate at the end

    of a Tomb of Horrors recreation

    the main character Parzival

    has to play a game of Joust against Acererak

    which is a Dungeons and Dragons villain

    and defeat him and that's part

    of the first challenge in the book.

    Akalabeth is one of the first attempts

    by a computer programmer to translate the experience

    of playing Dungeons and Dragons into a computer game.

    It was created by Richard Garriott

    who also helped serve as the inspiration for James Halliday.

    Richard Garriott's a famous video game designer

    from Austin, Texas where I live

    who had an alter ego of his Dungeons and Dragons

    and game avatar called Lord British

    and he would dress up as Lord British

    in public, at press events and things

    and he eventually ended up using his video game money

    to travel into space and go

    on the International Space Station so he

    was really an inspiration to me as a geek

    with unlimited funds and what could be accomplished.

    So he and Howard Hughes helped

    inspire James Halliday in my book

    and his game Akalabeth and the games that followed it,

    Ultima one, two, three, four,

    and then Ultima Online, the first MMO,

    those all helped inspire the Oasis in my novel.

    Dig Dug is another weird 80s arcade game

    based on a job of excavating and digging.

    In the recreation that Parzival has to navigate

    of War Games, it kind of goes

    into the movie of War Games and is in

    that 20 grand palace arcade

    and so I actually rewatched that scene

    when I was writing about it

    and when Matthew Broderick's playing Galaga

    there's a Dig Dug game where his notebook

    is resting on it so I added that little detail.

    That's how Dig Dug made it into Ready Player One.

    Galaga is the game Matthew Broderick plays

    in War Games so that was why it was mentioned

    and I remember they sent him a copy of Galaga

    to his home so he could practice for the movie.

    Pretty cool.

    Gorf, kind of the first Space Invaders rip off

    where you had a shield.

    I like the name Gorf more than the actual game.

    Gorf somehow made it all the way into the movie.

    You can see ColecoVision port of Gorf

    at the end of the film.

    EverQuest, one of the first massively multiplayer

    online games after Ultima Online and EverQuest

    gave rise to World of Warcraft

    so that was one of the first MMO games

    where I saw people that I worked with

    at IT jobs, people would bring their laptops in

    and be gold farming and grinding

    to get experience points while they were working

    throughout the day and I remember people

    developing strong relationships

    through this game of EverQuest

    and meeting people online and falling in love

    inside of EverQuest.

    [Wade] I came here to escape but I found my friends.

    I found love.

    Created a new kind of human relationship.

    Like there are people alive now

    because their parents met inside World of Warcraft.

    [Female] Can you feel this?

    So that was one of the games

    that helped inspire the Oasis

    and why I mentioned it and World of Warcraft in the book.

    Tennis For Two, one of the very, very first video games

    ever made on oscilloscope which was really

    just a rudimentary version of Pong

    with a ball bouncing back and forth.

    Space War, a bunch of model railroading nerds

    at MIT created this game where you

    get one ship battling the other

    before there were even monitors

    and they had to control their ships

    using these switches that were built

    into the PDP1 computer that they programmed it on

    using paper tape.

    Their arms got sore so they went back

    to the model railroading shop

    where they built model trains

    and they built little wooden boxes

    with switches and controls on them

    creating the very first video game controllers

    that they went back and plugged in

    and played Space War and that's where it all began, people.

    Colossal Cave was actually one

    of the very first text adventure games.

    I think the first text adventure game ever created

    which was kind of the first virtual reality simulation

    on a computer even though it was a world

    built with just text.

    It was still a world that you could navigate

    and pick up items and slay creatures.

    I think it's referenced as a precursor

    to inspiring Zork.

    Also inspiring the game Adventure.

    Warren Robinett drew inspiration

    from Colossal Cave when he created the Atari version.

    Combat was the game that shipped with the Atari 2600.

    We got it for Christmas in 1978.

    You didn't have to drop quarters in.

    You could just play it all day long.

    My brother and I would play endlessly

    just blowing each other up with tanks and bi-planes.

    When Wade goes into a recreation,

    a virtual reality of James Halliday's bedroom

    that he has created inside the Oasis

    he finds a shoebox next to the Atari

    that has all the Atari games that he had

    when he was a kid and I think these

    were, to the best of my recollection,

    the same Atari games that my brother and I had

    when we were kids.

    Combat, which came with the Atari

    and Space Invaders.

    You hold down the reset switch

    when you turn the power on on Space Invaders,

    you could get double shots, pretty awesome.

    Pitfall, Kaboom, Star Raiders,

    The Empire Strikes Back which I loved,

    Star Master, Yars' Revenge, and ET the video game.

    I always wished that we had more games

    and so when I was an adult, I ended up

    kind of collecting every Atari 2600 game ever made

    to fulfill my childhood dream of owning them all.

    Star Raiders was one of the first

    kind of flight simulations space simulator games

    where I used to build a little cockpit

    in front of my family's giant television

    in the early 80s and pretend I

    was flying a spaceship and it had a little control pad

    and you could enter navigation commands

    and I loved Star Raiders.

    Asteroids, one of the greatest quarter sucking

    classic arcade games of all time

    and one of the first games I got on my Atari 2600.

    I would just play it endlessly

    and I remember you get a four digit score,

    that if you got to 9,999 it would flip over

    and I would just spend my Saturdays

    flipping that sucker over as many times as I could

    so that's my tribute to Asteroids.

    Centipede was a game that was in the lobby

    of my hometown movie theater in Ashland, Ohio

    and one of the first games I ever played

    with a track ball.

    We were getting blisters from playing Centipede.

    It was such a fast paced frenetic game.

    One of my favorites.

    Battlezone, another game that I have at my home,

    another vector graphic game

    and the game that actually helped

    inspire my second novel Armada as well.

    The thing about Battlezone is it was the first game

    that was ever purchased by the US army

    and converted into an actual training simulator

    for the Bradley fighting vehicle.

    They changed Battlezone into a game called Bradley Trainer.

    When I heard about that I was like wow,

    you can play a video game and it

    can train you to actually do real combat.

    It was like a precursor to The Last Starfighter

    of celebrating that idea of oh man,

    if I got really good at a video game

    my video game skills could help save the world.

    [Female] This isn't just a game.

    I'm talking about actual life and death stuff.

    Astrosmash was like a mashup of Space Invaders

    and Asteroids where you have Asteroids falling towards you

    and you're shooting them from a ship

    that goes across the bottom of the screen

    and that was I think the game

    that shipped with the Intellivision.

    When you first got a brand new Intellivision

    it came with Astrosmash and we never had Intellivision.

    Only the rich kids in my neighborhood had one

    so I had to go over to their house

    and play Astrosmash.

    I'm still jealous.

    Astrosmash I believe is a game

    that Parzival and H play in H's basement

    when they're arguing about Sword Quest

    and Ladyhawk soundtrack.

    What's going on?

    Just practicing my Mario Kart.

    Defender is a game that I could never master

    in the arcade.

    Had this amazing elaborate control panel

    with a joystick and buttons

    that were in a really inconvenient array

    and so I would always get killed

    and then once we got the Atari 2600 version

    at home I mastered that.

    So that's another one of my favorites.

    Raaka Tu, the Madness and the Minotaur, Bedlam,

    and Pyramid, those were all text adventure games

    that I had on analog audio cassette

    with my TRS-80 Telecomputer Two

    which is my first home computer

    and also the one that I played Dungeons of Daggorath on

    and those games I would have to put

    in a cassette recorder and fill it

    with a volume knob and load the games

    from analog tape back to digital on my TRS-80

    and play them and I loved all of them

    and I think those are adventure games

    that Halliday has with his TRS-80 in the novel.

    BurgerTime, sort of like Donkey Kong and Pac-Man

    mixed together.

    Having an avatar that has to navigate a maze.

    You're a chef who has to build the burgers.

    Wade creates his own Atari 2600 game

    called The Stacks about climbing

    through the stacks trailer park where he lives.

    [Wade] In 2045, Columbus is the fastest

    growing city on Earth.

    You have to climb ladders and go

    across girder platforms and things like that.

    Kind of inspire by games like Donkey Kong and BurgerTime.

    There are lots of video games in the 80s

    that were kind of based on menial jobs

    like Tapper where you had to be a bartender.

    I didn't like games where you had to play a quarter

    and then do a job.

    I'd rather fight aliens.

    Qbert, so frustrating.

    I don't know why I mentioned Qbert.

    I think just 'cause it's a funny name

    and a funny looking creature

    and I liked the way he would swear

    when he would get killed.

    Qbert had his own cartoon for a while in the 80s

    he was so popular.

    When they said fame would go to my head

    they weren't kidding.

    So props to Qbert.

    Robotron 2084 is one of my favorite games

    designed by Eugene Jarvis, the creator of Defender,

    where you had one joystick to move your character

    and another joystick to pick your firing direction

    so you could move backwards but fire forwards.

    It was a groundbreaking control system

    for a game and one of the most fast paced,

    frenetic games where you would feel

    kind of assaulted after you finished playing.

    Watching somebody play that who's really good at it

    at high speed is really impressive

    and that's what Wade does in the opening scene

    when he's in the stacks.

    He's playing it on an old laptop

    that he's salvaged and he's playing Robotron

    because it kind of helps him escape

    from his life and it's just him versus the machine

    and I'm a big Robotron fan.

    Zaxxon, another game that I used

    to have a coin op version.

    I would cycle them out every few years

    'cause after you had one game,

    that's why people usually get multicades

    but Zaxxon, one of the first 3D isometric games

    where your ship could go up and down

    at different altitudes.

    You had to navigate through these flying fortresses.

    Zaxxon was just one of my favorite games as a kid

    and with a great name.

    That was why I mentioned it in Ready Player One.

    Time Pilot, just an awesome game from the 80s

    that I used to love.

    There was a sequel, Time Pilot 84 that I also loved

    where you're flying a ship

    and you slowly go back in time

    and travel through different time periods

    and you're fighting by-planes and UFOs

    and it's just the coolest.

    Contra is one of those two player games

    like Ikari Warriors where you could team up

    with your buddy and then just battle

    through multiple levels.

    Also the birth of the famous Contra code

    for Nintendo games so yeah, that was another favorite.

    Heavy Barrel was one of the first games

    that I could beat with one quarter

    'cause I would play it so much

    and I knew where all the power ups and the pieces were.

    It's a game where you navigate through a maze

    and go battle (mumbling)

    and you collect these different pieces

    of heavy barrel giant gun that you

    can just blow away anything.

    So Heavy Barrel was one of my time wasting games

    in my hometown arcade.

    Vigilante, featured in the movie Slacker,

    shot in my hometown by Richard Linkleiter,

    that's why I love Vigilante but also

    another one in my hometown bowling arcade

    where you just are like a vigilante

    and you gotta go beat up street punks

    and take away their knives

    and rescue your girlfriend I think.

    Vigilante, good stuff.

    Crime Fighters was a four player beat 'em up game

    that was in the bowling alley in my hometown

    and me and my Dungeons and Dragons buddies

    would go down there and play four player Crime Fighters

    and just loved it to death.

    You could also beat up on each other

    as opposed to just beating up on the bad guys

    so we spent a lot of time

    just ruining each other's games

    and making your friends stick in more quarters

    and so Crime Fighters is just one

    of those games in the Oasis where they pass by it

    and it's in the background.

    Golden Axe, another game in my hometown Aladdin's Castle

    over in Mansfield, Ohio.

    I think it was three players

    and another kind of D&D medievals beat 'em up game

    that we loved so that was how Golden Axe made it in there.

    Smash TV made by the very same people

    who invented Robotron, Eugene Jarvis

    and his team and they used the same control scheme

    of having one joystick to move

    and one joystick to fire but it was two player

    so you could team up with your buddy.

    Smash TV was kind of like the Running Man,

    like a futuristic game show.

    [Male] Total carnage, good luck.

    Contestants would get killed

    and kill the people and it's pretty dystopian

    and brutal and I used to have it.

    I used to have a coin op Smash TV in my home

    so that's why I threw it in the book.

    Street Fighter II, people started

    to compete against each other, beating each other up

    competitively, I just had friends

    that were just obsessive about it.

    I was never that good except with Chun Li

    which is why I'm so happy that she's made it

    into our movie.

    Quake, oh my god, Quake was the ancestor of Doom.

    When Doom and Doom II landed, it kind of

    took over my friends and I, took over our lives.

    It was the first kind of two dimensional

    virtual reality first person shooter game

    where you could jump in and battle each other.

    Thing about Doom is you couldn't look up and down

    and then when Quake came out, we became,

    it was even better and three dimensional.

    You had mouse look and you could look up and down.

    Quake was like virtual reality.

    Definite inspirations on Ready Player One

    and we have a Planet Doom which

    could very easily also be Planet Quake.

    Those are some of the classic video games

    mentioned in Ready Player One.

    I doubt it but I think we gave it the old college try.

    If you think of any others that we missed

    go ahead and put them in the comments below.

    Are you willing to fight?

    Help us save the Oasis.

    Starring: Ernest Cline

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