What's Under the Hood of an Otherworldly Giant Creature?
Released on 08/14/2014
(Hard rock music)
[Matt Winston] The mechanics
of this character are massive.
Everything about this project is a question mark.
This year the mechanical geniuses at Legacy Effects
have to mechanize two characters.
Not just Giant Creature, but Small Alien, his cockpit guy.
There are really two major facets
to the mechanical build for this character.
There's the heavy stuff, the mechanical skeleton
that needs to support everything,
and most of that is gonna be man-powered.
The other facet of mechanics is the animatronics.
The animatronics are the servo-actuated mechanical
functions that bring a lot of character to the creature.
Eye movement, nostril flare, jaw open and shut
and the moves of the fingers.
So Alan Scott has divvied up the jobs between a few guys.
First step we use broken jaw,
and we split the jaw to get the front of the jaw
to move fast by giving it a sub-jaw.
It's a little cheat where you move just the tip of the jaw
when it's speaking 'cause he needs to speak.
After that, sculptors will let us know
what size eye ball they're sculpting around
so then we can start making eye mechanisms.
They always give the heads to Kan 'cause
he's so good at it, but I wanna build one if I can.
I'd love to build that little alien at the top.
(video game music)
He's gonna have head up, down, side-to-side, jaw, upper,
lower lip to get kind of that sock puppet talking.
Jim said that it was my Sistine Chapel
and that I'm taking forever,
but I feel like I went pretty fast.
How do we power the hands?
We don't know that that's gonna work yet,
but we did a test for a finger, and we realized
that's not gonna work, so we gotta redesign the finger,
redesign the mechanism and see if we can even do it.
I'll have about a week to do this,
so there's zero margin for error.
It all works theoretically in the computer,
but to make it the most efficient possible,
so I'm gonna make all the parts all at once,
and then it's all gonna come together real fast at the end.
We have these super lightweight shells
and we put these servos in the joints here
and these servos, even though they look small,
they have 475 ounces of torque, which is more
than enough and they're very, very fast.
In my history of hand-making, this is definitely
the largest hand I've ever made.
Time is the one thing you cannot buy,
and that's the one thing I always wish,
whether it's this or a movie or a commercial,
I always wish I had more time.
In this shop, doing the heavy welding
and working on the heavy mechanical structure,
we have Peter Weir Clarke, Jim Kundig and Brian Namanny.
I had never done anything this big
that is manually operated.
Before, anything like this I've done
is hydraulics or pneumatics.
You know really the hardest part is figuring out
how to get this huge thing to move in a way
that is not gonna kill the puppeteer
as well as having the character have fluidity
and have kind of living movement
as opposed to looking like
there's somebody inside going, Awwww.
You know, bench-pressing it.
It's all about weight distribution and everything,
so it's how much steel and stuff we have
to put in there to make it safe.
So there wasn't a doubt that we couldn't do it,
it was just how big.
The neck mech is a couple different parallelograms
that are sort of working in concert to give the head
a kind of a smooth and relatively lifelike movement
while still being able to have kind of good leverage
for the puppeteer in terms of him moving
what's gonna be a huge head around.
[Female Voice] Arrived at the right time.
I've done a million projects and you always say
to yourself, I don't know how we're gonna get this done.
We're never gonna get this done.
And somehow on the last day, it's all sitting there
and it all works, and you just can't believe it.
That's just everybody working together making it happen.
(rock music)
We were given the task of building that head last Monday,
and we were pretty much done by Friday.
It's been about five days.
Not bad.
When a character starts to move,
that's when the magic happens.
That's when you get people rubbing their eyes
and pinching themselves.
It's the movement, and that's
what the mechanics are responsible for.
It was surreal because everything almost
moved in slow motion.
You just get to look around the crowd and it's smiles,
and people taking pictures and commenting
and it was, you know, wish Stan was there.
I mean, it was remarkable.
[Announcer] Check out the Wired Channel,
thescene.com for the entire Giant Creature series.
Produced by Stan Winston School for WIRED in association with: Legacy Effects, Condé Nast Entertainment & Stratasys
Executive Producers: Matt Winston, Erich Grey Litoff
Producers: John Ales, David Sanger
Director of Photography: John Ales
Production Coordinators: Maggie Sayer, Teresa Loera
Camera Department: John Ales, Jake Borowski, Ben Saltzman, Peter Gould, Chris Trueman
Production Intern: Nick Norton
Lead Editor: Damien Acker
Editor and Live Editorial Lead: Yukako Shimada
Editors: Peter Gould, Jacob Goodman
Assistant Editors: Jake Borowski, Ben Saltzman
Giant Creature LIVE Team:
Live Coordinator: Christopher Vaughan
Live Editorial: Yukako Shimada
Cameras: Jake Borowski, Peter Gould, Ben Saltzman
Sound: Chris Trueman
Giant Creature Live Assistant: Ryan Cultrera
Production Interns: Nick Norton, Marni Roberts
Social Media for SWSCA: Andy Franco
Music by Network Music Lab: www.networkmusiclab.com
Giant Creature Project Supervisor: Alan Scott
DESIGN: Jim Charmatz, Kourtney Coats, Darnell Isom, Scott Patton, Greg Smith
Won-Il Song, Bodin Sterba
ART DEPARTMENT: David Monzingo-Supervisor, Vance Hartwell, Trevor Hensley, Akihito Ikeda, Mark Killingsworth, Mark Maitre, Jason Matthews, Paul Mejias, Rob Ramsdell, Christopher Swift
FABRICATION DEPARTMENT: Dawn Dininger, Ted Haines, Bruce D. Mitchell, Tracey Roberts, Amy Whetsel
PAINTERS: John Cherevka, Erick De La Vega, Jamie S. Grove, Derek Rosengrant
MODEL DEPARTMENT: David Merritt-Supervisor, Brian Claus, Ken Cornett, Alan Garber, Jesse Gee, James Springham
MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT: Peter Weir Clarke, David Covarrubias, Rich Haugen, Seth Hays, Russ Herpich, Hiroshi 'Kan' Ikeuchi, Jeff Jingle, Jim Kundig,
Richard Landon, Lon Muckey, Brian Namanny, Hannah Wilk
ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT: Rodrick Khachatoorian, Greg Keto
MOLD DEPARTMENT: Damian Fisher-Supervisor, Javier Contreras, Tony Contreras, Lou Diaz, Jeff L. Deist, Chris Grossnickle, Clay Martinez, Jacob Roanhaus, Frank Ryberg, Jaime Siska, Gary Yee
FOAM DEPARTMENT: Cory Czekaj-Supervisor, Ken Culver, Jacob Roanhaus
HAIR DEPARTMENT: Connie Grayson Criswell
3D PRINTING BY STRATASYS: Terry Hoppe, Bonnie Meyer Darren Perry, Isaac Damhoff, Michael Block, Jay Beversdorf, Kevin Nerem, Mac Cameron, Paul Merrill, Dan Wahtera, Jamal Muhammad, Bill Morrow, J Consuelo Mendez
RANCHO CA OFFICE UNDER TERRY HOPPE: Steve Gibson, Mark Bashor, Patrick Brault
ADDITIONAL STRATASYS STAFF: Jessica Songetay, James Berlin, Chris Cates, Dustin Kloempken, Cathleen Kadletz, Marc Downie, Ryan Litman, Daryl Baumgartner
Maggie Bloomer, Kim Clark, Fred Fehrmann, Emile Gagne, Carol Goans, Juan Gomez, Talia Harvey, Kaitlin Hardy, Allison LeSaffre, Kate Maloney, Chris McMullen, Abby Roy
"AUGMENTED REALITY" BY BLIPPAR: https://blippar.com/en/
Marc Florestant-3D Artist, Leon Tyler, Radu Nicolau, Matt Banyard, Gareth Upton, Mike Harris, Brian Morales, Cheena Jain, Patrick Aluise
SOUND EFFECTS BY ANARCHY POST: http://www.anarchypost.net
Dan Snow, Tom Boykin
SPECIAL THANKS: John Rosengrant, Shane Mahan, Lindsay MacGowan
New Deal Studioses: Shannon Gans, Matthew Gratzner, Ian Hunter
Visit our WEBSITE: https://www.stanwinstonschool.com
SUBSCRIBE to SWSCA on YouTube: http://bit.ly/Zp70T4
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