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Jodie Whittaker Answers Doctor Who Questions From Twitter

The Doctor herself, Jodie Whittaker, uses the power of Twitter to answer questions about Doctor Who and all things TARDIS-related. Does the Doctor ever wash her clothes? Are the Doctor and the Master the same being? Does the TARDIS have a bedroom inside it? Is Mary Poppins a Time Lord? Jodie answers all these questions and more! DOCTOR WHO airs Sundays 8PM ET/PT on BBC America

Released on 01/22/2020


Hi I'm Jodie Whittaker,

and this is Doctor Who Support.

[electricity buzzing]

[upbeat music]

So here we go.

Bryn Hodgen has asked,

if I was able to ask the doctor,

well you can,

a question it would be how do you manage to balance a home,

slash, Time Lord lifestyle?

I would say it creates chaos and havoc and epic adventure

but that is all the things you want from life.

Hope that answers your question Bryn.

Joff has asked,

you have a TARDIS and know how to pilot it.

Where, when would you go?

Okay, I think I would go to Neptune

in 50 years just to see if our lessons have been learned.

If we have perspective from Neptune

and we can look back on this beautiful universe,

have we made the right choices for all those other planets?

It's Neptune because in our solar system it's

the furthest away if we're not counting Pluto.

So I think it would give

an excellent sense of perspective.

That's what I would do.

Also, Neptune's dark and stormy

and I quite like a bit of atmosphere.

Ryan Smith has asked,

Is the Doctor ever going to oil

that squeaky hinge on the TARDIS door?

I've got so many important things

to be doing every day like saving the universe,

I've got to leave that to somebody else.

Heather Roca has asked,

odd thought for the day,

does the Doctor ever wash their clothes?

You always see them in the same outfit right?

Is there a day where they just stay

in the TARDIS in some PJs

and wait for their clothes to be washed?

No, I just don't think,

particularly my Doctor,

I don't think I have the patience for that.

I think I've developed such an extraordinary outfit

that it's self cleaning.

Michael Hardy, what the hell,

in capital letters,

has happened to Gallifrey?

Do you think I'm gonna spoil that now?

I am not.

Lys @CoveredinBees67 has asked,

has the 13th Doctor used any aliases?

Doctor Who I wanna know

what she will call herself

when she can't say that she's the Doctor?

So, well I've got an excellent gadget

called a psychic paper

and when I want to be a little bit sneaky

and have a completely different alias

I just flash my psychic paper

and nine times out of 10

it gives a wonderful description

of what I think would be an appropriate way

for me to sneak into a building

if I don't want to reveal

that I am a Time Lord with two hearts.

Shawn Scott Smith,

Doctor Who was fantastic last night, thank you.

Has anyone ever sprouted a fan theory

that the Doctor and the Master

are the same being like a split personality?

I'd believe it.

I've never heard that.

That might be one of those things

that's a very big conversation online that I've missed.

I believe wholeheartedly that we are not the same person,

but you can disagree,

but I would say,

I would say not.

Hi Marie, your question is,

anyone else want to give the Doctor a hug?

No, just me?

Well, you can because I love a hug,

I'm very tactile.

This is from Who Fan Site,

Where do you think the 13th Doctor got those goggles from?

They were in The Woman Who Fell to Earth

and now they're in the new series.

Just curious what do you think?

Well, they were found

by our extraordinary costume designer, Ray Holman.

And they were loved so much by Jamie Childs,

the director of The Woman Who Fell to Earth

and they got such a fantastic response

that I think we just like,

we brought them back again.

But what I like to think of them as is my nod to Doc Brown

and if you don't know who that is

[Jodie sighs deeply]

Back to the Future.

Giant Think Hole of Fun,

#JodieWhittaker is becoming another great #DoctorWho

but it's always going to bother me

that she was able to build a new Sonic screwdriver.

How did she build the software?

She couldn't do that.

She could I know she,

we are so clever sometimes.

I was able to because I was able

to steal something from Tim Shaw

that helped me along the way.

I was also in Sheffield

and they have excellent steel.

And those were all the things that I needed

and a little bit of Who-belief in myself

that got me that brand new Sonic

that works perfectly.

[electricity buzzing]

Amy, now she has asked,

Why is the Doctor being so secretive

about where she is from?

Now, I would say it's a Pandora's box

to ask the Doctor where they're from.

And I think particularity knowing how curious Ryan,

Yaz and Graham are they wouldn't accept necessarily

the one or two-word answer

that I would be willing to give

without revealing so much of my

past which some of it is a joyous memory,

some of it is incredibly sad,

some of it is steeped in loss,

and I think that conversation is often too big

in the moments that they have together.

Essie has asked,

Does the Doctor have a bedroom in the TARDIS?

I'd say yeah.

I don't think it will be frequented very often

because as I've said before I'm incredibly hyper active

and I think that just,

the brain never sleeps but I would say they do.

In this season we've discovered

that there's a wardrobe hall and karaoke buses,

so I think missing out a bedroom

would be a huge error.

So, Santa Major Mario SMM VA has asked,

I've always wondered if the Doctor was able

to get a cleaner for the TARDIS

what would the bill be for the inside?

I mean if you've seen episode three

of this season there's a giant tentacle

that we're moping up.

So I'd say pretty hefty, I mean,

there's custard cream crumbs on the floor,

there's muddy footprints.

I don't have lots of time to do cleaning.

I'm not a complete scruff

but I'd say it probably be quite a hefty bill.

Markashyyyk, how can the Sonic screwdriver work on a rope

when it can't even work

on something as basic as wood?

God, you are rude about my Sonic.

My Sonic's brilliant.

I'm not even going to comment on it,

it's absolutely flawless in my opinion.

Howard Nelson has asked,

How many lives does a Gallifreyan cat have?

I will never sleep again.

Gallifreyan cat, I mean, infinite,

let's give it that to really blow your mind.

Have Yourself a Cookie Little Christmas

Johnboy_Cook has asked,

so genuinely question for all Whovians,

how long have you been a fan

when you realize that the rhythm

of the theme tune is a Time Lord double heartbeat?

Well, I say it was a reveal to me

so I'm not embarrassed to say.

Lots of things are revealed to me,

that's why I love playing the part

because every day is a learning day.

But yeah, I thought that was a beautiful addition

to the episode and it was a reveal to me.

If I'm now gonna get hounded

because I should've known that I apologize profusely.

Bethany, she's asked,

I'm thinking of getting this tattoo on my wrist,

yes my first tattoo what's everyone's opinion?

I don't have any tattoos.

I go on about it all the time.

I've got an idea for one

and I've still at 37 have not got it.

I would think very carefully

about getting a tattoo because what if you taste changes?

But as designs go it's absolutely beautiful

so I'm not discouraging the artistic work on your wrist

at all 'cause it's beautiful but I would say,

how do you know you're gonna to like it in 40 years?

I'm always curious about that with people with tattoos.

I wish I had that kind of longevity in my taste.

I'm impressed if you do.

Binger's Digest, @BBC,

can we please see 13 meet the Face of Boe?

#DoctorWho #13thdoctor #faceofboe

We cannot reveal anything that is going

to happen ever because why be a fan

of Doctor Who if you're going to have spoilers?

So, I'm not answering.

So, Type 40 Marketing,

If nothing can get into the TARDIS

how did the Kerblam! Delivery bot manage it?

Well, let's use an analogy like a vampire.

There was a signal and I accepted the signal

because I've been waiting for a delivery,

so it's a bit like it was invited in.

And because of that the hologram esc delivery bot arrived

and brought me my beautiful,

beautiful, beautiful present.

The Renaissance of Bad Ideas,

So Merry Poppins is a Time Lord, right?



So I'm not the first female,

that's just pulled the rug hasn't it?

There we go.

Lauren has asked,

oh she hasn't,

asked she's put in quotes,

I love a laminator.

Why is 13 the most relatable?

I do love a laminator actually,

although in this day and age I don't know

how good a laminator is.

It's not ideal for recycling,

but it does keep things very clean

and if you're putting it on your wall you don't need

to put a nail in you could just put blue tacks,

so it's always really handy.

'Cause if your taste change as I've just discovered

that my taste change quite regularly 'cause I won't

be getting a tattoo soon,

you can just peel off a laminator off the floor

from blue tack.

You don't have blue tack do you?

Do you have blue tack?

All right cool.

There you go,

that's your answer.

Ryan Kennedy has asked,

How does the TARDIS always land on the flat ground?

It always lands on flat ground

because I'm an excellent pilot, also,

because we have a brilliant art department

who find really wonderful locations every time they

have to build it.

And they're just helping us out,

it's a lot of people to get in there.

If it's wonky we tip it over especially

if we get Brad in there we're all tipped over.

Silentrambles, how did the Doctor survive

the fall from the atmosphere to the train?

I'd say I'd taken a huge intake of breath

and then I've really good lung capacity

to scream throughout the entire fall so that my first,

then second, my next intake of breath was done

so smoothly on the train floor

that when I bopped up into frame

that change of atmosphere had no effect on me,

artistic license.

Poppy, since when can the doctor drive a car,

she can barely drive the TARDIS?

She's getting better.

I had a few,

how shall I say this?

In my first three episodes I did attempt to land in

Sheffield in the 21st Century

and it went a little bit wrong but thank goodness

for those little errors because we ended up

in some phenomenal adventures

and witnessing some extraordinary moments in history.

So, it was a new interior.

I had to learn how to drive it but now I'm pretty flawless.

I'm also a really good driver

and it would be very hard for me,

Jodie Whittaker as the actor

to kind of fudge my extraordinary driving

into bad driving on set.

Well, I'm Jodie Whittaker

and that is it for Doctor Who Support.

I will see you in the next 900 years.

Starring: Jodie Whittaker

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