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Liza Koshy, Markiplier, Rhett & Link, and Hannah Hart Answer YouTube Creator Questions From Twitter

Liza Koshy, Markiplier, Rhett & Link, and Hannah Hart use the power of Twitter to answer some common questions about YouTube content creation. Hannah Hart is the host of hit podcast "Hannahlyze This,” the self-help podcast that just can’t help itself. The podcast tackles candid conversations about mental health, as well as lighthearted takes on new self-help “fads” like rage rooms and suspension chambers.

Released on 09/05/2018


Hey, we're Rhett and Link.

Hi, I'm Liza Koshy.

Hi, my name is Markiplier.

Hi, I'm Hannah Hart and welcome to

[Everyone] Creator Support.

Sara McCookie: How do you guys define success?

And how did you know you made it on YouTube?

I'll never say that I've made it.

Like, I'll never have a moment where I'm like,

Yeah, this is it.

I got my start in 2011.

There wasn't success on YouTube,

I was just happy that I could create content

and post it and that people liked to watch it.

I define success by doing what makes you truly happy.

For me, success is derived by the amount

of pride I take in the work that I do.

At Lillian Samms asks, Your opinion is very needed.

How many times a week should I post a video on YouTube.

As many times as you can mentally,

physically, and emotionally handle.

Whenever you have something worthy of sharing.

If you put up garbage, you're gonna' feel like garbage.

Are you going to be completely beholden

to the expectations set by content hungry

teenagers or are you going to set

out a creative path and lead your audience.

We don't do that.

Yogita BC asks, How long does it take

to create a YouTube Video for you?

It takes me days.

You're looking at the entire production company right now.

I write everything by myself

and I shoot everything by myself.

It takes me a very long time

to create a three minute to five minute video.

Alion Man

At Alion, wait?

Or A lion man?

Why did you start making videos on YouTube?

For me, it started out as a joke.

I made a video for somebody that I loved

and I sent it to them via YouTube.

It went viral and now I work in entertainment.

I was really bored.

I had a lot of voices in my head and I decided

to put a wig on them and a mustache on them

and start giving them names and (laughs) I'm fine.

It was a way for me to express myself

and to kind of have fun.

Well actually, we didn't start making videos on YouTube.

Somebody took videos we had made

not on YouTube and put them on YouTube.

But, that person that took those videos.

They're dead now.

I started making videos

because I didn't like where my life was going.

I was at a low point.

I just came out of a surgery to remove a tumor,

bad relationship, got laid off from my job,

so I needed some semblance of control in my life.

Let's Plays were something that were easy to grasp.

I felt like I could start out on doing it

and actually have something to make

and then I could build on it from there

and started doing sketches and stuff.

McKenna Rash, something I'm still trying to get rid of.

What do you guys do when you have a disagreement?

How do you solve it?

With slapths, not slaps, but slapths.

That's when you limp-handedly.

(hands sliding against each other)

I give up.

I won that creative argument, next question.


At Liza Koshy, I know you get this a lot,

but I need advice.

I really want to start vlogging,

but I hit some mental roadblock every time, help.

Set aside the time that you have for writing or creating

and set aside some time for really believing in yourself

and loving yourself and appreciating what you do.

Eri Aru: Since I'm about to reach 1K subs

in a few months on YouTube, how do you want me

to celebrate it once the milestone is reached.

However you want to.

I tried to do the cinnamon challenge

and I ended up inhaling cinnamon and I had to go

to the doctor afterwards, so don't do that.

One time, I hosted a 12-hour

live stream called Thank-a-thon.

Congealed pork blood in a taco would be

a great way for you to celebrate.

At Meg Dragon: I would love to hear more

about the mechanics of it all.

How long does an idea take from conception to posting?

Tell us nerd stuff.

Nerd stuff, please.

It's all in my head and I'll start giggling.

And then, it's some form of a dick joke

that usually gets tapered down into an idea

where I can make it a punchline of a video.

We have to produce so much content at this point

that no one has the balls to say,

I don't think that's a good idea.

If I have something that is appropriate

for 280 or less characters, I do Twitter.

If I have a video concept, I do YouTube.

And so now what happens is we're just like, yeah,

that's great and then, we do it and if it's not good,

we just have another video the next day, get over it.

At one, two, one, four Mcguire: May I ask if all people,

how did you get into the pro AMs?

Oh, the pro AMs, that's the Fortnite tournament.

I was very curious about that myself.

I'm a big guy for charity.

I do a lot of charity events, so I think

that was the main reasoning for it.

Regan Langert asks, How did you create

your characters like Helga, ILYSM

which means I love you so much, I love you so much, too.

Helga was something that I actually

created among my friends.

Sounds like a Russian character,

but I don't know where she's from.

I ain't going to say where she's from 'cause

that might offend someone, so you know,

I'm just going to refrain from that.

I think the voice for Helga came first and then kind of her,

like, interesting hunchback that comes along with it.

It's kind of like a mother that has been through a lot

of stress and never got massaged.

At Kimi Kouture.

How do YouTubers make money from YouTube?

[Rhett and Link] Someone told me they are paid

for subscribers and views.

Question mark. - Views?

Or do they just get paid for ads and collaborations?

I don't think you get paid for subscribers.

Which is sad.

You do get paid for views.

Advertisers pay to have their ads

shown in front of YouTube videos.

They don't specifically sell to you,

they sell through YouTube, through YouTube's Ad system.

You get a share of that.

It's like this, you have a fraction of an amount.

There's a bunch of factors outside of that

that have nothing to do with you that affect

whether that fraction is bigger or smaller.

The other way is brand deals.

You work specifically with a company to make money.

The other way is selling merch to your fans directly

or other things like music on iTunes or whatever have you.

And then, there are some people who are

experimenting with a donate button.

Have you heard about this?

I didn't know about a button.

Yeah, it's a donate button.

Donate what, though.

I think it's old clothes.

At Dom Kay-lan, Dom Kol-lin.

Dom Kalan, Dom Kalan.

Does YouTube Red bring in any revenue for creators?

Yeah, it does.

You get a share of YouTube Red

revenue based on watch time.

People have a subscription

to YouTube Red and then that's split

among creators depending on watch time.

We have at Mad X Stitcher.

How did you come to terms with the idea that strangers

on the internet probably want to sleep with you?

That's so sweet, they do?

I'm taken and spoken for, so thank you

and I appreciate it, but go away.

I think that's a big compliment and no, I'm just kidding.

That's really creepy.

You want to sleep with me, you're also sleeping

with my wife and my dog.

I do have a California King,

so I do have room in my house.

I don't think you ever really

come to terms with that, man.

You're just like, really?

Wow, you got great taste.

At Salvey B: I was wondering if you had any advice

on changing video titles a week or two

after posting as a way of A/B testing.

Any thoughts?

I have changed my titles before.

We do this, but you didn't hear it here.

The first day that a video is posted

is going to be the most important.

Think about what you would click on

on YouTube and then title it that.

If you feel like changing something up,

change it up, do it, why not?

What you have to do is be confident in the decisions

that you're making as a creator.

We actually don't wait a week or two,

we wait like an hour or two.

Since those are the only things we can change

and those are the things we do change.

Boon is Lord 69: How do you guys film GMM?

Do you film every episode for the week

in one day and edit it later

or do you film the episode the night before?

We filmed all 1400 episodes in 2012.

Back to back to back.

And we're getting very, - It's not because

of any other reason. - very close to running out.

Next question.

At Legit Skeller: Jack Septic Eye

and Markiplier and Cry Was Taken,

how did you come up with your YouTube names?

Sean, Mark, Ryan, not that you guys will see this,

you don't even know I exist lol.

Me and my girl love you guys, though.

Wish you would collab, with Ethan, too, he's adorable.

My brother actually came up with my name.

My original intention on YouTube was to make sketch comedy

where I play all the characters.

I didn't know how to do that, but the name still stuck.

I am Mark and I was going to multiply myself.

Therefore, Markiplier.

At Real Zoe Marshall says, How do you tell your parents

you've decided to do YouTube

and play video games for a living?

Well, my friend, I'm 31, so, don't need to.

Do you do YouTube and play video games for a living

as in, you make a steady paycheck because then,

your parents have a real distinct answer

and you're just like, oh okay, you're paying your bills,

you're doing well, you're doing good.

I do not encourage you jumping train,

abandoning everything else and diving into YouTube

before you've even started it.

James Seymour: How did you guys come up

with the Let's Talk About That intro?

Originally, we thought our show was just going to consist

of us talking about stuff, things, topics.

We were going to banter, friendly, then it turns out

we had to start eating coagulated

pork blood in tacos and the anuses

and testicles of - several animals.

all type of flora and fauna.

At By For Gaming asks, What is the hardest part

of making consistent YouTube content?


Yeah, I lose interest really quick.

Having a vision and being able to make it come true.

Your cynical comments.

Seeking to not build your self-esteem on people's

perception of you which is exactly what we have done

which is an incredibly unhealthy way to exist.

I feel like a ghost of a person.

And make sure you get into a nice routine.

If you tell yourself that you're going to create

on Wednesdays, make sure that you're writing on Sunday

and then filming on Monday and then editing on Tuesday

and posting on that Wednesday.

At Tiny Dancer seven, two, four says, Hey lady,

I'm starting a vlog and was wondering what equipment/

software you like to use for your videos,

TY which also means Thank you!

I got my start using literally my webcam on my laptop.

I shot in Photo Booth and I imported it into iMovie.

Now, I have a Canon 60D.

I have a Rode onboard mic and I edit in Adobe Premiere.

At Cheeka Beeka: What's the best video

you ever made we've never seen?

Corrupted, deleted, or never uploaded.

I didn't upload it because it was inappropriate,

no, I'm just kidding. - Honestly,

any video that I've chosen not to upload was boring.

There was an entire sketch that we filmed.

We only needed one shot left.

The SD card that it was all

on just disappeared, the back ups that we made

to the computer were all corrupted.

Sometimes you're going to make some things

that you're not the most proud of

or that you're not super into.

It's fine, just keep creating.

We need to consult our PR person.

Should we tell this story about?

No, but we'll change the name.

Yeah, we were once making a video with Fyra Tanks,

super model, - Super smodel.

and a waffle iron.

Think about it, you've never seen Fyra Tanks' left hand

and if you do there will be a noticeable grid on it.

Elite Pjaca, Imma say.

What YouTubers do you guys watch?

Have you ever watched Jun's Kitchen?

Lovely Japanese man cooks for his cats.

I watch Jenna Marbles on YouTube.

I watch Ryan Higa on YouTube.

I watch the Fine Brothers on YouTube.

I watch Kurzgesagt which is also called In a Nutshell.

They are a informational animation channel.

We only watch our own videos.

What if we just reverse it?

It's hard to find good stuff to watch on YouTube,

so we just watch Link and Rhett.

Yep. - And Primitive Technology.

Oh yeah, that is good.

There is also Cyanide and Happiness and Bro bet365体育赛事 Life

and 40K Theories which is for War Hammer 40K

which I am a big fan of and I don't talk about.

Hi, Markiplier, I have a question.

How did you get noticed with your YouTube Channel?

Or at what point?

My first exposure was the first reaction compilation

that I made which is just an assembly

of funny moments in my gaming career.

I posted it on YouTube and it got posted to Reddit

and it just so happened to get to like, third place

on the video section of Reddit.

And suddenly, I got subscribers.

Kristina: What can't my parents understand

how important it is for me to got to VidCon?

The moment your parents understand why you should be

at VidCon, you will no longer want to go to VidCon.

VidCon's very expensive.

Your parents have bills to pay.

If you're a huge fan of someone, if you explain

that you've been watching them for years,

they've supported you, you've gotten a lot

of inspiration from them, that's one reason.

Good old Ron Morey: How many production hours

go into GMM, pre, video, post?

Proud to say my 16 year old has heard of your show.

Awesome work, guys.

Word's getting out.

It would be embarrassing if we actually did the math

on that and gave you the real number that went into 12

to 15 minutes of content every single day.

It's more than you think is necessary as is evidence

by the fact that every time we post a picture of our crew

the first question is,

why do you need-- - What the heck.

so many people.

At Irebout: What is the best way

to make a call to action really work?

Best way to make a call to action really work is

to make an actual logical argument

to your viewer base as to why this is important.

I do these call to actions on charity efforts.

Ask small.

These fans, these people supporting you, they are your fans,

they believe in you, and they believe in what you're doing.

Will, the Noct Bard, Noct Bard.

Nocturnal Bard.

Am I a bad human being for feeling super aggravated

when someone tells you to like and subscribe

more than once in a YouTube video?

I feel like creators should focus

on a good impression instead of begging for subs.

Maybe I'm just tired and grumpy today.

I completely agree with you.

We do it in every single episode--

We say - Thanks for liking,

commenting and subscribing and we do it once.

I understand why you get super aggravated by it,

but it's a way for a creator to measure whether

or not a new format that they're testing out is working.

I feel like if the content is good,

it will stand on its own.

If the videos are bad, leave, don't watch my stuff.

If you enjoy it, I'm going to keep pushing myself

to make better stuff and that's what should matter.

Well, thanks for all your questions.

I don't usually give advice like this,

but I do have some knowledge in my head.

If you enjoyed this video and want to see more support

from creators, click like and subscribe.

Also, make sure to keep doing what you love

and creating what makes you happy and others.

Thank you so much for watching, buh-bye.

We didn't help anybody.

We helped one person.

Someone named Patrick, I'm sensing.

Patrick, this was for you.

Starring: Liza Koshy, Markiplier, Rhett , Link, Hannah Hart

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