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    Twitter's Jack Dorsey Answers Twitter Questions From Twitter

    Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey uses the power of his own website to answer frequently asked questions about one of the world's most popular social media platforms, Twitter! Is the Twitter bird's name really Larry? How can you identify a Twitter bot? Why does Twitter have a character limit? How do you get verified on Twitter? Jack answers ALL these Twitter-based questions and much, much more!

    Released on 01/14/2020


    Hi, my name is Jack Dorsey

    and I'm one of the co-founders of Twitter.

    And this is Twitter Support.

    @babysseoks, my English teacher just told me

    the Twitter bird's name is Larry?

    Well our co-founder Biz is from Boston.

    And when we decided that the bird was going to be our logo

    he naturally went to the most famous bird for him,

    maybe the most famous bird in the world, Larry Bird.

    I will say though, if you follow bird watching on Twitter,

    no tweets about Larry Bird.

    @madikreates, why does Twitter have a character limit still?

    I'm tired of sacrificing my grammar

    for the good of the tweet, unhappy face.

    So some history on the character limit.

    We originally started with 140 characters

    so we could fit in one text message

    which is what the whole service was based on

    in the early days.

    But we also believe that the constraint was really useful

    'cause it inspired a lot of creativity.

    And this resonated with comedians.

    It resonated with journalists.

    It resonated with poets and hip-hop artists

    and creatives of all type.

    Figure out ways not to sacrifice your grammar

    but to actually make it work.

    But we thought, it might be good to increase the limit

    just a little bit.

    And we decided to do it twice the amount

    which seems enough for most people.

    And if that's not enough, we have threads.

    You can link all the tweets together.

    So we have a 280 character limit

    but you can link as many tweets as you want.

    So it's really limitless.

    @mywifeisjoanie asks how can I identify a Twitter bot?

    I have suspicions over one or two I see,

    but cannot prove it, @TwitterSupport.

    Well I'm from Missouri which is the Show Me State.

    We're all skeptics.

    And I would always recommend that we be skeptical

    of everything that we see.

    If you have suspicions, go through our reporting flow,

    but you don't necessarilly have to assume

    that everyone is a bot.

    Some people just haven't updated their profile picture.

    And some folks haven't chosen their own at name.

    So if you see something that is suspicious

    we have a reporting flow and you can send it over to us

    and we'll look for it.

    Always be skeptical.

    @peteralstone asks when will Twitter, Facebook, and Google

    be regulated like the public utilities they are?

    The information economy moves fast, maybe soon?

    We believe fundamentally, that the job of a regulator

    is to protect the individual

    and level the playing field for everyone.

    And our job is to help educate regulators around

    smart paths forward.

    So we're always having conversations around the world

    with regulators about what technology makes possible

    and how Twitter fits into that.

    We welcome smart regulation

    and we want to help guide it as well.

    @tasisydorres asks ayo @Twitter, can we get that

    edit button in 2020?

    The answer is no.

    The reason there's no edit button,

    there hasn't been an edit button traditionally

    is we started as an SMS text messaging service.

    So as you all know, when you send a text,

    you can't really take it back.

    We wanted to preserve that vibe and that feeling

    in the early days.

    But now we have an app and a lot of people

    are using us on the web,

    and there's some issues with edit that we can solve.

    One is you might send a tweet and then

    someone might re-tweet that and then an hour later

    you completely change the content of that tweet

    and that person that re-tweeted the original tweet

    is now re-tweeting and re-broadcasting

    something completely different.

    So that's something to watch out for.

    A lot of people want it because they want to fix

    a quick spelling error or a broken link or what not.

    And that's great, we've considered a one minute window

    or a 30 second window to correct something,

    but that also means that we have to delay

    sending that tweet out.

    'Cause once it's out, people see it.

    So these are all the considerations, it's just work

    but we'll probably never do it.

    Okay, @southernkeeks, instead of an edit feature

    Twitter should allow users to see how many times

    a tweet link has been copied.

    Because we all send tweets with a

    did you see this one? message.

    You know, just to liven things up, smiley face.

    I agree that's a pretty good idea.

    We'll look at that one.

    @alanlampeauthor, hey Twitter god, can you please

    activate spell check?

    I can't believe there are so many trending

    misspelled hashtags, especially from writers.

    At least trend the properly spelled hashtags first.

    #writingcommmunity #Writingcommunity spelled wrong

    #writingcommuity once again, spelled wrong.

    Our algorithms would actually notice if these three hashtags

    were trending and group them together.

    So we don't do the spell check and we don't edit your tweet

    but we will group them appropriately in the right way

    so that everyone can find your content

    even though you might have misspelled it.

    @andre3xk, @Twitter why don't you follow your boss @Jack?

    Twitter was following me for a while

    and then we decided to do something much, much cooler.

    We put a bunch of people on billboards

    and their tweets on billboards

    all over New York and San Francisco

    and we follow them now.

    And now we can DM them as well.

    So I don't really mind.

    Okay so @GaryWaites asks question to photographers, artists,

    illustrators and creative types,

    have you read the new terms for Twitter?

    Does this mean Twitter can do what they like

    with our content?

    And if you look at the first screenshot it says

    you retain your rights to any content you submit,

    post or display on or throughout the services.

    What's yours is yours, you own your content

    and your incorporated audio, photos, and videos

    are considered part of the content.

    So what that means is you own it,

    you can take it down at any point.

    You want me to read all the terms of service

    that he links to as well?

    @PeterKimFrank, is this article satire?

    Among other things, it claims that @jack

    regularly meditates two hours each day,

    spends 52 minutes each day doing sauna plus ice bath,

    eats just five meals per week.

    Some of it's real.

    I try to meditate two hours every single day.

    I definitely do not do a sauna and ice bath every day.

    And I eat seven meals every week, just dinner.

    @Logmey92, how does one acquire the illustrious

    check mark on Twitter?

    There's a guy named Kayvon

    and he handles all the verification

    which is the blue check mark.

    So if you either DM him, or mention him,

    you have a high probability of getting a blue check mark.

    So it's @K-A-Y-V-Z.

    Verification, he's the verification god.

    So just go to him and he'll get you sorted.

    Okay I have a question from AdaptToReality.

    Question, why is Jack going to Africa?

    I am going to Africa because it's a pretty incredible

    collection of entrepreneurs and folks that

    I think we all need to learn from.

    But I want to make sure that I had a good understanding

    of what's happening on the continent

    and how folks are thinking about technology.

    And anything that we can do to help support.

    @Vaempyre, spelled V-A-E-M-P-Y-R-E.

    Does Twitter sell my data immediately?

    I like a few posts and I immediately get ads about it.

    No we don't sell your data.

    We try to match whatever we think you might be interested in

    with an advertiser that is selling or offering a service

    that match those interests.

    @iFlopstr8s, @twitter, when will there be a dislike button?

    We've never actually thought of that.

    So let's, I'll get that to the team and we'll get on it.

    @BaldSavant, so apparently we can now

    follow topics on Twitter,

    but we can't user generate those topics.

    Wouldn't it have been 1000 times easier, better

    to just let us follow hashtags?

    Well so this is, one step for us.

    We're trying to determine what the most interesting topics

    are to start.

    And this is all based on our machine learning

    and deep learning algorithms.

    We bubble those up so that you can follow them.

    I recommend following bird watching, it's incredible.

    The other good one is weather.

    But there's over a thousand right now.

    And we'll get better and better so you should see

    more and more topics.

    But eventually you might be able to follow a hashtag.

    But what's interesting about this approach

    is that even if a hashtag is not mentioned

    you'll still see relevant tweet about birdwatching.

    @GHMonberg asks @jack, what is your favorite feature

    on Twitter?

    Well right now it's the ability to follow topics.

    I think it's incredible, it's awesome.

    And it works really, really well.

    I'm finding so many accounts that I end up following

    and so many tweets that I would not have otherwise seen.

    For sports, for weather, and of course for bird watching.

    @robschn asks @twitter can you just give us the ability

    to use regex on muted tweets?

    They never work right.

    So that's a very Unix technical term.

    That's a regular expression.

    It's a pattern matching tool

    for a lot of computer scientists.

    We thought that might be a little out of reach

    for most people, but it's a good suggestion

    and our engineers back at the company would love it.

    So it's probably going to be done tomorrow.

    @_daaniaal with two As and two As.

    Twitter should have a close friend list too aight?


    Who would you put on your close friend list?

    We'll look into that.

    But you can actually create a list

    with all your close friends and put them right at the top

    of your timeline and switch quickly to them at any point.

    So we kind of already have that.

    Aineninell, how does one trend on Twitter?

    I've been trying to figure that out for quite some time.

    Who do you sell your soul to?

    Not interested in trending but am looking to get into

    the soul business.

    [chuckling] You know I think if you spread this tweet around

    this one will probably trend.

    @dasariprapulla, @twitter can we get translation option

    for any tweet?

    This already exists.

    You can translate any tweet that you see.

    You just tap into it and you hit translate tweet.

    @thefriarswife, how do you think or hope

    decentralizing Twitter will transform

    the user experience?

    Well the most amazing thing is I have no idea.

    And that's what makes it so exciting.

    We believe that Twitter is best served

    by having the largest corpus of conversations

    by having different perspectives on how people consume

    those conversations and interact with those conversations.

    I think generally it's just gonna create

    a ton more invention for us and innovation for the community

    using Twitter every single day.

    @cojahaski, @twittersupport is it possible to claim

    an abandoned Twitter handle that has zero followers,

    only one tweet, and has been inactive since 2014?

    You can reach out to support directly with the account

    and we'll see what we can do.

    Thank you this has been Twitter Support.

    I'm Jack Dorsey and I would really love to wish you all

    a great, oh I ran out of my characters.

    Oh we have 280!

    Have a great day.

    Have an amazing day.

    I hope that was helpful.

    If not, mention me on Twitter and I'll see what I can do.

    Starring: Jack Dorsey

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