Microsoft Zune Torture Test
Released on 10/02/2014
Hey Battle Damage, it's Mark and Todd
from Barely Political.
We'd love to see you guys battle test a Microsoft Zune
with an ancient rune.
What is a rune?
It's like a Ten Commandments type of stone,
but in, like, from the time of The Hobbit.
(hard rock theme)
[Erik] Released in 2006, the Microsoft Zune
was the competitor to the already well-established ipods,
thus it was doomed to fail.
Battle Damage runs three tests.
Drop from a normal height.
Drop from really high.
And finally a test of extreme limits.
We're gonna go medievals on this Zune.
[Erik] And all this MP3 mayhem will be captured on our
custom-built spinning, slow motion camera rig.
First test of the Zune, this thing seems pretty sturdy,
so I'm really not expecting too much,
but we'll find out.
(slowed motion falling sound)
(Zune hits floor)
Oh my gosh.
Right away.
It's falling apart.
Look at that.
Look, it's split on the side.
It still works.
I feel kinda bad for the Zune.
This one's actually filled with Nickelback.
We must destroy it.
(suspenseful chord)
(zune hits ground)
Well it doesn't turn on.
I think it's broken.
But it looks pristine.
Erik, where did you find this rune?
[Erik] Uh, it was, just like in this dude's garage.
It's pretty heavy
(slow motion sound effect)
(breaks in slow motion)
(rune crashes)
(camera rig crashes)
[Unison] Oooooh.
That's why the cart's armored.
[Erik] How's the Zune?
It looks broken.
The camera is not broken, that is also very important.
It's like a beautiful seashell.
It still works!
Just kidding.
In the battle versus rune and Zune,
I don't think the Zune ever had a chance to begin with,
really in any of these tests.
Or the marketplace.
(buzzer noise)
Remember Zuners that you can request what we battle test
next by leaving a comment down below
with hashtag BattleDamage.
Thanks to Barely Political
for requesting this week's episode.
Check out their channel over here,
and we'll see you next week.
Thanks guys.
(guitar riff)
Starring: Erik Beck, Justin Johnson
"Hey You (Instrumental)" - Performer: Pigeon John
"So Ganster (Instrumental)" - Performer: Pigeon John
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