Roomba vs. Battle Axe
Released on 11/06/2014
Hey, Metal Damage, Angry Nerd here with a special request.
Please, put a Roomba to the test.
These little helper droids were clearly designed
to lull us into ignoring the robot's plan
for world domination.
What the Angry Nerd wants, the Angry Nerd gets.
You're watching Battle Damage.
[Justin] Here on Battle Damage,
we test the durability of technology.
So while we trust these Roombas to clean our floors,
can we trust them to keep working after taking a fall?
No, get back here, get back here.
It seems sturdy.
[Erik] Something's going to break off.
Now this is the true test.
I'm not going to touch anything but the power button.
(Roomba chimes)
[Both] Yay!
[Erik] It moves, it's cleaning itself.
[Justin] That's sad, but it works.
Feeling good?
Better than the Roomba.
Okay, so this kind of bottom piece...
(Roomba beeps)
It's doing something.
It was just making noise.
Indeed, that is it's death gasp.
Give up, Erik, it's dead.
You can't save it.
[Erik] For our final test,
we invited the Roomba's mortal enemy, the Viking.
Why do Vikings hate Roombas?
We have no idea.
And, yes, we know this is ridiculous.
I'm a little scared.
Roll, action!
Did it turn on?
It definitely made a death whimper.
Alright, you killed it.
Remember that you can request what we battle test next
by leaving a comment down below
or on social media with the hashtag #BattleDamage.
Wait, I think it's still alive.
Vengeance, enslave all humans.
Starring: Erik Beck, Justin Johnson
"Hey You" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
"So Ganster" (Instrumental) by: Pigeon John
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