How This Guy Became a World Yo-Yo Champion
Released on 04/04/2019
[Gentry] Growing up, I was always just doing
as many different things as possible.
I always loved learning something new and trying new things,
so yo-yoing was just kind of one of those things.
[Host] And it's an easy hobby to pick up.
It's something you can do all the time,
whether you're waiting in line at the movie theater
or waiting for a table at, going out to dinner,
and you can carry it around in your pocket.
It's just something I just stuck with.
[Host] Did he ever.
My name's Gentry Stein, and I'm a world yo-yo champion.
Check it out.
So yo-yos are my job,
so I basically compete in yo-yo contests,
travel all around the world to teach people how to yo-yo,
and basically just share my passion for yo-yo.
[Host] Stein has more passion than most do for this toy.
[Reporter] It's love at first sight when school kids
get a glimpse of the latest in yo-yos and yo-yo techniques.
[Host] Yo-yo is hardly a new amusement.
The ancient toy was once made of clay
and dates back centuries.
Again, that's kind of the stigma that yo-yos have
because it kinda started as just a simple toy
and really it is a simple toy,
but as the design of yo-yos has changed,
it's become a lot easier to learn how to do tricks with them
and you can do a lot crazier tricks.
But gone are the days of just shooting the moon
and walking the dog.
Modern yo-yos roll on sealed ball bearing axes
and slippery synthetic strings,
which have opened up entirely new tricks and routines.
Really, since there's such little friction,
the yo-yos gonna spin for anywhere from two to 10 minutes.
So if I'm doing tricks, I could do a whole trick
that's like a minute long and the yo-yos just
on one throw.
Stein is one of the best at making the most of a throw.
He's captured audiences with his mastery
of sophisticated tricks,
his flashy style and elaborate routines set to music,
like this one he created for us.
A lot of yo-yo players are really into the technical side.
There's a lot of aspects that you can really dive into
but something that I try to do is
have a really well-balanced routine
and something that is cool for an audience to watch,
is cool for people who maybe don't yo-yo
or don't really know what modern yo-yoing is.
If you have long enough spin,
you can do tricks that are really big
and landing on the string really hard.
And so, let's say you're trying to choreograph to music
and land on a really hard beat,
you can do a trick where the yo-yo shoots
way up in the air and lands really hard
and the yo-yo's still gonna be spinning
and you can continue a trick that way,
whereas with some of the older yo-yos,
you would be trying a trick
and maybe 10 seconds in, your yo-yo's already
almost out of spin, so it really kinda limited
what you could do with the yo-yo.
But now that they spin so much longer
and the shape is a lot wider,
you can really just do so much more with it.
I'm sorry.
[Host] Behind the seemingly effortless routines
are thousands of hours of practice.
This year, I practiced about six to eight hours a day
for almost the entire year for the world contest,
but a lot of that practice involves
building the whole performance.
So it takes time to create the trick.
Once you've created your tricks,
you can start building your routine.
Once you've built the routine,
then it just comes down to practicing the routine
as many times as possible.
Man, my finger's starting to really hurt from the string.
[Host] All those hours can take a toll.
So I built up a callous on my finger
where the yoyo is here because it's constantly pulling on it
and then as you're practicing a lot,
you kinda get like a rope burn on your hand,
so sometimes I'll wear a glove to help protect my finger.
[Host] His dedication and showmanship
won him a world yo-yo championship
when he was just 18 years old.
Creating something and then performing that creation
for an audience
and feeling the energy that the audience gives to me
after they see that creation is like
that feeling just never got old.
And it's just something I fell in love with.
[Host] Since then, he's continued to refine his technique
and compete at the highest level.
The tricks that you see me do now probably look crazy,
but that's because it's been like
10 years of building up from more basic tricks
and a lot of the tricks I'm doing too
are very basic simple things that are happening,
but they're happening, a lot of them are happening
in a small amount of time.
[Host] And like all yo-yoers, he started with the basics.
So there's a foundation of tricks that you can learn
when you're first getting into it
and then once you reach that certain level,
then really that sets you up to
create all kinds of different tricks that
maybe no one has ever seen before.
So it really becomes like this performing art
where you're showcasing
these creative maneuvers and movements.
[Host] Stein showed us a few foundational moves
and how he builds on them
to create intricate, original tricks.
The first set of moves he broke down were mounts.
And all a mount really is is landing the yo-yo on a string
with the string around your fingers
in a different formation.
Those formations can be super basic,
like the trapeze, where the yo-yo
swings around the index finger,
or they can be a bit jazzier,
like the double or nothing mount,
where the yo-yo is wrapped around even more fingers,
or the wrist mount, where you guessed it,
the yo-yo hangs near the wrist.
Basically with all these mounts,
they're just building blocks to
a bunch of different tricks that you can do.
[Host] Just like mounts, hops can be building blocks
to more advanced tricks.
This is one of my favorite tricks called Eli hops.
It's a really flashy trick,
where the yo-yo hops off the string.
And there's a bunch of different ways that
you can hop the yo-yo off the string.
You can just do the regular way.
You can do it over your arm,
over your head.
And you can even do it horizontally.
[Host] The last type of move
that Stein broke down for us, slacks,
where the yo-yoer creates a bit of give in the string.
And to do that, you basically just
pinch the string somewhere
and loosen your hands a little bit,
so you create this slack here
that you can start to maneuver within all of your tricks.
[Host] Slacks are useful in a bunch of different tricks,
like this one that Stein created.
You can see throughout this trick,
I keep pinching the string to create a slack
and then I use that slack in a bunch of different ways
to make the trick super cool.
[Host] Watch that trick again.
There's a reason why he's a world champion.
Put slacks and hops and mounts together,
and you've created your very own original trick,
like this one.
I might do some hops to start,
put the yo-yo in a position where I can do a slack,
find myself in that double or nothing mount again,
and from here there's pretty much limitless possibilities
of the different things you can do.
Working horizontally opens up a whole new set
of possibilities.
These are super hard.
On a vertical trick, you're not actually going to be able
to utilize the horizontal plane very much
because the centrifugal force of the yo-yo
is forcing it to stay on this same plane.
So what you can do to actually open up
a lot of different possibilities is
make the yo-yo horizontal where it's spinning sideways
in front of you and then you can completely utilize
that horizontal plane and it's going to allow you
to do a lot more crazy tricks.
[Host] But with those crazy horizontal tricks
come new challenges.
As you're practicing vertical tricks,
at any time, you can stop
and kinda analyze what you're doing
and maybe figure out what kinda step you want to take next
if you're creating a trick.
But the reason why horizontal tricks are harder
is because you can't stop the yo-yo at any time
because it's just gonna fall off the string
and ruin the trick.
So with all horizontal tricks,
you always have to keep the yo-yo moving the whole time,
and if any time you want to stop the yo-yo,
you have to immediately change direction.
[Host] As if that weren't had enough,
Stein brings the yo-yo down by his knees,
making these horizontal tricks even more difficult.
The thing is with these tricks though is
your hands are actually pointed down instead of up.
So it kind of takes a whole different level of skill
to be able to do a horizontal trick downward like this.
[Host] And then, of course,
there's the performance side of things.
Something I really like to do
to take the tricks to the next level
is start incorporating body movement
and this to me makes the trick look a lot more interesting
and if you want to get extra flashy
you can even jump over the yo-yo.
I think what makes yo-yoing so appealing to anyone
is the fact that anyone can do it.
A lot of kids might be really good at math in school
or might be really good at sports,
but some kids don't really find that thing
that they are really good at
and that they can really thrive in.
And so, a lot of the times,
yo-yoing can be that thing for them
and it can bring a lot of really special experiences
into someone's life even though it's just a toy.
Starring: Gentry Stein
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