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How This Guy Builds Record-Breaking Balloon Sculptures

Jeremy Telford built the world's largest balloon sculpture. But that's only one of the impressive things he has done with balloons.

Released on 12/04/2019


[intense synth music]

[Narrator] If you're a fan of Stranger Things,

you'll recognize that this monster is a demogorgon,

but you've probably never seen one quite like this.

Welcome to Jeremy Telford's world

where everything can be built with balloons.

You can create just about anything out of them,

it's inflatable Etch A Sketch.

[Narrator] He's made a ton of cool stuff,

including a 65 foot long record-breaking balloon dog.

[Jeremy] It used 8,867 balloons and it took me 80 hours.

I worked 15 hour days and another five hours

on the very last day. [upbeat music]

[Narrator] The Guinness Book of World Records

awarded Telford's pink dog the title

for Largest Balloon Sculpture in 2015,

shattering the previous world record

by over 5,000 balloons.

The world record balloon dog took me

about two weeks to plan.

I did it all on paper and with a calculator.

I drew it out.

I had to know the circumference and area,

all sorts of stuff, in order to plan the number of balloons.

I got very specific in drawing out

exactly what it was going to look like,

how much time I thought it was gonna take.

It took a lot of math.

So if you're going into balloon twisting [laughs],

you do need to know your math, especially geometry.

[Narrator] To twist at Telford's expert level,

you'd need the right gear.

This balloon apron holds about a thousand balloons,

but at home I have an inventory

of about half a million balloons.

And even with having half a million,

I typically order more balloons every couple months.

So I have balloons that are different diameters.

For example, this is called a 260 right here.

When you blow it up, it has about a two inch diameter.

This is 160.

When you blow it up, you get about a one inch diameter.

I also have 350s, a three inch diameter.

[Narrator] Telford relies on a one step

floor pump for inflation.

There's hand pumps.

Pump about five, six times in order to get a balloon pumped.

If you have a floor pump, it takes one pump.

Obviously you're gonna save a little bit of time.

If you're one of those crazy people,

you can blow with your mouth.

But after about five I get a splitting headache,

so I don't do that anymore.

[Narrator] And then there are the gloves.

The gloves help protect my skin

because when I'm building for 10, 12 hours,

the friction, it does not love you.

And the reason for the Band-Aids is I need my thumb

and my pointer finger to be able to feel the balloons

and stuff while I'm building.

The rest of the fingers, not as much.

So I can keep those covered with the gloves.

[plastic squeaking]

[Narrator] And when he needs to take down

a lot of balloons in a hurry,

he reaches for what he says is the best tool.

[Jeremy] I took a weed whacker

and I just went at that balloon until we ran out

of the thread that [laughs] the weed whacker

uses and I still had more of that dog left.

I was like, oh, what are we gonna do?

And we finally, we just let the kids come in

and they just destroyed the rest of it.

It was so fun to watch.

[happy bouncy music]

[Narrator] Telford started balloon sculpting in college.

I first got into the balloon world

when I met my wife at a juggling club in college.

Her brother taught me how to make the small balloon

animals at restaurants in order to pay for my degree

and I kinda took that and started making a little bit

more than they were talking about,

but I loved it so much that eventually started

making world record sized stuff.

[Narrator] During his career as a professional

balloon artist, Telford's sculptures have gotten bigger

and more intricate and more creative.

[Jeremy] In 2013, I changed my living room

into Bag End from The Hobbit.

I took I think three days and about 2,600 balloons.

They had a roof, it had walls,

it had a fireplace, it had a table with apples in it.

It had the fire utensils,

like the poker and the billows.

It was exhausting [laughs].

[Narrator] Telford's creativity doesn't stop

at sculptures either.

He even builds out full-on, human sized costumes

out of nothing but balloons.

I started doing balloon costumes

more than a decade ago.

Our family celebrates little known holidays.

One of the ones we really celebrate is International

Talk Like a Pirate Day

and we made it kind of tradition to build

a giant balloon pirate costume

and we build about 20, 30 balloon swords

and we go out and any child that's willing to talk

like a pirate, we'll hand them a balloon sword.

And it's just become a fun, kind of family tradition.

[Narrator] He even re-created Van Gogh's Starry Night.

[Jeremy] And that one was a little bit different

cause it uses mostly these round balloons.

So I took Van Gogh's Starry Night

and put it on the computer.

I used Photoshop and you can just kind of plug it out there.

It's almost like working with pixels

and so you can put a dot here, a dot here,

it represents the balloons.

It was 16 feet tall, 23 feet wide,

I believe, when it was all done.

[Narrator] His favorite project allowed him to build

room size balloon recreations

of some of the world's great monuments,

including the seven wonders of the world.

He build the Statue of Zeus,

Great Pyramid of Giza,

Colossus of Rhodes, the Colosseum,

the Great Wall of China,

the Lighthouse of Alexandria,

the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus,

the Hanging Gardens of Babylon,

and a few others.

I got to go six days a week, 10 hours a day,

for three months straight just building these magnificent

sculptures and I got to end of my favorite one.

I built the Taj Mahal

and I was able to build just all these little details

into it and it just turned out so beautifully.

It's probably my favorite sculpture that I've built.

[Narrator] Telford runs a balloon entertainment business

in Utah and will stop at nothing for a client.

[Jeremy] I do everything from your typical

birthday party and a lot of county and state fairs.

Then they'll be corporate events

where I'll do any kinds of decor.

Like any jobs that are mornings, when I wake up and I go,

I'd rather just sleep,

but nine times out of 10, I'm excited,

especially when I get to build something

large and something new.

[Narrator] Like the demogorgon he built

for a Halloween party this year.

I decided to build the demogorgon,

this creature, just [laughs],

it's creepy. [children yelling]

You know, I wanted something kinda creepy,

something like that's coming out at ya.

[monster growling]

[intense dramatic music]

I always try and make some sort of movement

with the sculpture so that it's feels

like it's telling a story.

You look at it and you go,

it was doing something before,

you got it frozen in a moment,

if you unfroze it,

it would continue on doing whatever it was doing.

[Narrator] It took Telford about six hours

and over 300 balloons to build this seven foot tall monster.

He spend a lot of that time obsessing over the details.

I'm thinking, if I can just add a little bit more detail,

it might make it that much creepier.

[heavy breathing]

The demogorgon, it had this kind of emaciated feel,

it kind of sunken in, kind of like it doesn't get

enough to eat [laughs].

So I knew I wanted to kinda create

that so I filled in areas with black

so it'd look kind of give the impression of shadows,

so you'd still get that kind of sunken in feeling.

[plastic squeaking]

[Narrator] And when it was time to build the monster's

terrifying teeth, Telford cut no corners.

To do that, he blows up one long white balloon,

breaks off a section and ties it off,

creating one tooth.

Then he breaks off a little more,

ties that off and creates another tooth and so on.

And that's just simply blowing up balloons

and I'll blow them up,

now I pop, I get about five teeth

every balloon I pump up.

I'm gonna need 40, 50 teeth on this thing,

so to break up the monotony,

I'll make 10 teeth

and then I'll add those 10 teeth to the mouth.

Then I go back and make another 10 teeth

and add those 10 teeth to the mouth.

[Narrator] In the final few minutes of the build,

Telford adds on even more details.

So I'm taking this clear balloons

and I'm just kind draping them on the demogorgon

and trying to give this idea

of kind of this jewel that he has.

[monster growling]

[gunshots smacking]

And now we have our finished demogorgon!

It's creepy and reaching out,

ready to grab you.

I got this kind of compulsive need

to add these details, so.

It's so important, gotta get this.

The more you can put on there,

the more people just go like,

how do you do that out of balloons?

[Narrator] Telford has spent years

perfecting his technique.

One thing he does is adjust the length of balloons

by popping one end and tying it off.

When you're building balloon sculptures,

it's hard to know exactly how much you need to pump them up.

Like you're making the fingers or the toes

and you've just got way too much balloon

and there's a way you can pull the balloon part,

tie the part you want,

and get rid of the rest. [loud popping]

Use the scraps to tie things in later.

[Narrator] When his hands are full tying several balloons

together, he takes advantage of things

like his elbows and his chin.

A lot of times you're gonna tie more

than one bubble together at once.

You only have two hands, but you have a ton of places

you can hold a balloon on your body.

You can hold them under yours arms,

you can hold them under your chin,

you can hold it in your elbow,

press the balloon against your body.

It keeps them from untwisting as you're going until

you can twist it back into itself.

That's one of the keys with balloons

is it always had to kind of twist back into itself

or it'll unravel. [loud popping]

[Narrator] And a lot can go wrong.

[loud popping]

One of thing you can attuned

to is you can hear this subtle [imitates air hissing].

It's a very disheartening sound.

Or, you hear balloons shifting on each other

and they'll make these little squeaks

and you know the only reason that they're shifting

is because something is deflating

and letting other things move.

[Narrator] Telford has a tremendous amount

of pride in his work.

He plans to continue to push the boundaries

on what can be built using only balloons

for as long as he can.

You will run across people that just,

they just don't get it.

They'll look at your work and they'll be like,

why don't you do something useful?

You know, why don't you learn accounting

or why don't you become an engineer?

And I look at them and I go, you know what,

the world has a lot of accountants.

The world has a lot of engineers.

You know what they don't have?

They don't have a lot of people

that can twist sculptures like this.

If you take art out of the world,

if you take music, if you take painting,

and yes even if you take balloons out of the world,

you're gonna make it less.

There's not gonna be as much fun,

as much joy, as much of that whimsy.

They're squishy, shiny, colorful

and they squeak.

And then when you can make things out of it,

there's just something magical about that.

Starring: Wendi Jonasse

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