E3 Expo - Oculus Rift VR Headset 1080p Version
Released on 07/09/2013
Hello, welcome to GameLife, I am Chris Kohler.
And I'm Peter Rubin.
And we're here at the E3 Expo, where we are
about to go check out the talk of the show,
the Oculus Rift VR headset.
(techno music)
(rock music)
That's pretty great, I gotta say.
That was my first time.
Did I look like an idiot?
Not that that would be a concern.
It was good, like, there were a couple moments
where I would-
Overall, not a bad experience.
We're always looking at, what is the improvement
that we need to get to to get to the consumer market?
There are still a few more things to go
before it's consumer ready.
We're still trying to figure out, what is VR input?
Also, right now, we're keyboard and mouse or a gamepad.
What is VR input?
And it's probably more limb-hand oriented.
Everybody has that wish, within a few seconds,
they wish they were closer to the holodeck.
We do too and we wanna get it there for the consumer version
Oh my god, you are mad men.
[Oculus Spokesman] What do you think of that?
Somehow, I'm actually really, really here.
Really here.
And I know that I'm talking to people who are
in this room, but I've kind of mentally lost the topography
of this room.
Oh no, I'm going to die!
So what do you think?
I'm just gonna keep stoned guy in my peripheral vision
over here, he's not doing anything, okay.
Man, this would make plane flights pass by so quickly.
Like, the room that I physically am sitting in right now,
I kind of forget what it looks like.
[Oculus Spokesman] Welcome back.
That is crazy.
No words, honestly no words, I've been hearing about this
for a long time, but finally get to experience it
is a whole other thing.
And I've used the Oculus Rift before, but when they
slid that HD 1080p headset down over my eyeballs,
it was like actually being there.
Oculus kind of wants consumers to wait for the
full-on HD version, they're gonna make some more tweaks
to it when they release it to the public.
And I understand the curiosesity and my Sony people
snapped up those developer kits off Kickstarter
when it launched
Oh sure, yes.
But, trust us when we say, that polished version,
seeing that 1080p, you're gonna wanna wait for this.
It's a quantum leap over the development kit for sure.
Now we still don't know when Oculus is gonna be releasing
the Oculus VR headset,
but they're gonna do it when it's done.
Thank you very much for watching GameLife, we have
been checking out the Oculus VR, thanks for being here.
Starring: Chris Kohler, Peter Rubin
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