Top Five Video Game Storylines
Released on 05/08/2013
(light airy music)
Today on Game Life, it's our top five games
with stories in them.
I do like stories.
Don't you?
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That's right you are watching the all new
Game Life podcast in our brand new studio.
So here's the thing.
It is two months, almost two months out
from the release of Bioseshock Infinite.
And man, I am still thinking about it.
And I really wanted to discuss it with you today,
Peter Rubin, but for some reason,
you haven't finished Bioseshock Infinite yet.
I'm taking my sweet, languorous time with it is why.
But. But.
While I haven't finished Bioseshock Infinite
and thus we cannot speak about Bioseshock Infinite
for fear of spoiling me to the experience,
it did put us in mind of the roll of story
in video games.
So we present to you,
our top five favorite stories in video games.
Now before I get into this,
I actually wanna make a quick distinction
and that is between story and writing.
Obviously, writing has gotten so incredible in recent years.
So much of that is studioses and developers
placing a premium on writing,
bringing in big name writers,
but story to me is a different beast.
It's a combination of world building,
and dialog, and characterization and just--
You can have a great story without saying a word, right?
It's not necessarily about writing lines of dialogue.
It's funny you say that because my number five
is actually a tie between Machinarium and Limbo.
Now, these are two very small games.
Limbo was a downloadable that started on Xbox Live Arcade,
and Machinarium was a PC and an ioses title.
Both were immersive moving experiences
that didn't need a word of dialogue
to get their point across.
Funny that's your number five
because my number five is something
with nothing but dialogue.
My number five is Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
for the Nintendo Game Cube.
I think that it needs to be mentioned here
because I think it's a very underrated game
in what it did with it's story.
You played as like 12 different characters.
It was a sort of an ode to Lovecraft,
this sort of Cthulhu style horror story
that, I mean, I don't think anybody
had really ever experienced anything like this
on consoles at that moment.
That's a fair point, and for number four,
in a similar, kind of contextual vein,
I wanna talk about a game that kind of redefined
what story could do.
And so my number for is Telltale Games, Walking Dead saga
from last year.
That's just your number four?
I think if it were an original IP,
I might rank it much higher,
but this was a licensed property.
This is something that was already
at the forefront of pop culture,
so it was already enough in the zeitgeist
that this was almost an incremental change
rather than an exponential one.
But what it managed to do in the emotional impact
of a video game, I think was unparalleled.
You know what, we'll talk a little bit more
about The Walking Dead later then won't we?
I have a feeling we will.
I think so.
My number four is actually the game Portal.
A lot of the story of Portal was kind of like
in the background of Portal the entire time.
You know, you really had to like stretch your brain
to kind of figure out what was going on
because there was only one character in Portal, GLaDOS,
who ever actually spoke.
But it's all there for you to find.
Well maybe let's not talk about Portal too much
because we're going to be talking about it in a little bit.
Okay, sounds good.
Instead maybe let's just move on to my number three.
Okay. Which is Grim Fandango
from Tim Schafer.
Now, on sheer inventiveness and world building alone
this made it on my list.
I mean this is a cross between film noir imagery
and Aztec mythology.
You are essentially a private eye investigator
who is wandering through purgatory looking for your man
before everyone gets to the final underworld stage
of their demise.
So obviously the Lucas Arts adventure games
and the Sierra adventure games,
that whole family of point and click games has great stories
and that's why I'm gonna put at number three,
Telltale's The Walking Dead.
Even though it is a licensed property,
I had not seen one episode of the television show
before I started playing The Walking Dead.
And so for me, it was just,
The Walking Dead game was just The Walking Dead game.
The way that it just pulled you into that story
and put you into the roll of that main character,
it did something that I don't think any other game prior
to it had pulled off,
that great trick of making you care about the characters
in that game.
And the fact that there were all these videos
on YouTube.
Oh, yeah!
People, the camera on them,
as they played through and saw the consequences
of their choices born out as they played.
What's she putting her hand in her pants for?
(gunshot blasts)
Oh my god, are you serious?
I would have loved to have seen all of this
for people who were playing some older games.
So that, you know, Grim Fandango
if they were playing that for the first time,
what their reactions would have been.
I would like to see that same thing for my number two
which is Bioseshock from Irrational Games.
The first Bioseshock,
from the moment that you happened on that island
and descended in the bathysphere,
you had no idea what was in store for you.
All you knew is you were somewhere
that a video game had never taken you before,
and how the game just mounted
layer on layer.
The fact that there was such
overt political overtones in it.
I mean just everything about it was absolutely apocal
and pivotal for me.
Right, yeah, who know they were gonna make a video game
essentially about its creators' disagreements with Ayn Rand
of all people.
So my
number two
that is again a game that is a product of its time.
It's Final Fantasy VI
for the Super Nintendo.
Gotta represent the Final Fantasy games in here,
especially, Final Fantasy VI at this point.
This was in 1994 when this game came out, okay?
And here was an actual story about characters
that they didn't feel like cartoony caricatures
that some many role playing games were dealing with
at this point.
They actually really felt like it was telling the story
of this group of human beings.
They took the Super Nintendo and just squeezed
so much juice out of it to make it look so beautiful.
And again in 1994 for that to happen,
that for me was mind blowing.
That instant for me was just like,
I cannot believe that video games can do this.
Absolutely, so my number one is The Orange Box
from Valve, and I'll tell you why.
That's not even a video game.
Is it not a video game.
It is Team Fortress 2, the original Portal,
and Half-Life 2 and it's other episodes.
Okay. Let me tell you why.
What Portal one did, it had one voice actor.
And then it had the mystery that you uncovered
as you went through the facility.
What Half-Life 2 did, Yes.
was give you a first person shooter
that was a transformation of a human being.
Just every minute of that game was
an absolute altering experience for me.
Dedicated to the arc of that character
who you were playing.
Yes. Yeah.
And there's nothing that's a story like that
even Team Fortress 2.
There's a fantastic backstory to this
Oh yeah.
that you pick up on if you play this as a fan of the game.
Right, yeah, yeah.
It's all buried, and it rewards scrutiny.
And that's why for me, Orange Box is my number one.
Okay, well, we may have already mentioned my number one
because my number one is, in fact, Bioseshock.
[Peter] Ding ding.
I would totally put this at the top of games
with stories that just absolutely captivated me.
Bioseshock's story, the big twist that it all leads up to,
it's not something that you could guess,
but it's something that changes,
not only your view of the game,
but it actually makes you think
about like the nature of video games themselves.
When you find out that you were a slave,
when you find out that there was a person
in your ear telling you what to do when you did it.
You know as the player of this game, you're like,
Geez, video games tell me to things all the time,
and I just do them.
You know why is it that I just do the thing
the video game tells me to
because there's a voice in my ear?
There's so much to love about Bioseshock
and the way that it tells a story,
and it's like I don't wanna put Bioseshock Infinite
on this list because it's so new.
[Peter] We have sit with it.
[Chris] But I have to say, lightning struck twice
with that game.
Yep, a few months ago, we had a feature in Wired magazine
about kind of the making
of Bioseshock Infinite. We did.
And everything that Ken Levine was putting on this game
and how much of him
and just his entire consumptive palate informed this game
and how all these disparate influences came together
to create this tapestry
that was like nothing gamers had ever seen before.
And he certainly accomplished that.
On one hand,
I'm ashamed that I'm not finished with the game.
On the other hand,
I'm like, why'd you suckers rush through this?
I'm just having a grand ol' time
just painstakingly combing over this thing.
And those are our top fives.
Well, close to, I mean we had a few games in common.
There was lot of overlap.
It was sort of a collective top seven,
but hey, I'm sure that you guys have a lot of thoughts
and opinions too about what games had the best stories
and what games' stories moved you the most.
So let us know, in the comments.
Tell us.
Maybe if you got a great top five list there,
it could end up on a future show.
Who knows?
We're crazy like that.
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Starring: Chris Kohler, Peter Rubin
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