Gameboy Rarities Appraised
Released on 07/08/2013
On this special episode of Game Life I get rid of Peter,
and talk to you about two of the
rarest games on the Gameboy.
[Peter] Help me.
Don't help him, he's fine.
(upbeat music)
Now as many of you may already know
I am an inveterate collector of old videogames,
so what I thought I would do with you guys today
is maybe show you a couple of new games that I have,
give you a few tips on collecting
and yeah, maybe I'll brag a little bit
about some of the best deals that I have ever gotten.
So we're going to take a look at two games today
for the Gameboy family of systems.
First, I would like to talk about Ninja Five-O.
Now as you might gather from the title,
yes this is a Gameboy Advance game
about a ninja who is also a cop.
It's by Konami, it's actually a great game
and that's why it's so desired.
People really want to play it because it's really
one of the best action games on the Gameboy Advance.
Now, if you just have the Ninja Five-O cartridge,
you are probably going to pay $150.
That is how desired this game is.
If you've got the box and instructions as I do here,
we're talking $300 or more.
People tended not to keep the boxes
and the manuals for their old games,
and that really went double for Gameboy games
'cause people would throw the box out
and take the game with them in the car,
so to have the box and manual for games
like this becomes really important.
Now how much did I pay?
Wasn't 300 and it even wasn't 150.
I actually found this in a secondhand store
in Boston for 12 bucks a couple of years ago
and boy, did my eyes bug out of my head when I did.
Now let's take a look at one more game.
This is Kid Dracula and it is
for the black and white Gameboy.
As you might imagine, you play a little tiny
version of Dracula running around a castle
and setting fire to bats or whatever it is
that a child Dracula would do.
This as you might notice is also by Konami,
and because it stars Dracula you might guess
correctly that it's a spinoff of the
very popular Castlevania series.
So if you don't have Kid Dracula on the Gameboy,
your collection of Castlevania games is not complete.
Kid Dracula was done with a really low print run,
and again people really want to play this game
which means that the cartridge itself is gonna
set you back about 50 bucks.
Here's the kicker.
The box and the manual in good condition like this
is worth $400 or so.
Where did I get this, you ask?
I actually found this in a videogame store in Manhattan
that is known for having really high prices
on everything, but here's the trick guys.
When you go into a high priced videogame store,
don't immediately get bummed out.
They have to be right every single time
they price something, but you only have
to get lucky once.
Look up the prices on everything
and you might catch a deal like I did with Kid Dracula.
I paid $50, but it's really worth about eight times that.
And those are two of the coolest
videogame items out of my collection.
Now what I want to hear from you guys
is about the best deals that you've ever gotten,
so make a video response to this, drop it in the comments.
Show me some of the best deals you've
ever gotten on old videogames, and hey
if you've got a videogame where you really
don't know if it's worth anything, what it's worth,
make a video response, show it off, and ask
and if I can, I'll get in there in the comments
and let you know what I think it would go for.
(upbeat music)
Starring: Chris Kohler
Ninja Five-0, Kid Dracula, and Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge game clips ⓒ Konami Digital Entertainment
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