Veronica Belmont on Fake Geek Girls
Released on 06/13/2013
So, I do kinda wanna ask you,
you know, I have you here now.
I keep hearing this thing bandied around
that kind of makes me a little bit upset.
When I hear people accusing others
of being fake geek girls.
Oh, this topic? Okay.
[Chris] Yeah, I'm sorry to, I don't know, I've...
She's overjoyed to discuss this again.
You seem so happy to discuss this.
(Veronica laughing)
Maybe I've walked into a minefield on this one.
It's kind of a minefield.
I think it's silly.
Geeks, and nerds,
and people who love this kind of content,
people who love video games, and comic books,
and sci-fi fantasy novels, and all that great stuff.
We love it because we're passionate about it,
and I think to judge other people
who want to get into that kind of content,
and keep them out of it, like,
I don't think that's fair.
I think, you know, if we love it,
we should be willing to share it
with the rest of the world.
Well, there's almost a defensive exclusivity.
It's an extension, weirdly, of a hipster mentality.
Oh, we were here first.
[Veronica] Right.
We've got cred, we already planted this flag.
If we see you as a newcomer...
Ignoring the fact that, for example,
I was on your your profile,
and you have owned every Nintendo console ever made.
(Veronica laughing)
Obviously a Coleco.
No Atari, but I'll take that up with you another time.
No, I was on Team Coleco.
I do actually have fond memories
of playing Cabbage Patch Kids
on Coleco at a friend's house.
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Actually, I'm pretty good, I'm gonna say, at Smurf.
[Veronica] Nice.
(upbeat music)
You guys are watching the brand new video version
of the Game|Life podcast right here on YouTube.
You should subscribe.
I did.
I'm not hosting this, right?
[Peter] No. I think that's us.
[Chris] No, I feel like it's us.
[Veronica] I can't do any more shows.
Starring: Chris Kohler, Peter Rubin, Veronica Belmont
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