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Dream Answers The Web's Most Searched Questions

Prominent streamer and Minecraft maestro Dream visits WIRED to answer his most searched questions on the internet.

Dream's EP, to whoever wants to hear, is available now.

Released on 10/05/2023


Hi, I'm Dream,

and this is the WIRED Autocomplete Interview.

[upbeat music]

I like to say that I'm 6'2.

[upbeat music]

Did Dream put the mask back on?

Kind of. It just depends.

I wanna make sure that I still have the mask.

I love the mask.

It's great, and what it stands for is amazing.

So if I'm just being Dream, or I'm, you know,

I wanna represent that part of myself, then I wear it.

So it's kind of a 50/50.

So I guess yes, but no.

What is Dream SMP Minecraft?

SMP stands for is survival multiplayer.

And Dream SMP was a server that I started

with a bunch of my friends,

and it just became a bigger and bigger thing

with like, role-play.

And it was almost like people would watch it kind

of like an anime.

There was villains, and I was one of them.

Is Dream SMP scripted?

Yes, yes, Dream SMP was scripted.

There was a lot of improv,

and there was a lot of moments that happened.

And sometimes we would plan out like,

all right, well, we don't know exactly what will happen.

We want these key points.

We have like, this person's gonna die,

and we don't know exactly how yet.

And then we just kind of go through

and let things go as they do.

So yes, it was scripted, for sure.

Did Dream go to college?

I have ADHD, so I always struggled in school.

I was always like, from a pretty young age, like,

I'm not going to college.

My parents would always be like,

Well, you need to do something

if you're not gonna go to college.

So I was like, All right,

I'm gonna get certifications and try and learn.

So I learned to code.

I got a bunch of like, technical certifications.

And so no, I didn't,

but I tried to make up for it in other ways.

Is Dream a Minecraft god.

Yes, I'm a Minecraft god.

You should not mess with me. You'll lose.

Where is Dream Minecraft from?

I'm from Orlando, and Dream Minecraft's

from me trying to say dream on and inspire yourself, so.

When Dream started playing Minecraft.

Around 2011, 2010 there was a server MCPVP

that I think was the first server I ever played on,

which I think opened in 2011, if I remember correctly.

Very, very long time. Too long.

How fast did Dream,

okay, beat Minecraft?

I think almost anyone could beat Minecraft in four hours

if they put enough like, practice into it.

But it's a little harder

when you have people chasing you down or something.

I've beaten it in, you know, 20 minutes or so.

I've beaten it in an hour or four hours.

Probably the longest ever taken was,

you know, six or seven hours, so.

How to get into the dream dimension

in Minecraft?

There's no dream dimension.

So maybe there's a mod that has a dream dimension

or something, but I wanna know the answer to that question.

So we'll have to have a Mojang employee come up here

or something, but.

How tall is Dream Minecraft?

Can I stand up?

I like to say that I'm 6'2.

So I'm 6'2.

I think in shoes I'm 6'3.

How old is Dream Minecraft?

August 12th is my birthday.

I just turned 24 years old. 1999.

How did Dream get famous?

I quit my job when I had no subscribers,

and I posted my first video in July of 2019.

So I tried to treat it like a job.

I was like, All right, well,

if I actually wanna make it a job,

then I need to treat it like a job.

So I put, you know,

at least eight-plus hours a day every day into it

for a long time.

I studied, I planned,

I came up with ideas and tried different things.

I spent like, every waking hour for months and months

and months just editing and recording

and coming up with ideas.

And it was a little bit of luck

and a little bit of skill

and a little bit of, you know,

a little bit of everything kind of mixed in together.

How did Dream and Sapnap meet?

We met on a server called MCPVP.

It's a Minecraft player-versus-player server

that you would play like,

there was Hunger Games,

and you would fight other players in it.

Because it was the Hunger Games, you can make teams.

And he typed in chat, Type 123 if you wanna Skype team,

and I replied and said 123.

And we were friends ever since.

And now we live together 10 years later, so.

How did Dream escape the prison?

I was broken out by the one and only Technoblade.

It's funny 'cause like, behind the scenes, like,

me and Awesamdude worked together on that prison.

It was our baby.

We came up with all the like, mechanics and the redstone

and all the different ways.

Like, no, we're having it like, suspended in lava,

and you're not gonna be able to,

it's a impenetrable prison.

And then Technoblade, of course,

comes around and just outsmart me,

even though he was saving me in the actual lore.

What does Dream play Minecraft on?

I play Minecraft on PC.

I guess you can technically play Minecraft

on almost anything.

Your phones, Xbox.

I like more control,

and you can aim better and stuff, in my opinion.

So I like the PC.

What is Dream's FOV in Minecraft?

So FOV stands for field of view,

and it's like, zoomed in your screen is, I guess,

when you're playing.

Mine is 90.

Why is it 90?

I don't know, it's just my preference.

So I just messed with it.

And then all my friends have it as 90 now

because we agreed when we were making videos.

We were like, Let's keep it consistent.

So if you're watching everybody's perspective,

you can see all the same zoom, I guess.

So there you go.

You wanna be like me? Make it 90.

What version of Minecraft does Dream play on?

I play on the latest version of Minecraft.

I used to only play on like, 1.8 and 1.7,

which were older versions of Minecraft.

And then I actually realized

that most of the world other than like,

multiplayer servers play on the latest version.

And so I was like,

If I want to get more views on my videos,

I probably should play on the one that most people play on.

What is Dream's, this is a long one,

fastest Minecraft speedrun?

I don't know.

I mean, I know like,

probably in my videos you're talking about like a manhunt.

The quickest I ever did a manhunt like, against my friends,

which is a series I do where I'm like, speedrunning,

and I have my friends trying to stop me.

And I think I'd probably say it's probably

about an hour 45 or something,

if you're talking about with like,

three or four players chasing me.

And then by myself, I think it's around like 20 minutes.

What is Clay Dream's last name?

That is a secret. We do not speak of that.

Why is Dream so good at Minecraft?

I think it's a lot of practice.

I've played Minecraft since I was literally 11 years old,

and I've put in hundreds

and hundreds of thousands of hours into the game

and played way too much Minecraft.

Way more than I want to admit.

Why did Dream quit Minecraft?

I didn't quit Minecraft.

I'm doing a little bit less Minecraft recently

'cause I've been making music and doing other things.

Definitely didn't quit,

and I don't think I ever really will 'cause it's a sandbox.

You can pretty much do whatever you want.

So I can never really get bored of it.

Why does Dream have a crown Minecraft?

That is very heartwarming.

I'm surprised that's a Google result.

I actually just recently removed the crown

from my Minecraft skin.

I put it on after Technoblade, who is another friend of mine

and a Minecraft YouTuber that passed away.

He had a crown on his skin,

and I wanted to put it on my skin to honor him.

And then I just recently published a tribute related to him,

and I thought that it was worthy to retire the crown.

It had been a year.

You know, give it back to him,

'cause he's still, you know, he did beat me, so.

Dream Minecraft Guinness World Records.

I have two of them.

I have a Guinness World Record for the most subscribers

for a dedicated Minecraft YouTube channel.

I got it when I had 29,900,900,

and I was like, No.

So they gave me a new one on the dot at 30 million.

So I have it at 30 million.

Dedicated Minecraft YouTuber with the most subscribers.

And I have the most viewed Minecraft gameplay video.

I think I got it when I was at 103 million

or something views.

There's my two Guinness World,

and they're hanging out on my wall, so.

Did Dream win a Streamy?

Yes, I have won three Streamys.

I just won one in person for the first time

for Gamer of the Year.

I think I've won Gamer of the Year three

of the last five years, which is very cool.

I love the Streamys.

Thank you, Streamys.

Here's a long one.

Dream Minecraft versus five hunters.

I did a series called Minecraft Manhunt

where I tried to speed one Minecraft,

and my friends tried to stop me,

and I just added more people.

I did like a little, you know, series,

like, kind of, like, you know, the NBA finals,

something like sports,

where it's like, you do best of three or best of five.

Five hunters was the final one.

The videos are getting tens of millions of views,

30, 40, 50, 60, 70 million views,

and I was like, Let's end it when we're on top,

and let's end it with a bang.

The five hunters grand finale was the final video

in Manhunt series.

Might do a reunion one at some point,

but at this point it's already been, I think,

over a year since the last manhunt.

Are Dream's Minecraft manhunts scripted.

No, they're not.

But there's a lot of things that definitely can,

that people would be like,

Oh, that's like kind of scripting in a way.

We have like, certain rules that make it more fair,

but also make it more interesting for the viewer.

And then I also do a lot of little editing tricks.

So a lot of times if like, we're recording,

and I've already done a trick or something,

I have the audio recording

from when I did that trick the first time.

And so that will be in the video.

That way the viewer's experience is the same

as the hunters was the original time.

Dream Minecraft friends.

My biggest friends are all the ones on my YouTube channel.

You know, GeorgeNotFound and Sapnap are my two best friends.

But other than that, I mean,

yeah, BadBoyHalo and Antfrost

and Awesamdude are three of my good friends.

They're in my YouTube videos.

Most of my friends I feel like

that I'm closest with are my friends

that I played Minecraft with since I was like 10.

And we were all like, friends before we were YouTubers,

and then we became YouTubers together.

Dream Minecraft Unsolved Mysteries.

And that's a series I did on my channel a while back

where I just did like,

kind of a, you know, parody of Buzzfeed, in a way,

where I did like, little mysteries in Minecraft.

I was like, you know,

did PewDiePie like, revive his dog

and lie about it in his video?

Or like, why is Mojang not adding sharks?

Like, these silly little things,

but make them interesting and dramatic.

And that's kind of my flair has always been,

is kind of, you know, dramatizing things

and making them kind of movie-like and interesting.

But it's still there. You can go watch it.

Dream Minecraft BedWars.

I'm pretty decent.

I'm definitely not great at it.

You really need like, a lot of...

There's some people that are crazy at it.

I guess in that instance I'm not a Minecraft god.

Dream Minecraft enemy song.

I've done like little song parodies.

Like, I sang like

♪ Under the tree ♪

instead of under the sea and stuff.

So I might've done something like that

in a video that people were like, Oh, I want that.

And none of my songs are about Minecraft

or have Minecraft enemies.

So that's a mystery, I guess.

Dream Minecraft tour.

I am actually on a tour right now.

I'm currently doing a music tour

where I'm going to a bunch of places.

Show's been going great.

Yeah, I mean just was in DC the other night.

I have New York.

And improving each time, so practice makes perfect.

This was Dream, and that was really interesting.

A lot of them were very like, insightful,

and I guess there was a couple of heartwarming ones

that I would not have expected,

you know, from Google results.

So that's it for now.

[upbeat music]

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